A Mideast Conflagration is Being
Stealthily Set Up by the NWO Cabal
Age-old Sunni vs. Shiite Conflict Has Been Exploited To Destroy Islam and Inflame the “Clash of Civilizations” with Christianity

Armageddon is the biblical battleground where the Anglo-American Axis
(AAA) meets the BRICS-aligned nations in the Levant. As Syria and Iraq
have become the global focal point of the intensifying WW3, the true
meaning of the Biblical Megiddo comes into sharper relief. Just as Israel’s
King Josiah was killed by the Pharaoh Neco king of Egypt at Megiddo, it has
been prophesied that Israel would once again be laid low in its own land
by a modern-day pharaoh.
There is a very good reason why the meme of Armageddon is based on the original conflagration that took place at Megiddo, the site of an ancient city in northern Israel’s Jezebel valley.
Megiddo is also known as Greek: Μεγιδδώ/Μαγεδδών, Megiddó/Mageddón in the Septuagint; Latin: Mageddo; Assyrian: Magiddu, Magaddu; Magidda and Makida in the Amarna tablets; Egyptian: Maketi, Makitu, and Makedo. The Book of Revelation mentions an apocalyptic battle at Armageddon,[1] a name derived from the Hebrew “Har Megiddo” meaning “Mount of Megiddo”. “Armageddon” has become a byword for the end of the world.[1]
This particular region of the world has been a highly sought after for a number of reasons over the millennia. The 3rd Millennium of course is no different. The ancient city of Megiddo, known as Armageddon in Greek, has a storied history for major military conflicts and war. Hence, it has come to represent a place where epic conflicts are either started or resolved. What follows are a few of the famous battles which took place there:
Famous battles include:
Battle of Megiddo (15th century BCE): fought between the armies of the Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose III and a large Canaanite coalition led by the rulers of Megiddo and Kadesh.
Battle of Megiddo (609 BCE): fought between Egyptian pharaoh Necho II and the Kingdom of Judah, in which King Josiah fell.
Battle of Megiddo (1918): fought during World War I between Allied troops, led by General Edmund Allenby, and the defending Ottoman army.[1]
What’s the point?
The critical point is that this part of the world has always been a combustible hotspot. Even during the days of the Phoenician seafarers the eastern Mediterranean coast has been coveted by kings and emperors, pharaohs and generals. The Mideast also serves as a barometer for the true state of international affairs. There is an old saying that goes like this:
“Only when there is peace in the Middle East, can there be peace throughout the world.”[2]
The final conflagration for the current race of humanity has been prophesied over centuries to occur at Armageddon. That does not necessarily mean the exact location of Tel Megiddo, although anything can happen from this point forward practically anywhere in the Levant. The rapidly changing circumstances in Syria especially are both extremely volatile and dynamic. Both sides of the conflict have never been so dug in, although for completely different reasons.
To greatly complicate this evolving WWIII scenario, there are a variety of pacts and treaties which have bound together and torn apart both friends and enemies alike. Loyalties now exist between unlikely partners just as animosities are brewing between scripted allies. The whole Middle East is being set up to explode like a massive tinderbox that has been baking in the Middle Eastern desert for eons. Each day that passes brings formidable obstacles to peace and legitimate justifications to go to war.
This unfolding geopolitical chessboard in the Levant is literally a prelude to the Armageddon — real or imagine — of the Book of Revelation. Truly, what is taking place in Syria at this very moment is a tragedy that has taken on biblical proportions. The final battle is shaping up before our eyes, and yet very few even understand the profundity and enormity of the cascading events.
Polarities and Conflicts Abound
What has essentially transpired in Syria and Iraq and the contiguous countries is that they have become the dumping ground for pent-up hostilities. Even traditional friends are becoming angry at each other on this expanding battlefield. However, the incessant combat is really being incited by those who are not domiciled anywhere near the region. Those powerful nations, which have no reason to be present in Syria, are forever looking at ways to pit Muslim brother against brother.
The primary manifestation of this war-mongering is occurring between the two major sects within Islam— the Shiites and the Sunnis. The Western powers have forever exploited this fraternal tension for the sake of controlling both land and resources, particularly oil and gas reserves. The global hydrocarbon fuel paradigm has seen to it that the Mideast would be the most sought after location on Planet Earth. And so it has been.
Inasmuch as various countries in the region possess vast amounts of petroleum reserves, it has become a magnet for the richer nations. This has become a HUGE problem for every resident of the Middle East. So serious is it that many war refugees now make a long trek northward even avoiding the more familiar destinations of other Arab and/or Muslim nations.
