Obama pressed for the Uranium One deal with Russia in order to secure the Iranian nuclear agreement
All the evidence points to a massive coverup of corruption and criminality which was necessary for the Obama Administration to finalize the Uranium One deal with Russia.
The Obama Administration’s Uranium One Scandal
Obama, Clinton, the NSC, the FBI, and other concerned parties throughout the U.S. Federal Government all looked the other way while the deal was consummated via all sorts of legal impropriety.
This highly unusual pattern of official misconduct was permitted so that the Iranian Nuclear Agreement could eventually be approved by Obama. The uranium deposits that were acquired by Russia would be the primary source of enriched uranium that Iran needed to continue its nuclear program unabated.
Why, then, is no one talking about this critical aspect of Uranium One? It’s as though everyone on the Democrat side is avoiding it like the plague.
Obama’s legacy
Very few commentators who have made this vital connection between the 2 deeply connected deals—Uranium One & Iran Nuclear Agreement.
Even fewer understand why federal laws were recklessly broken as other serious wrongdoings occurred at the highest levels of government.
That the FBI was fully aware of the situation and even investigating some of the racketeering violations makes the whole scandal even more difficult to understand.
Not only was much of the Executive Branch involved, either directly or indirectly, in the crime spree that defines the Uraniumgate crime, national security was put at risk.
URANIUMGATE: The Queen Bee Gets Stung By ‘The Putin Sting’
Given all of these extraordinary irregularities, there must have been a driving force behind the whole scheme.
Yes, there was the ever-present greed associated with Bill’s pet project — The Clinton Foundation — as there was the political push exerted by Hillary at State.
However, there had to be something much more powerful at work for so many to casually look the other way. That something is:
O B A M A’s L E G A C Y
It has since become crystal clear that Obama was willing to do almost anything to approve and complete the Iranian Nuclear Agreement. His administration even arranged for a $1.7 billion cash payment to Iran to close the deal. This amount was, in fact, transported to Iran in foreign currencies.
This is what some presidents will do in order to cement their legacy. For a deeper understanding of this exploding scandal, the following video offers some excellent perspective:
VIDEO: Here’s Why Obama Aggressively Pushed Clinton Uranium Deal
State of the Nation
October 28, 2017