The Third and Final Debate: Did Trump squander an opportunity?

Introducing Madame President!

October 20, 2016
Palo Alto, CA

by Rich Scheck

As a practical matter, the election is now over!

Donald Trump failed to put his opponent away last night in
the Big Debate in Vegas. Because of that—and so much
else—Hillary Clinton is almost definitely going to be the
first female President of the United States.

Coddled by the media; backed by Wall Street and the entire
political establishment of both major parties; and insufficiently
challenged by her opponents in the primary (Sanders) and
in the general election (Trump), the former First Lady is
poised to be Commanderess-in-Chief!

Trump squandered his chances during the debates due to
lack of preparation on key issues and a wing-it style that
worked well for him in dispatching his 16 primary rivals
but fell far short versus a highly scripted and well prepared
Mrs. Clinton.

In many ways, Hillary has earned what she is about to achieve:
as The Donald said at the end of the second debate, she hangs
in there—she is a fighter.

Had Trump continued his process of educating the public by
going rogue and speaking truth to power on key issues like
Syria and ISIS, where the US is guilty of having created it; or
9/11, which is one of many false flags used by the Shadow
Government as a pretext for more wars and tyranny; or
described the full extent of the Clinton Foundation pay to play
methodology…….had he said those things with clarity and
conviction, he would have finally triggered in the American
consciousness just how much the District of Criminals is in
need of having the swamp drained.

Sadly, he held back, constrained by advisors like Rudy
Giuliani and Newt Gingrich rather than listening to the more
libertarian pleadings of someone like Roger Stone who not
only shares Trump’s outrage at the corruption in Washington
but who is willing to challenge the Deep State aggressively in
a bi-partisan manner that could attract millions of voters.

In the end, Trump yielded to the more cautious approach, only
succumbing to his true instincts pertaining to the final question
by Chris Wallace of whether to accept the election results.

That served his base very well but I think was too little, too late
to save him after his earlier failures to go for the jugular and
paint a clearer picture of the depth of Clinton’s corruption.

So Madame President Hillary Clinton is poised on the threshold
of history faced with a vast array of problems and formidable
challenges that should make any sane person quake or at least
be down on their knees every morning asking for spiritual guidance.

But be careful what you ask for in life, Mrs. C. As both Trump
and Sanders have said: she has poor judgment in so many areas
that her presidency is likely to fail….and fail dramatically.

Not only are the problems confronting her immense; she and Bill
have countless questions to answer regarding their corrupt ways.
Those are likely to increase once they return to the Oval Office
despite any attempts to censor the internet, squash the whistle-
blowers or intimate their victims and adversaries.

Trump is likely to play a key role after his defeat, especially if it is
marred by allegations of fraud. Had Sanders been willing to do
that, he might have had a better shot at winning the nomination.

The Donald is not as timid and will surely continue to upset the
apple cart as the aggrieved outsider that has been so useful in
mobilizing countless disaffected voters the last 18 months.

All of which is to say that the foundation for a new political party
has been laid by the 2016 election. As the perpetual imperial
wars go on and on in the years ahead, draining our budget ever
more and transforming our Republic into a dying Empire, the ability
of the masses to tolerate endless conflicts abroad and incursions on
their liberties will inevitably lead to a collapse of the body politic.

When that happens, someone as bold as Trump but far less
tarnished by personality flaws will emerge to pick up the shield
of leadership and do their best to restore a balance to our once
great society.

We desperately need the revolution in higher consciousness so
many concerned observers have called for in recent years to deal
with the profound crisis we are currently facing:
It would be wonderful if Mrs. Clinton somehow can transform
herself in office and show a higher level of enlightenment that
her words often reflect but rarely her hawkish deeds.

That is something we must work and pray for as the best hope
of creating a better future for our children.

Other references:

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