Ruby Dillon Doesn’t Even Know
Where Her Daughter Lexi Is!
California Courts and Child Protective Services have thwarted
Ruby’s every attempt to find the whereabouts of her daughter
Concerned Citizens for Lexi Dillon
State of the Nation
In view of the liberal outcry and feigned furor about the illegal immigrant’s “child separation” issue, the story of Lexi Dillon is as unbelievable as it is typical of the dysfunctional State of California. The following article provides an excellent overview of this uniquely American horror story — known as Lexi’s saga — which refuses to end.
LEXI DILLON: A Child Victim Caught In An Immigration Holocaust
The egregious breakdown of the Orange County Child Protective Services (CPS) and family court system in California is well-documented in the case of Lexi Dillon. Instead of protecting Lexi, the California CPS has gone out of its way to put her in harm’s way time and again. Ditto that for the presiding judges in this sordid matter.
It’s now June of 2018 and yet the following APB was issued on Lexi Dillon’s behalf 4 years ago in July 2014.
“Lexi Dillon is missing. She was last seen in Tustin, California in July, 2014. It is believed that Mahathep (Matt) Srikureja, a man the Tustin Police tried to have arrested for raping and sodomizing the girl, arranged for handlers to remove her out of the country. Child sex traffickers may have even changed her last name to Srikureja on passports or other papers. If you see her, you can save her. Wouldn’t you want someone to do likewise for your child? The FBI and others are looking for the girl and she could be in danger if she is not found quickly.”
(Source: All Points Bulletin: LEXI DILLON HAS GONE MISSING)
There’s no question that the plight of the missing Lexi Dillon was directly caused by the overwhelming corrupt and willfully incompetent Orange County CPS. Instead of protecting a young innocent child, they have exposed her to all manner of risks and danger to her person. See: Lexi Dillon Case: Exposed Overwhelming Corruption Of The Orange County DCFS
Corrupt Orange County Family Court
Not only is the Orange County Family Court directly involved in the scandalous mishandling of a child’s welfare, the judge whose reprehensible rulings perpetuated this criminal conspiracy was ignominiously removed from his position after a flurry of demands for his termination. Perhaps it was this fateful decision that got Salter terminated from the Family Court bench: Judge Glen Salter Orders Lexi Dillon Sex Trafficked out of U.S.A.
The Family Court under Judge Glenn Salter has demonstrated nothing but a naked failure to safeguard Lexi Dillon. Why this particular judge has made rulings which transparently put Lexi Dillon in great jeopardy is anyone’s guess. However, Judge Salter does appear to work in lockstep with the Orange County CPS as explained in this article: Only in California: Orange County judge ‘deports’ American citizen
The public record alone clearly indicates that Ruby Dillon has done everything within her power to compel the system of child protection in California to simply follow the existing federal laws, state statutes and relevant regulations where it concerns her daughter’s welfare. Nevertheless, the authorities up and down the flag pole have seemingly worked overtime to flout the very clear rules.
The key cog in this machine of institutional child endangerment and abuse is the judiciary. More than any other, it’s the family court system that is controlled by the family court judges which ensures the disastrous outcomes and subsequent cover-ups. In the case of Lexi Dillon, the unscrupulous judges have endlessly colluded with all concerned parties to keep her in an unknown and perilous predicament. See: #PEDOGATE: The California Cesspool of Judicial Corruption is Inconceivable
Many who have assisted Ruby in her quest for justice have even speculated that the courts are participating in a massive child trafficking operation. Their illicit actions (i.e. the judges) and their numerous wrongdoings can only be a reflection of a much darker agenda at work. Are US courts facilitating child trafficking?
Child Trafficking
Because of the close proximity to the child trafficking capital of the world — HOLLYWOOD — both Orange County and Los Angeles County have long been known to harbor and protect those who run these child sexual abuse rackets. This is the very reason why the LAPD is known as the most corrupt police department on the planet. The same goes for the Orange County District Attorney Office. The incumbent — Tony Rackauckas — has even been accused by a former top investigator of wrongful interference and misconduct. Orange County DA Tony Rackauckas Accused of Interference with Investigations, Official Misconduct
“After all, these unimaginable child abuse operations are
implemented — first and foremost — as the primary control
mechanism that keeps American politicians in complete check.”
Source: The Cover Is Blown Off The Ongoing Worldwide C.I.A. Black Pedo-Operation
The critical point where it concerns Lexi Dillon is that all the evidence point to her getting caught up in a child trafficking ring. These nationwide and global crime syndicates have been functioning unimpeded for many decades because of the protection they receive from both federal and local law enforcement as well as the federal and state courts. The institutional playbook is more fully explained in this exposé on Lexi’s case: Human trafficking — American Style: Straight from the Courts to Nations Across the Globe
In order to properly understand the sheer depth and breadth of these global child exploitation syndicates, the following extended essay provides the necessary historical background and current big picture perspective. This factual presentation also spells out why Pizzagate was blown wide open just before the 2016 U.S. presidential election and became such a major global phenomenon as it morphed into the real crime wave against our children known as Pedogate. PEDOGATE: Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened for Deep State and the C.I.A.
