The Most Powerful Political Force In America Today
TMR Editor’s Note:
Make no mistake about it: the LGBTTTT Agenda represents the single greatest political force on planet Earth today. The emergence of this highly perverted movement occurred over decades by quite purposeful design. The whole USA has in fact been the victim of a fastidiously implemented social engineering experiment. While the LGBTTT Agenda has been painstakingly executed worldwide, its primary marketing machine finds its home throughout American society.
How did this happen so quickly under the tyranny of the Obama Administration? Quite easily, as Barack Obama himself was carefully prepared to finish the task of turning the United States into the most permissive and promiscuous society in the world. Obama was schooled and trained, brainwashed and mind-controlled to accomplish this particular goal. And so he has … to the chagrin of millions of Americans who are still shell-shocked by his societal blitzkrieg.
Their main formula of success utilized a two-pronged strategy: (i) Anyone who did not go along with the LGBTTTT Agenda was called a hater or labelled homophobic. No matter what an individual’s opinion on this dire matter, they were ostracized by the Political Correctness police should they resist any part of this misguided agenda for any reason. (ii) The other prong of their furtive strategy was to frame the whole sexual transformation of society within the context of compassion and inclusivity … as if giving a 6-year-old child the choice of choosing which gender they wanted to be was serving that purpose. Likewise, if you failed to allow the transgender free use of the bathroom of their choosing, you lacked compassion.
The gender agenda in the war on normality
The LGBT political movement is by far the most powerful and aggressive in the world today. Even the North Carolina governor recently stated they were ‘More Powerful Than The NRA’.
Gay Group ‘More Powerful than the NRA,’ Warns North Carolina Governor
At the end of the day, if the LGBTTTT Agenda is not completely terminated by people of conscience and good will, it will serve to destroy the entire planetary civilization. Yes, that is how uniquely powerful and pervasive this clandestine movement really is. The exposé posted below explains exactly how they did it … and how they continue to do it to US.
Debasing American Society and Corrupting The Planetary Civilization
*(‘Transabled’: A New Group Emerges That Wants To Be Medically Disabled)
W O W ! ! ! Now that’s a mouthful, isn’t it?
The real LGBTTTT agenda at work here is even more of a mind-banger.
Here’s the back story you’ll never read in the MSM, for those who can wrap their mind around it.
Firstly, the LGBTTTT agenda, and those who foist it upon society everywhere on Planet Earth, represent the most powerful political force in the world today. This political juggernaut has been empowered by the TPTB to execute their agenda anyway, anytime, anywhere they so choose. Yes, those who drive it are that drunk with the false confidence that they will successfully implement this global scheme. They are so clearly out of control that it boggles the mind. Please consider the recent US Federal Government and MSM (mainstream media) collaborations, such as the video link below, which reflects this ongoing conspiracy.
Obamacare jumps the shark with ‘gay’ Christmas
Special Note:
The World Shadow Government that really does run the world comes from ancient Illuminati bloodlines that have been seriously inbred over many centuries. These tremendously wealthy and powerful families have everything there is to have, just as they have done everything there is to do. When life gets boring, as it can for the exceedingly rich, sexual perversions become a sport and daily diversion. Many of them practice their sexual deviations whenever they want to as the countless stories on the Internet attest to. The time would surely come when they would decide to come out of the closet. What better way to do so than to normalize ‘anything goes’ practically anytime throughout society? By pulling the levers of governments worldwide and pressing the buttons of the mainstream media, they have normalized the unthinkable in a blink of an eye. In just a few short years the USA was transformed from a devoutly Christian nation into a full-blown Sodom and Gomorrah. How else could this transpire so quickly except with the orders coming from the peak of the pinnacle of the pyramid of worldly power? And everyone knows who sits at the top of that ancient power structure.
What is the true purpose behind the LGBTTTTT agenda?
The agenda, like many similar overarching (and over-reaching) global agendas, has many aims. One of the primary purposes is to normalize every form of sexual perversion and identity abnormality. There is no quicker way to debase a society and corrupt an entire civilization than to pervert the true understanding and use of sexuality. When this sacred energy is so pervasively distorted, the inevitable consequences to society will be catastrophic.
Never mind that the notion of the Nuclear Family was wrecked decades ago. Now they are going after the very sexual identity and self esteem of every human being. They are especially going after the children, the teenagers, the young adults, the rejected, and the loners, who don’t fit in anywhere in society. In this way the movers behind LGBTTTT hope to create the largest support group the world has ever seen. Except that this particular support group has actually become the single most influential political advocacy group, wherever it chooses to operate.
