New Party Emerging Out of Election 2016 Ashes!?!

Carlsbad, CA
November 13, 2016

by Rich Scheck

I told you so:

2016 was the year the left and right should have come together around a limited
agenda of peace, economic fairness and resistance to globalization in the name
of the vast middle class at the heart of American life.

But, by virtue of a profoundly corrupt DNC led by Debbie Wasserman Schultz
and a far too timid Bernie Sanders, the Democrats nominated the deeply
divisive Hillary Clinton which allowed Donald Trump to step up and steel vast
numbers of voters a la the Reagan Democrats of 1980.

Trump’s victory was clearly foreseeable and would have been a slam dunk
following Hillary’s nomination but for the completely co-opted MSM which
pounded away at the him for the full 18 months of his candidacy.

I reluctantly called it wrong after the third debate because of that and because
Trump failed to go for the jugular during his TV confrontations with Mrs. Clinton.

But the last 2 weeks saw him elevate his campaign with great speeches and
ads that, combined with Comey’s apparent change of heart plus Weinergate,
led to the final collapse of Hillary’s White House dreams.

Now, the Left is stepping up aggressively to rebuke what remains of the Clinton
machine within the Democratic Party, something they feebly attempted to do
during the Convention when it was clear the nomination was stolen from Sanders.

I was repulsed by Bernie’s failure to accept Jill Stein’s invitation to go Green and by
his endorsement of Clinton which I saw as a direct slap in the face to his loyal
supporters who rejected Hillary’s establishment credentials, hawkish ways and
ties to Wall Street.

It is obviously too little, too late for 2016. But the future, possibly including a new
party like the one outlined above, is primed for a true peace party that rejects
American imperialism and demands solutions to the economic crisis that has
impacted so many here at home.

If Trump falls short of his bold claim to perform the miracle of restoring jobs for
his new followers and/or continues the failed foreign policy of US interventions
for regime change abroad, those who voted for him this year will be eager to
turn into the waiting of arms of a redesigned Democratic Party or a new entity
that more fully expresses their needs………such as the American Peace Party!

Anyway you describe it, 2016 was a year of dramatic change and significant
political alignment, the consequences of which will continue for years to come.

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