Ruby Dillon: A fiercely determined and devoted mother
What makes the case of Lexi Dillon so unusual is that her mother was a practicing dentist while Lexi’s father was a practicing anesthesiologist in Santa Monica. Not only does she possess the resources and connections to make some serious noise about this miscarriage of justice, she has done so with great effect. After all, her many initiatives to save her daughter were instrumental in getting a sitting judge removed from family court.
The crucial point is that if such a heinous crime against a resident by the state can be committed with apparent impunity given Ruby’s standing in the community, what child anywhere in the USA is not susceptible to similar transgressions of law. Ruby was fortunate to be able to create a network of fervent advocates who were willing to support her cause in numerous ways. Some of these folks were, at once, quite experienced with the CPS system, knowledgeable of the pertinent state statutes, familiar with the workings of family court and tremendously dedicated to Lexi’s cause. To say that many of these diligent men and women made considerable sacrifices in the process would even be a gross understatement.
Ruby even had a CA assemblyman working hard on her behalf as follows:
In spite of all these assets and advantages working in her favor, Ruby has been unsuccessful at getting back her precious child. Not only that, SHE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW WHERE LEXI IS TODAY.
Ultra-Liberal California Rages On About Separated Children
What’s so ironic about the saga of Lexi Dillon is that it has all transpired within the state of California. While the Democratic legislators in the Sacramento statehouse rage against the Trump administration for separating illegal aliens from their children at the border, mothers like Ruby Dillon are unlawfully separated from their daughters and sons by corrupt California courts and CPS criminals statewide.
The utter hypocrisy of these Left Coast liberals that’s associated with their hollow protestations about “child separation” ranks right up there with the worst this nation has ever seen. The predominantly Democratic judiciary and political appointees throughout the Department of Social Services, which oversee the county CPS offices, are completely responsible for this ongoing social catastrophe. And, yet, some of these high-ranking bureaucrats are among the very same talking heads featured on the MSM platforms across the country screaming about today’s highly controversial ‘separations’ issue.
The trauma inflicted on Ruby and Lexi Dillon by the state of California is only one extremely glaring example of thousands that occur daily. The grim reality is that this family destroying dynamic takes place to varying degrees in major urban areas across America. Big cities and metro counties are especially breeding grounds for these types of child exploitation rackets because that’s where the demand is for vulnerable children. The political and legal machinery is also in place there to sustain and protect these professionally-run criminal conspiracies.
B E W A R E: The Institutional Abuse of Lexi Dillon Can Happen to any Child in America
The bottom line is that parents everywhere need to come together to demand an end to the tyranny that Child Protective Services and Family Courts have been getting away with. Every parent ought to be aware that every child in the community is in need of protection from those agencies which imperil rather than protect. Only when there is a sufficient groundswell of protest against the draconian CPS and Family Court system will the politicians be compelled to act appropriately.
The bottom line is that Lexi Dillon could be anyone’s child in today’s society. No child is immune from being run through the gauntlet of searing indignities and cruel deprivations that she has experienced to date. Which is exactly why LEXI DILLON Must Be Saved: She could be YOUR child!
Action Plan
Many good souls have been asking what they can possibly do to help. First and foremost, all concerned can get on their knees, put their hands together, AND PRAY LIKE THERE’S NO TOMORROW. Lexi may very well feel like there is no tomorrow. Let’s all pray that the good Lord will let loose a shower of grace and blessings to keep her strong.
Secondly, all well wishers can help us disseminate this heart-rending story. Feel free to blitz the social media, especially Facebook and Twitter. Here’s a Facebook page that can be circulated far and wide: Bring Lexi Home Now.
Thirdly, the reader will find many informative links in this article that flesh out the skeleton of this real life narrative. Please post them wherever appropriate, especially on the Facebook pages of every politician in Southern California. Supporters can also send these links, including this post, to all the public CPS emails in Orange County, as well as to the Family Court judges throughout the greater LA area.
Fourth, there will soon be a multi-media campaign kit assembled that will include various platforms to suit everyone’s preference. In this way the YouTubers will have a video to view and distribute, the radio folks will have a radio interview to listen to, and the Instagrammers will have a montage of photos that poignantly tell this story. Likewise, there will be a Twitter account to consult in order to keep up with weekly developments on Lexi.
Lastly, there is much that Ruby Dillon must do to free Lexi from wherever she is being confined. The overall strategy is to saturate the Alt Media with this story in different formats. Ruby will require assistance from Internet crackerjacks to do this effectively. Hence, the following email is being made available for those who wish to lend a helping hand in any capacity: [email protected]
Our deepest gratitude to everyone for their spirit of generosity. Both Lexi and Ruby thank you from the bottom of their hearts.
Concerned Citizens for Lexi Dillon
State of the Nation
June 19, 2018
Recommended Reading
Why has Ruby Dillon not been allowed to even see her daughter?
Orange County CPS Is the Latest to Facilitate Molestation and “Disappearing” Children