Powerful Feminists Reject Hillary

Windsor, CA
May 5, 2016

by Rich Scheck

This brilliant summary of why Hillary Clinton should not be the first
female president of the United States comes from a powerful feminist
who is Chairwoman of The Tax Wall Street Party.

Her critique sounds a lot more like what Donald Trump has to say about
his likely rival for president than it does Bernie Sanders who continues to
hold back in attacking Mrs. Clinton. https://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=37204

There are so many reasons to reject Mrs. Clinton and Daniela Walls
mentions many of them. A similar article that touches on the same
theme also outlines why Mrs. Clinton should be heading to prison
rather than to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Another powerful female, Cynthia McKinney, joins Camille Paglia,
Susan Sarandon and other famous feminists in stating clearly that
Hillary is the wrong woman to be the first of their gender to lead our
country at this uniquely sensitive time in our history.

I am sure there are many other women who have expressed their strong misgivings about the former First Lady without in any way diminishing their claim to gender equality, women’s rights or the desirability of strong political leadership by capable women.

They merely add to their authenticity and credibility by being forthright about this dubious pretender with her legacy of scandals, corruption and poor judgment. These women demonstrate their integrity by their willingness to disassociate themselves from such a tainted candidate.

Journalist Abby Martin—no shrinking violet—does not hold back in
her assessment of the former Secretary of State:

Another strong voice for the truth is Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard
who has spoken out forcefully against the illegal wars of aggression and CIA
intervention in Syria and elsewhere. https://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=24757
Mrs. Clinton has been a champion of that approach and her credentials as an
unabashed hawk almost make George W. Bush look feeble by comparison.

These powerful feminists do great service to their gender and to all
of us by their honesty. They lend more than enough support to the
inevitability of a woman occupying the White House and yet they are
clear that Hillary Clinton is not worthy of that honor.

Finally, I feel compelled to add one additional comment about that
darling of the left, Elizabeth Warren, who once again embraced
exaggeration and partisanship to criticize Donald Trump while failing
miserably to hold the far more venal Mrs. Clinton accountable for her
many misdeeds. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/elizabeth-warren-donald-trump_us_572976d8e4b016f378941fc7

I understand Trump is a deeply flawed individual. But he has not
held public office and therefore cannot be guilty of the same types
of crimes that Mrs. Clinton has committed throughout her entire
career starting with her role in Watergate through her tenure as
First Lady, Senator and most recently as Secretary of State.

Throw in the criminal enterprise of the Clinton Foundation with its
massive conflicts of interests and shoddy deals and you have a
picture of a major crime family poised to re-enter the Oval Office.

As these many women and others have warned us, that would be
a serious error in judgment by the American people.

Yes, these are challenging times and the choices before us are
quite difficult. But we must all dig deep and find the courage to
face these demons honestly rather than hiding behind labels and
the façade of a phony feminist. https://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=34181


1. http://investmentwatchblog.com/bernie-sanders-could-have-beat-hillary-if-he-had-attacked-her-like-trump-will/

2. http://investmentwatchblog.com/hillary-will-lose-vs-trump-woman-hate-hillary/

3. http://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-lawsuit-uncovers-more-hillary-clinton-emails-withheld-from-state-department/

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