9/11 Truth Update: CBS To Air Program On 28 Pages Tonight!

San Rafael, CA
April 10, 2016

by Rich Scheck

I just learned a few minutes ago that CBS will have a segment of
60 Minutes tonight devoted to those mysterious 28 redacted pages
in the Senate’s 2002 Intelligence Report on 9/11.

It is difficult for me to get too optimistic that anything substantial will
emerge from the program but one can at least be grateful the subject
will be discussed.

The timing has to be considered suspicious considering it (finally) comes
after all these years of being suppressed only a few days before the big
New York State primary.

Since 9/11 happened in New York almost 15 years ago, it is easy for me
to believe that the airing is designed to have an impact on the election and
will probably constitute some form of limited hang-out regarding the Saudi
involvement in the attack.

We will have to wait a few more hours to see what is shown rather than
engage in any more speculation as to the motive of the producers or the
content of the show.

Hopefully it will have a positive affect and perhaps influence at least one
member of Congress to follow in the brave footsteps of former Senator
Mike Gravel during Watergate and actually read the 28 pages into the
Congressional Record as Gravel and others have suggested.


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