Will Hillary Drop Out?

Blaine, WA
August, 9, 2016

Tim Kaine For President: Will Hillary Drop Out?

by Rich Scheck

Senator Kaine apparently understands the Constitution in ways Hillary Clinton does not:

How refreshing to see that a Democrat other than Tulsi Gabbard gets that it is the
role of Congress to declare war and authorize the use of force…….not the President!

Clinton’s hawkish foreign policy has been one of the hallmarks of her time in public life.
Had Bernie Sanders been more aggressive in attacking her poor judgment and high comfort level in using military force to intervene unlawfully in the affairs of other nations, he might have won the nomination outright despite DNC shenanigans on behalf of Hillary.

With Julian Assange breathing down her neck with constant leaks of incriminating material; with Trump unrelenting in his attacks on her integrity; with the alternative media challenging her fitness to serve because of her apparent health problems; and with a host of movies, books and other information describing her corrupt ways, it may just be that it is Hillary, not The Donald, who is forced to drop out before the election. http://revolutionradio.org/?p=140414

If that happens and Kaine somehow becomes the nominee, what a wonderful event that would be should the new candidate fully embrace a more lawful approach to foreign affairs, assuming he could fend off the neo-cons in both parties who drool for more wars. He could return the Democratic Party to its more traditional role as the less aggressive one in terms of promoting regime changes, foreign interventions and American Exceptionalism:

Some even surmise that the Deep State is out to get her despite her obviously being the
Establishment’s (hello Kissinger) pick to lead the country:

As if she didn’t have enough troubles with her health concerns, e-mail scandal, lecherous
husband, charges of Clinton Foundation fraud, unanswered Benghazi questions, a growing
list of dead witnesses, the DNC fiasco, law suits, open government investigations and
going up against Trump to mention just a few of her problems, she now has to explain
the support of the Orlando shooter’s Dad to the media and her supporters.

Kaine would bring a refreshing reprieve to the constantly negative tone of the campaign.
If we are finally rid of the evil Hillary, the public might be able to move away from the
distraction of divisive personalities and focus on policy issues. That might hurt Trump
in ways that would please many different constituencies. http://www.infowars.com/will-smith-hearing-donald-trump-talk-makes-me-embarrassed-to-be-american/

Is it time for Hillary to drop out? Lots of folks think so.

Additional references:





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