These forced migrations actually see millions of traditional and conservative Muslims leaving their homelands to arrive in a much different European culture. The highly permissive society of Europe is quite foreign to them, yet they continue to migrate to Northern Europe in the hope of a job. This massive social engineering experiment is at the very heart of the purposefully engineered wars.
The racial and religious demographics of the entire European Union (EU) are being deliberately altered in order to create a more malleable supranational state entity. In this way there will ultimately be very little resistance to the totalitarian government that has been inexorably shoehorned into place as the various EU organs of governance. Both Germany and France are being used to implement this NWO agenda. The Paris 11/13 false flag terror attacks are just one example of their methods and tactics. So were the staged Charlie Hebdo terrorist shootings.
Paris Terror Attacks Ordered By The Committee Of 300
Charlie Hebdo is NOT about FREE SPEECH; it’s about inciting World War 3
The historical polarities of the Mideast are therefore being steadily exported to the Eurozone. The conflicts between Sunnis and Shiites are likewise being exacerbated around the globe. The recent payment by Saudi royal family to the Malaysia Prime Minister Najib Razak, as an example, was made in order to buy state oppression of the Shiite Muslims throughout that nation.
The Flames of Religious Tensions Are Being Fanned Across the Planet
Because the fires of religious conflict are being relentlessly inflamed everywhere, the general condition of international relationships has never been worse since the two world wars. This is by purposeful design. Those who scheme to establish a One World Government see a Third World War as their last chance to fulfill their New World Order (NWO). They know that the Mideast possesses the potential to trigger a global conflict, especially the Syrian theater of war.
The NWO globalists are also desperate to pull the plug on the current Global Economic and Financial System as it is no longer sustainable. The markets are all on life support just as the world community of nations is one step away from the 2nd Great Depression. Usually the ruling cabal will trigger the economic collapse or financial crash first in order to soften up the national populations to readily go to war. In this way the chaos of war distracts the people from all the crimes by their leaders, and especially the betrayals by their governments.
HINT: Let’s get serious for a moment. Most of us know by now that the Crash of ’29, as well as the Great Depression that followed, were the main events of an intricately engineered financial and economic Armageddon calculated as a necessary prelude to the real Armageddon known as WWII. Historically speaking, a man without a job, or prospects for employment in his homeland, is much more likely to hire himself out to his guvment as a mercenary fighting in a foreign land. Hasn’t this been their (TPTW)* formula for both war and wealth creation for eons?! Although it has always worked like a charm, wethinks the charm has finally worn out. Yes, that old-fashioned Hegelian dialectic based ‘problem – reaction – solution’ MO has seen its final days. We also think their misbegotten plan to foist WWIII upon us has somehow been thwarted by the real TPTB. Yes, they’ve finally been snookered!
*The Powers That Were [3]
There is no more effective way to instigate a World War than to inflame passions around religious differences and cultural prejudices. Those who are behind this conspiracy to start World War 3 have spent decades creating such an incendiary environment, especially since 9/11. Those false flag terrorist attacks were explicitly carried out by the Anglo-American Axis (see glossary below) in order to inaugurate the fake War on Terror. In this way the co-conspirators have methodically carried out one false flag terror attack after another. As follows:
State-sponsored Terrorism by the AAA:
9/11 bombings of NYC, DC & PA
2002 Moscow theatre siege
2004 Beslan school attack
3/11 Madrid train bombings
7/7 London bombings
2004 Manila Ferry bombing
2005 Bali bombings
2007 Al Hillah Bombings
2007 Yadizi bombings
2007 Karachi bombing
2008 Mumbai attacks
2009 Jakarta bombings
2011 Norway attacks
2013 Iraq bomb attacks
2015 Charlie Hebdo shooting
2015 Ankara twin bomb blasts
11/13 Paris mass shootings
2015 San Bernardino shootings[4]
The Plan for “Armageddon 2016”
Where does this fastidiously fabricated predicament leave the planetary civilization in 2016? Everything that is occurring in the Mideast is leading up to a major false flag event and/or egregious provocation perpetrated by way of a Zio-Anglo-American blackop. The purposeful pitting of Saudi Arabia against Iran, Turkey against Syria, and Israel against Palestine only serves to create conducive circumstances for a major war to break out.
Clearly the CIA, MI6, DGSE, GID and MOSSAD have been hard at work setting up the Levant battleground so that eventually all hell will break loose, just like they did with ISIS. The whole ISIL project has been an integral part of this plan to bring on Armageddon just as the Islamic State caliphate was created by the same co-conspirators. Only through Russia’s entry into the Syrian War was the Zio-Anglo-American deception laid bare for the world to see.
