Will Soros Backed Leftists Disrupt The Trump Inauguration?

Oceanside, CA
December 28. 2016

by Rich Scheck

What a way to start a presidency: it’s bad enough Trump faces two foreign policy crises in the Middle East with the US Senate “99% against him working with Russia” in Syria and the world rejecting the Jewish state’s settlement policies as a violation of international law. http://www.cnn.com/2016/12/27/politics/lindsey-graham-donald-trump-russia/

On top of all that, this is a possible scenario for his January 20th Inauguration:

Anyway you slice it, the tempestuous election in which he defeated Hillary Clinton has
seen no let up during the transition period with every indication that much more drama
is on the way.

The prospect of martial law grows daily; government censorship of the news is now legal
under the just passed NDAA; and the deeply disaffected left shows no signs of going
quietly into the night. https://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=61363

The constitutional crisis that arguably began with the murder of JFK and the Viet Nam War that soon followed after the Gulf of Tonkin incident and which was compounded after the disputed 2000 Bush election victory over Gore and the 9/11 (false flag) attack has reached a new level of intensity.

With virtually all the organized forces and institutions vehemently opposed to him, Trump is left to rally his twitter-fed millions and the scattered populist forces that stand in the way of the globalist agenda he claims to stand athwart.

That task is made ever more difficult by what is outlined above as well as his own failures
in making so many of his cabinet selections from the ranks of Wall Street, the military and
the Christian right.

Having failed to defeat him in the primaries, in the general election, with the recount or
with the electoral college vote 2 weeks ago, will the New World Order minions arrayed
against him with attacks from all directions, finally defeat or at least cripple this political

That is the question we will soon see answered in the halls of Congress, in the national
media and apparently, on the streets of America in the days ahead!

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