Very few really understand, but the LGBTTTT movement was born out of the need to legitimize the behavior of those who have been marginalized by society for centuries. Once they saw how powerful a group they could become by joining forces, as in L + G + B + T + T + T + T, they have never looked back. Just look at how easily they have gained recognition and acceptance for the once ostracized transgender crowd. Can you imagine that society would go so far as to pay for sex change operations (See Obamacare) for those who simply want it, even at a young and tender age? To permit the utilization of limited insurance dollars so that a few can indulge their highly misguided sex change urges is about as crazy as things can get.
However, it just got crazier. That’s because of the LGBTTTT intention to completely normalize such conduct to the point that the rest of us better not be out of step. If we vocalize our disagreement like Phil Robertson, we had better be ready to experience the 21st century version of the Salem witch hunt. Yes, the proponents of LGBTTTT are that aggressive, unrelenting and ‘unforgiving’ toward anyone who speaks against their perverted agenda. Welcome to the agenda of the Gay Mafia, as Bill Maher calls it.
Transforming Sexual Perversion Into Normalcy
Who would have thought, even ten years ago, that our children would be taught that such sexual perversions would be perfectly acceptable modes of behavior? Who would have ever known that those who speak against the homosexualization of society would be persecuted so ruthlessly? This reversal of roles was part of a very sophisticated plot to undermine society so that only confusion would reign — sexual identity confusion. When a certain degree of social chaos prevails across the land, those who have foisted this agenda on us will have been successful so that the next stage of their social engineering plan can be executed.
Sounds a bit like a conspiracy, doesn’t it? That’s because it is. With all the markings of a sophisticated CIA implementation plan. When you look closely at the MO, which is reflexively utilized by the LGBTTTT folks, you see they took a page or two out of the CIA playbook whenever The Company targets a nation for a staged revolution or engineered coup d’état. Their number one weapon of choice has always been to divide and conquer the citizenry around the most provocative and volatile issues. They are called WEDGE ISSUES. When forcefully driven into the public discourse and political debate, they can polarize and disunify a nation faster than you can say L G B T T T T.
Don’t believe us? Just go to any website, blog or column that has taken up the “Duck Dynasty conflagration”. That’s just what you will witness in the very lengthy comment section of each article/essay. A full-blown societal conflagration in the making. The comments of those who question the LGBTTTT agenda are invariably met with utter disdain, shocking disrespect, feigned anger and/or disbelief, purposeful misinterpretation of crystal clear statements, false attribution of intention and, of course, unrelenting ad hominem attacks.
Quite incredibly, this is the more benign internet behavior routinely exhibited by the vicious and intellectually-challenged LGBTTTT gang. Once they really get going, they are not too unlike a school of piranhas which has just swarmed around a piece of raw meat dropped into the Amazon (See links below).
If this unfolding saga doesn’t scare the pants off you, then you have been sufficiently brainwashed by the MSM tactics that are now operating 24/7 across the entire realm of Western civilization. As an aside (very instructive one), it’s like the daughter of a business colleague of ours, who has been frequenting a college campus of late, and what she incredulously shared with her father. She spoke of the “freak show” that this “regular, run-of-the-mill college” had now become. A place where the vast majority of students are trying out their sexual liberation thing.
You know, the coeds are cluelessly going lesbian . . . or trying bi . . . or contemplating one of the trans alternatives. As though these different sexual orientations are like ice cream flavors to be indulged in for a week, or a month or a year at a time. Such is the fool’s experiment which has now become perfectly acceptable in the college campus social engineering laboratories across the nation.
How do you spell: E N D T I M E M A D N E S S ? !
They have actually spent decades making it ‘cool’ to be BI or GAY or TRANS — like that’s really cool ? ! ? ! ? !
What a bad joke this is! And most don’t get it, which is really scary. Actually the masses are slowly but surely being corralled into the utterly depraved and degenerate world of the new Sodom and Gomorrah. If you don’t believe this, please refer to the many headlines found in the following link. If these authentic stories don’t scare the pants off you again, then … … …
Phil Robertson’s Suspension: Scariest Message Ever Sent In America
This plot to corrupt the American society began many years ago. It has been painstakingly implemented by all the usual suspects that are hellbent on foisting an agenda on the body politic which will ultimately tear the very fabric of society. Once that happens, a critical point of no return will have been exceeded. Those in power know full well the necessity of succeeding in this arena, because of how easy the people will be to control once they come under the LGBTTTT-Spell.
