La Costa, CA
December 28, 2016
by Rich Scheck
This analysis gets it exactly right about the Sanders campaign for the presidency:
Not only were his promises completely unrealistic, he forgot the most important issue:
stopping our illegal wars!
Then he endorsed Hillary instead of fighting to create a new party to take us far beyond
Clinton and Trump.
Shame on you, Bernie Sanders! You missed a golden opportunity to move the country
away from more wars and towards a higher version of its current self.
Now we see Trump morphing from his populist potential into what so many feared he might become, a petty tyrant:
Had we seen a Rand Paul, a Tulsi Gabbard or even Sanders himself to take on the TPP,
as part of Trump’s cabinet, the president-elects claim to a broader mandate along the lines
I envisioned might have had some legitimacy. Instead it seems to have quickly evaporated
in the haze of increased military spending, the threat of an arms race and the prospect of
new wars that constitute his rhetorical tweets during the transition period.
If the country can survive until 2020, I would love to see someone like Congresswoman
Gabbard emerge as a true people’s champion, opposed to imperial wars abroad and in
favor of fairness here at home: