It’s Finally Time To Take the Red Pill
by Steve Boyle
American National Service
September 2016
The “mainstream media” has done us all a great favor by coming out in the open to clearly show the American people that they have only been pretending to be the American free press. Their desperate joint effort to subvert the 2016 Presidential Election is the big “tell.”
The obvious question in our minds is: If the “mainstream media” doesn’t work for the American people, then who do they work for? Some of us will still say:
“Oh, they work for the corporate elite, the special interests.”
But increasingly, many of us are connecting the dots one step further: to the “globalists,” which is still a safe term to use in public.
And with that one step further, many more Americans are now ready and willing to take the red pill to see how deep the rabbit hole goes and to learn who the “globalists” and their minions really are by name and deeds.
From TheMatrix: Morpheus and Neo and the Red Pill:
For details:
In fact, the “mainstream media” does not work for the American people——they work for America’s greatest and most deadly foreign enemy.
The “mainstream media” term leads only to the cover story of them being part of our American free press. But how can they be a reliable source of real information and analysis when they all receive orders every day that require them to work together as one to lie, deceive, distract, disorient, and psychologically batter the American public?
If I could choose an image of what the “mainstream media” really is, it would look and operate like this:
It is nothing more or less than a psychological warfare weapon——a massive cannon that lays down a barrage 24/7, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, over decades, and over centuries for one purpose: to isolate the American people and the entire global public in a hermetically sealed bubble of false reality.
Once we come to this realization (and we’re very close), we are going to mount an unstoppable citizens campaign to break up the six mega-corporations that own these “news” and “entertainment” organizations and arrest and bring to justice all their CEOs, all their fake editors,all their fake journalists, and all their fake talking heads for Treason.
*WAR includes conducting psychological warfare operations.
You will never see who, from above, issues the daily instructions for firing this gargantuan psychological weapon. They are pulling the strings at the top of a highly complex, long-established pyramid of global power beyond our view and beyond our imagination because they control ALL the information we ever receive from cradle to grave.
They are a tiny concealed clique of foreign, dynastic banking families in the City of London, with their heavily bribed and blackmailed minions deeply embedded in our most crucial American institutions and in those institutions of all other nation-states across the world.
By patiently developing a condition of increasing debt-dependency, this dynastic set of foreign banking families were the power behind the British throne that our forefathers defeated by force of arms beginning in 1775 at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. And these are the very same British and European banking families who have left a trail of colossal devastation and unimaginable loss of life in their wake by fomenting endless wars and massive social chaos to create vast wealth and to destroy the sovereignty of all nation-states, leading to their one-world government fantasy.
We Americans have closed with and engaged proxies of these foreign banking families four times over the past 241 years:
- Our War of Independence ended with the defeat of the clique-controlled British forces by General George Washington at the Battle of Yorktown on October 19th of 1781 that led directly to the Treaty of Paris signed September 3rd, 1783, which formally ended the War.
2. Our President Andrew Jackson defeated them again beginning in 1834 by taking steps that terminated the charter of the 2nd Bank of the United States, which the foreign banking families secretly controlled. The Bank was finally liquidated in 1841. They attempted to retaliate by arranging for the assassination of President Jackson, which was unsuccessful.
3. Our President Lincoln defeated them again on April 9th, 1865 with the surrender of Confederate forces, when he foiled their plan to break America into two separate, smaller and hostile nations. They retaliated by arranging for President Lincoln’s assassination on April 14th, 1865.
4. Our President John F. Kennedy closed with and engaged proxies of these foreign banking families by moving to: (i) abolish the Federal Reserve; (ii) regain control by the U.S. Treasury of America’s financial and currency matters; and (iii) replace all Federal Reserve Notes with “United States Notes” which were issued as an interest-free and debt-free currency backed by silver reserves in the U.S. Treasury. The foreign banking families retaliated by arranging for the assassination of President Kennedy on November 23rd, 1963. President Lyndon Johnson cancelled the use of the United States Notes, restored the Federal Reserve Notes, and give his full support to the Federal Reserve.