They used every means possible to insidiously disseminate the homosexualized message everywhere they could get away with it. The Mainstream Media (MSM) provides countless platforms and vectors of dissemination their LGBTTTT messages. Many of these are now totally “in your face”; others are very subtle, and some are downright subliminal. The primary vector, of course, is the extremely offensive TV programming, which many quite ignorantly still expose themselves to.
The motion picture industry also does its level best to promote the LGBTTTT agenda, wherever and whenever possible. Neither of these thoroughly depraved media miss an opportunity to offend the sensibilities of the entire nation. Remember Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction during the Super Bowl halftime show in 2004 known as Nipplegate. They even labeled it so as to push the edge of the envelope.
Barack Hussein Obama is the Chief Pitchman Promoting the LGBTTTT Agenda Worldwide 24/7
There is perhaps no greater political platform in the world than the US Presidency to advance the LGBTTTT agenda. Obama has done just that with more energy, time, resources and political capital than any other politician in US history. That he has allocated so much time to this social initiative is quite shocking while the nation suffers through a relentless and middle class-destroying recession. You would think that the implosion of Obamacare would have somewhat diverted the limited influence and precious time available to a lame duck president away from the LGBTTTT agenda and back to fixing the most disastrous piece of legislation in American history. But, no, Obama has his LGBTTTT political priorities exactly where they have been put for him by his handlers.
Let’s be real, American society has fallen victim to the greatest moral bankruptcy over these past 5 plus years than at any other time of its existence. Truly, the social fabric has been torn under this extremely divisive president like no other. What isn’t known is that this state of affairs is part of a much more complex and purposeful social engineering process. Were the truth really understood by the USA electorate, this president would have been impeached years ago. Quite unfortunately, the Republican side of the aisle is just as complicit in the execution of the LGBTTTT clandestine implementation plan.
Now that Obamacare has knocked Obama off his game of incessant prevarication, his MO has been laid bare for all to see. The transparent and audacious falsehoods that he repeatedly uttered in the crass promotion of the ACA should now put the body politic on notice. This ‘president’ cannot be trusted. He especially cannot be trusted regarding any political endeavor surrounding the LBGTTTT programming initiative. His shameless catering to this morally degenerate and socially destructive agenda must be unveiled for the snake oil salesmanship that it truly is.
ObamaNation: Pandering to Illegal Immigration, the LGBT Agenda, Abortion and the Celebrity Culture
NEWSFLASH (Coming in the not-too-distant future):
• All references to the LGBTTTT Agenda will now be made without any biting satire, hilarious humor or dry wit.
• All references to the LGBTTTT Agenda will be made without genuine religious conviction or factual scientific proof … lest you run afoul with the Political Correctness Police.
This is where we are folks. It is literally one minute to midnight before the LGBTTTT cabal has the whole place in lockdown. Therefore, if ever there was a time, or a place, or an issue to rally around, this one — 2016 in the USA — is it.
The very existence of this constitutional republic is in grave danger; the institutions of government and social integrity of the nation are at great risk. And this is where they will remain — in great jeopardy — until people of good will play their part is derailing this out-of-control LBGTTTT train.
“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
— Edmund Burke
Concerned Citizens of the USA
December 23, 2013
Author’s Note:
We grew up listening to a mother who spoke passionately against the accelerating permissiveness of society. She warned us in the 60s about what was coming around the corner so that we would be prepared to deal with it when it showed up in the 70s and 80s. We also grew up hearing a father speak directly to the real consequences associated with ROE V. WADE. He, too, spoke of the moral degeneracy which would result when a nation so casually kills the unborn. He reiterated that the true calamity of legalized and state-sponsored abortion was that it opened the floodgates to the promotion and exacerbation of every other type of social ill and depravity. And so it has.
On a more personal note, the author grew up in a milieu where there was a burgeoning and unabashed homosexual community. It was very clear back in the 70s that this movement was, at its heart, about numbers, unity and strength among its many recent ‘converts’. Believe it or not, most the main advocates at the local level, as well as the leaders at the national level, were about one thing. Corralling as many into their LGBTTTT pen as possible, irrespective of one’s genuine sexual orientation.
The reader needs to understand that the LGBTTTT grouping simply became a HUGE political umbrella. This strategy was absolutely necessary to capture as many bodies as possible. In this way they became a humongous support group for the many rejected and shunned, downtrodden and dispossessed, sexually insecure and sexually curious, morally bereft and ethically challenged, inconfident and doubting souls in need of a shoulder to cry on. That’s not to say that many of these folks did not receive some direly needed attention that really helped them out, because many have been assisted during particularly vulnerable periods of their lives.
