If so, why is the Obama Administration targeting Russia?
Only the thoroughly corrupt U.S. Federal Government would concoct a scheme whereby Russia would again fall under more economic sanctions for a cyber-security transgression that they had nothing to do with.
The Obama Administration is so reckless and shameless in their disregard of the truth that they have become dangerous in the extreme.
That is not the real problem, however. It is the lack of response from the American people who is truly disconcerting. That the U.S government is permitted engage in so much criminal conduct and act with such impunity is the real cause for concern here.
Russia is blamed again with no evidence and only hearsay
As usual Russia has been tried, convicted and soon sentenced by a government which often long on accusations and short on factual evidence … or any evidence at all. That Russia still takes so much treachery from this corrupt administration ha become quite inscrutable. President Putin even calls the White House rapscallions partners as though he expects them t0 be. Perhaps Russian culture and custom predisposes him to see the potential for good in his American counterparts.
In view of the most recent assault of heaping blame on Russian hackers for the DNC email leak, it can only be said that U.S officials will blame Russia for anything they feel they can plausibly get away with. Their patently false accusation only reveal the folks in Washington as being withy of removal from public office…forever.
it has been rightly pointed out that whenever the U.S government becomes the victim of being outed for this or that crime against humanity, they reflexively go after the whistleblower. First by demonizing them and then by bankrupting them however possible. For these and many other reasons it now takes enormous courage for anyone within the System to report the many crimes being committed against the American people on a daily basis.
In the present case it is now a dead man who can provide the evidence of exactly what went down with the email hack of the DNC. How convenient that he was brutally murdered right in Washington, D.C.
Now the Democrat politicos are screaming bloody murder… only it is Russia who they want sentenced to another round of economic sanctions. Meanwhile the extremely suspicious murder goes unsolved … but very well publicized as a message to all other whistleblowers who might reveal DNC secrets.
State of the Nation
August 12, 2016