9/11, The Constitutional Crisis and Election 2016

Santa Rosa, CA
April 18, 2016

by Rich Scheck

They just keep coming, folks!

Below are a list of articles about 9/11 in today’s news.
1. https://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=36060

2. http://www.xrepublic.tv/#!911-To-Play-Key-Role-At-Republican-National-Convention/cjds/5714ff550cf2b05e61f416ab (skip first 3 minutes)

3. http://www.bizpacreview.com/2016/04/17/watch-stephanopoulos-in-disbelief-when-hillary-claims-shes-ignorant-about-911-legislation-330093

4. http://www.intellihub.com/report-15-19-hijackers-911-cia-agents/

5. http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/debunksaudis.php#axzz463U05aNd
(scroll down)

6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGeoWQUpJvY

7. http://nypost.com/2016/04/17/how-us-covered-up-saudi-role-in-911/

There’s more but the above should keep you busy, especially if
you are new to the issue and the current re-emergence of it in
the context of the 2016 presidential campaign.

As they say in the news business, this story has legs……..Big Time!

I do NOT know the truth of what happened on 9/11 but believe
the official government narrative is based on lies.

On 9/12/2001, I called for an Independent Commission of Inquiry
to investigate the tragedy.

I contacted Bob Bowman, Mike Ruppert, Peter Dale Scott, Kris
Millegan and others about the need to have a panel of respected
journalists, lawyers and academics provide an honest account of
what happened to avoid the cynicism and distrust that have become
the norm ever since the Warren Commission provided its unbelievable
version of the assassination of JFK!

Sadly, that did not happen and instead we got the belated and tainted
9/11 Commission Report, an official narrative again based on lies.

This is the first time in decades that we have a real chance to make
a breakthrough that can lead to the transformation of our political
system. https://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=35914

To those eager to address the so-called emerging “global warming
emergency” that they see as imminent, I say, please pay attention to
the emergency already extant in all of our lives today.

That is the crisis of political, financial and moral chaos sweeping our
country and planet with daily revelations of massive corruption at the
highest levels of government and business.

We don’t have to wait a few years or decades to see something that
may or may not occur based on problematic science.

We have a real crisis right in front of us now that demands our full
attention and commitment if we are to have any chance of being able
to deal with other matters of importance in the future.

Everyone has a chance to end the Constitutional Crisis by addressing
the Truth of 9/11 during this election cycle.

Please educate yourself and take action now!

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