Then, after long scheming, deep deception, and use of massive bribery and blackmail directed at the 63rd U.S. Congress and the manipulation of an inexperienced and naive President Woodrow Wilson, the foreign banking families engineered the passage of the fraudulent and un-Constitutional Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which turned over all the banking and currency control of the United States to them. It is the foreign power-owned Federal Reserve that has masterminded the 100-year “controlled disintegration” of America, which has resulted in the fraudulent $19.5 trillion of national debt and the continuing planned demolition of the American economy and social order.
Today, however, their one-world government scheme is coming apart at the seams amidst an anti-globalist public fury that has begun to manifested itself in the emerging presence of Brexit voters and the Trump supporters, with an overpowering tsunami of the awakened and outraged who are rising up just in back of them.
Don’t bother to call this phenomenon “populist;” it’s the vast majority of us confronting this tiny nest of lower order, sub-species, criminal psychopaths and all their minions——together, a deadly global pestilence——that we are going to dispatch to the netherworld.
They will all be apprehended and brought to justice in American jury trials and those found guilty of crimes against humanity, war crimes, murder, genocide, and other criminal activity will face their sentence:
Permanent Deportation and Solitary Confinement For Life
in a Netherworld Location
Those found guilty and sentenced to deportation and solitary confinement for life will be delivered to various U.S. seaports to be incarcerated in 7 ft. x 12 ft. solitary confinement cells (SCCs) equipped with battery-powered utilities and MRE/water storage, to be loaded inside large steel storage containers for transport by seagoing container ships.
Destination: the North Arctic Ocean.
To Be Delivered To a Distribution Hub in the New Siberian Islands, above the Arctic Circle (upper right at 80 degrees N).
Where the Steel Boxes (SCCs) Will Be Reload Into Smaller Steel Storage Containers and Placed On Small, Shallow-Draft Ships To Be Off-Loaded on Barren and Quarantined Ice Islands.
Then, Tractor-Towed to Permanent and Widely Dispersed SCC Pads
There, the SCCs will be positioned on their individual, widely separated pads and plugged into their support storage units containing battery-powered utilities, MRE and water dispensers, and surveillance equipment.
Important Clarifications:
First, the American National Service website is offered as an educational and reference source for the benefit of our next generations and other interested parties. The perspective contained herein is not presented as the final and conclusive word on the subject of “How the World Actually Works and Who Is Pulling The Strings At the Top” because this material is subject to verification in the course of full criminal investigations. The perspective is just one reference point the readers can use to help develop their own personal perspectives of the social and economic dilemma that surrounds them and what to do about it.
Second, the perspective presented in this website presents the notion that there is a concealed clique of foreign, dynastic banking families located in the City of London that is the root source of America’s dilemma and the dilemma of the global population. This notion includes the view that the clique has junior partners, namely, American families of great wealth who are the core of the betraying American Eastern Establishment. Moreover, the notion includes the existence of many Israeli Trojan Horse minions who have embedded themselves in key institutions of targeted nation-states—including America—for the purpose of carrying out the clique’s concealed deadly schemes across the world. While considerable research supports this notion, verification by future criminal investigations is necessary. Accordingly, all individuals under scrutiny, as mentioned in this perspective, are to be considered solely as “persons of interest” at this time and in those upcoming investigations.
Third, when subjected to public scrutiny, some of the clique members, their junior partners, and their minions have, historically, tried to hide behind authentic Judaism and deceptively claim antisemitism and hate crimes at work. These individuals who pretend to be Jews are impostors and are not members of authentic Judaism in any way. The colossal destruction and enormous loss of life to Gentiles and Jews alike in the wake of the clique’s deadly and depraved schemes have proven irrefutably that they do not have a religious or humanitarian bone in their bodies. This concealed clique of foreign banking families is nothing less than a deadly global pestilence, a lower order sub-species, in no way identified with, or following the norms of, humankind. Its modus operandi is based on massive fraud, mass murder, global genocide, and unspeakable depravity; the last dregs of a dying feudal order of 10th Century Venetian origin.
Fourth, no statements or information in this perspective are to be construed as recommendations or plans to violate the U.S. Constitution. Accordingly, the key purpose of this perspective is to help the American people reverse America’s dire condition by non-violent means and rebuild America and its economy from the ground up within the bounds of the U.S. Constitution.