Eugene, OR
September 17, 2016
by Rich Scheck
While folks are worrying about Hillary’s health and Obama’s
birth certificate, WWIII (which began on 9/11/01) is starting to
heat up again.
The UN Security Council is meeting in emergency session to deal
with the attack by the US on Syrian Army forces in apparent
co-ordination with ISIS and in violation of the ceasefire hammered
out by Kerry and Lavrov a few days ago.
As the folks at Global Research, Veterans Today, Information
Clearing House and other researchers have observed, the West
appears desperate to escalate tensions all over the planet and
intensify the friction between the Russian-Chinese alliance and
the NATO/US side pushing the world past Cold War II into a far
more serious situation.
In the days ahead, with the presidential election in the US becoming
increasingly ludicrous and inscrutable, the real agenda remains for
more wars and global unrest………no matter who wins.
The vision of China and the BRICS nations that emerged after the
recent G-20 meeting offers a higher prospect for peace than the one
linked to the US/NATO alliance promoting the Asia Pivot and TPP.
With November 8th fast approaching and three debates scheduled between
the erstwhile candidates, it would be helpful to the electorate if Clinton and
Trump addressed this issue instead of continuing to avoid crucial matters
affecting the fate of the nation.
With Putin banning Soros and the Rothschilds from Russia and with
China poised to replace the worthless dollar with a sound currency,
the future of America remains very dubious.