However, the dynamic that we observed time and time again, was oriented around recruitment. The movers and shakers were about recruiting as many souls to their misguided mission as quickly as possible. It was always clear that the recruit didn’t even have to be gay or lesbian, bi or transsexual, as long as they were somewhat sympathetic to the core LGBTTTT cause. In other words many individuals, who never had a homosexual bone in their body, converted to the LGBTTTT agenda because of this overarching strategy to increase their numbers to the point where they could mobilize a formidable political force. Upon joining the LGBTTTT-affiliated group, they received immediate protection from the LGBTTTT community and the acceptance they never found anywhere else in society.
In numbers there is strength, especially at the election polls. They have known all along that to attain a critical mass of adherents was all that was necessary. As dumbed down as many sheeple are now, the LGBTTTT controllers may be quite close to their recruiting targets. Regardless, they have already taken over the primary organs of government and mainstream media, which allows them to leverage their money and power and political influence in ways that only DUCK DYNASTY‘s Phil Robertson can firmly attest to.[1]
Can there be a more profound way of corrupting the youth than to mislead them regarding their physical sexual orientation and psycho-sexual development?
Young children are highly impressionable as we all know. Society can perform no worse a service than to expose them to such sexually confusing, morally unsound and socially unfit ideas as many of those expressed by the LGBTTTT movement.
Submitted to: State of the Nation
Editor’s Note
During the years leading up to the establishment of Nazi Germany a very similar social engineering dynamic took place regarding the covert advancement of the LGBTTTT Agenda. The homosexual/bisexual crowd within the German government, military and high society saw their stars rise quite rapidly and inexplicably. Generals who were closet homosexuals were promoted without reason or merit. This exact same phenomenon has been occurring throughout American society during the Obama years. Witness the appointment of the “First Openly Gay Army Secretary” by Obama on November 3, 2015. It was also no accident that openly gay Apple CEO Tim Cook was given such a high and mighty media platform to talk about his executive homosexuality with wanton abandon. It was also no accident of fate that Steve Jobs was killed when he was leaving the reigns of the highest market valued corporation in the world squarely in the hands of a flaming homosexual.
Here’s the real back story to all of these mysterious promotions. The narrative above clearly lays out the profound “rejection issues” which every gay individual will face and must confront during his/her lifetime. The vast majority never get over it and therefore seek acceptance with a vengeance and wherever they can find it. They intuitively know that their behavior is not normal; and that it is not aligned with natural law. Nevertheless, they seek out safe places in which to find comfort and acceptance. Corporate America is now systematically rearranging itself to be not just accommodating to the gay culture and lifestyle; rather, it is giving them an unprecedented preference over heterosexuality. When children movie production companies like Disney push their LGBTTTT Agenda on steroids across the nation, it’s very easy to see how their corporate policies and promotion guidelines had already been radically changed to benefit those who would fervently implement the gay agenda.
In other words, just like Nazi Germany those who were gay/lesbian were very easy to manipulate to carry out orders, especially immoral and/or unlawful orders. This exact same phenomenon occurred in the Soviet Union, particularly during the formative years of Communist Russia. Those early decades saw mass murders take place ordered by the top-tier of leadership and carried out by executioners who were compromised in this very same way. That’s not to say that everyone who aligns with the hardcore LGBTTTT Agenda will act in this manner as many are drawn in unwittingly. Like every collective found within the human family, there are very good people, some very bad people and many in the middle. It’s just that it is during times like these that the homosexual community is quite purposefully and cynically used to do the dirty work of the psychopathic, criminally insane tyrants like Barack Obama and George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice.
This impromptu lesson in psycho-history is not meant to be disrespectful to any group of people. The homosexual community deserves the same rights as the heterosexually oriented. However, when an overwhelming LGBTTTT Agenda reigns supreme across the nation which is fanatically enforced by the Gay Mafia, something is VERY wrong and needs to be corrected post haste before judgment falls upon the land.
Transhuman: When AI and Transhumanism Meet in the Laboratory
[1] Articles regarding DUCK DYNASTY‘s Phil Robertson takedown by the MSM
‘Duck Dynasty’ star Phil Robertson’s views common among Americans – The Washington Post
Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson and family lash back at A&E
The 2014 push-back plan against LGBT agenda
‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Robertson Said ‘Nothing Offensive’
Rush: ‘Mock outrage’ behind ‘Duck Dynasty’ firing