Putin Goes Ballistic In Syria, Obliterates The USA’s Secret ‘Mideast Strategy
There can only be one conclusion to this very concerning development in the Mideast. The whole human race stands on the precipice of a planet-wide cataclysm. Although the battlefield has been painstakingly constructed, the war can only happen if the warriors show up. Thus far, many have appeared on the fringes of Armageddon, both literally and figuratively. Still others are on the battleground in full combat gear, some getting annihilated as this article is written.
Should those Middle Eastern nations such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia be goaded into war by their Anglo-American overlords, there’s no telling what can happen. Putin’s Russia along with Iran are determined to hold the line against anymore attacks on the sovereign nation of Syria. Therefore, one thing is very clear: Should the AAA choose to use their cat’s paws in Syria, they will be chopped off. What happens after that is anyone’s guess.
The immediate future will be determined by whether the sane or insane prevail in both Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Both nations have proven repeatedly that they are ruled by madmen and psychopaths of the highest order. Hence, the only way out of this demanding plight is divine intervention. The best way to draw the grace necessary to resolve this conflict is prayer and fasting, meditation and repentance.
Through a global prayer initiative the devastating calamity of a World War III can be averted. It’s quite true that “deus ex machina” can manifest at any time, in any place and in any way. For those who know the scriptural prophecies by heart, perhaps it’s time for them to understand that even Armageddon can be avoided. The Apocalypse can only become a reality if enough incarnated souls will it into existence.
Lastly, it is crucial for humankind to comprehend the notion that “prophecy is uttered to avert catastrophe, not predict it”.[6]
For those who are unaware the following link explains in graphic detail what the world community of nations ought to be doing its level best to avert.
Now everyone knows why it’s so imperative to put their hands together in prayerful supplication … … … and keep them together until this epochal firestorm has completely passed.
State of the Nation
February 12, 2016
Author’s Note
Is the forced exodus from Syria, as well as the other mass migrations from the Middle East, occurring to get those refugees out of harm’s way (i.e. as far away from the battleground of Armageddon as possible)?
The author acknowledges that oftentimes “God writes straight with crooked lines”. In the case of today’s Middle East, the lines have never been so crooked … and crazy. However, there is always something going on in the background that even those who run the world are completely unaware of. In other words the endless mayhem and madness occurring in Syria and Iraq, Palestine and Libya may be happening in order to produce a specific divine outcome.
For instance, the mass exodus out of Syria is nothing less than a biblical event. Those folks may have been divinely inspired (after being methodically terrorized) to vacate what could be a battleground for a future World War III. Much of the Mideast already resembles what many refer to as Armageddon! Therefore, it requires very little imagination to see how things are certainly shaping up to transform a regional war into a World War III scenario. Were nuclear weaponry to be used, who knows how many people would be killed or irreparably injured for life? Once used, nuclear weapons would also contaminate the land, water and air for the foreseeable future.
Editor’s Note
Everyone knows by now that it is not “If”, but “When?”, the Mideast powder keg will blow up. There is so much pent up emotion among so many involved parties that it is clearly the apocalyptic destiny of the region to explode in some fashion. As to when, the following timeline is provided by a Vedic astrologer who also offers some keen insights on the whole year of 2016.
Let me just say that March is a huge turning point, and in April, Mars is going to go retrograde. This is approximately April 17. On that day, Mars will turn retrograde and so will Pluto. This is huge, and this can represent a major outbreak of some kind of event that changes consciousness, changes the world and I just have to say from that point on in April, everything will be different. In March, around that solar eclipse, Saturn will be squaring Jupiter. This always has an effect on the economy. So you’re going to start seeing the stock market start to go down, you’re going to see a big change in fear around money, and a serious somber feeling that starts to occur in March. Then April, people start fighting back. There’s strife, there’s incredible intensity.
(Source: 2016 Vedic Astrology World Predictions)
[1] Tel Megiddo
[2] The Chosen People: Israel, ‘Christian’ Zionism and the Middle East Crisis
[3] Special Message to the Market Oracles and Money Masters of the Universe
[4] Why does the World Shadow Government destroy its own home (planet)?
[5] Jewish Teen Utters Prophecy Received On Sukkot 2015, Day Of The 4th Blood Moon
[6] Prophecy Is Uttered To Avert Catastrophe, NOT Predict It
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*Anglo-American Axis (AAA)
The Anglo-American Axis is represented, first and foremost, by the major English-speaking countries of the world: USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. The European member nations of NATO, such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands are also closely aligned with the AAA as are all the Scandinavian countries. So are the Asian Pacific Rim nations of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines. Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar also owe their allegiance to the AAA but some of these may be changing. The World Shadow Government is an ultra-secret, supranational organization which completely controls the Anglo-American Axis, as well as the European Union, NATO, among many other institutional entities which constitute the Global Control Matrix.
(Source: Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World ‘Order’)