“The impeachment hoax
was initiated because of
Trump’s determination
to fully expose
That radioactive scandal
perpetrated by CrowdStrike
and the DNC leadership
is so dangerous to the
Democrat Party they
desperately started the
impeachment inquiry.
Now Trump really wants
that epic fraud investigated
because his presidency
depends upon it.”
— Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer
Truly, it doesn’t get anymore explosive than CROWDSTRIKEgate!
CONFIRMED: DNC paid the ‘Russian’ founder of CrowdStrike to hack its server so it could be blamed on Russia!
What, pray tell, could be more radioactive than the fact that CrowdStrike was specifically hired by the Democrat National Committee to plant fake evidence on the DNC servers. The cyber-perps deceitfully used Russian digital signatures in order to falsely blame Russia for the election hack that never even occurred … except that it did and it was actually conducted by CrowdStrike.
Wow … what a tangled web, indeed … and incredibly reckless scandal ! ! !
How did Deep State ever think they could get away with such a conspiratorial hoax?
Especially with President Trump using his Twitter account to expose the entire CIA-directed black operation?
“Fancy Bear”
This is exactly why they named the CrowdStrike-implemented psyop “Fancy Bear”.
Why Crowdstrike’s Russian Hacking Story Fell Apart- Say Hello to Fancy Bear
The real perps behind the non-existent Russian hack wanted the American people to believe that CrowdStrike was a Russian bear-killing cybersecurity firm, which they aren’t.
Let’s be clear, the single best way for Trump to completely exonerate himself of even the slightest appearance of ‘Russian collusion’ is to prove that the Democrats falsified the evidence in the first place, WHICH THEY DID.
Why else would the DNC continually refuse to hand over their servers to the FBI so that the necessary forensic analysis could be conducted?!?!
Why else would the CEO of CrowdStrike — Dmitri Alperovitch — the “Russian-born American computer security industry executive … and co-founder and chief technology officer of CrowdStrike” name his bogus hacker-hunting operation “Fancy Bear” except to implicate the Kremlin for a hack that CrowdStrike pulled off?

Source – “Bear Hunting: History and Attribution of Russian Intelligence Operations” posted by CrowdStrike at slideshare.net
Yes, the back story to this unparalleled Democrat scandal is long and complicated, convoluted and full of intrigue. The following exposé breaks it all down in a way that every voter ought to understand before November 3, 2020.
DNC Russian Hackers Found!
Let’s face it: the Democrats will do anything to overturn the 2016 election result. These serial traitors to the Republic are so overwhelmed by Trump derangement syndrome that they will use any means required to take down Trump.
Well, CROWDSTRIKEgate shows just how far these hopelessly crazy communists will go.
When even a casual observer takes a closer look at all the evidence — scientific, circumstantial and anecdotal — it’s clear that the Democrats contrived an extraordinarily absurd and fictitious story to launch this scandal. In other words, “Fancy Bear” is really “Fanciful Bear”.
Whereas Dimity Alperovitch is really Russian by birth and ancestry, he was employed by the C.I.A and NSA to carry out espionage and counterespionage operations similar to their Russian hack op. And, here’s the indisputable timeline that proves it:
Fancy Frauds, Bogus Bears & Malware Mimicry?
Which brings us to the true reasons behind IMPEACHMENTgate. See IMPEACHMENTgate: The Scandal Is Much Worse & Plot Much Thicker Than Anyone Knows
The Democrats know that Trump is not only on to them, he’s on a mission to expose the entire treasonous scandal.
What that really means is that it’s all-out war between Team Trump and Deep State. See: Deep State Attempts Yet Another Coup in Broad Daylight, Evidence Proves Treason and a Complex Criminal Conspiracy
This is it folks. The final battle in American politics is being played out between now and Election Day 2020.
What’s at stake is EVERYTHING … for both sides of the political aisle. It’s a winner take all proposition.
That’s why the Democrats concocted out of thin air the patently false allegations that were used to trigger the impeachment inquiry.
That’s why the fake UKRAINEgate was immediately blown up by the CIA’s Mockingbird Media and has not relented despite the lack of any evidence whatsoever. As follows:
CIA black op,
Deep State psyop,
Democrat coup,
MSM distraction,
Israeli espionage,
Trump sting,
or all 6?
Not only that, but seditious co-conspirators Pelosi and Schiff have even refused to present the so-called CIA ‘whistleblower’ whose ridiculous report was obviously fabricated to trigger the impeachment process. See SOFT COUP IN PROGRESS: Deep State Democrats Staged Fake ‘Whistleblower’ Complaint to Orchestrate Impeachment Hoax
KEY POINT: As always, there’s a much deeper and broader back story to CROWDSTRIKEgate. This particular video accurately connects so many dots it boggles the mind: Super-sleuth drops more radioactive intel in 22 minutes than the entire Alt Media does in a month!

Take a close look at this CrowdStrike piece taken from their website. Notice the heavy anti-Russian meming as well as the crucial dates. Everything points to a joint CIA-Madison Ave venture to further smear Russia.
Both Deep State and the entire Democrat Party are in extreme desperation mode.
Yes, they are facing the multifarious consequences associated with UKRAINEgate, BIDENgate, IMPEACHMENTgate and WHISTLEBLOWERgate, but it’s really CROWDSTRIKEgate that has the highly explosive potential to destroy the thoroughly corrupt and criminal Democrat Party forever.
The stark reality is that, once the CrowdStrike crime wave is disclosed to the American people, the Democrats are history—FOR REAL!
This is precisely why Deep State has put the craziest of all the crazies — Schiff, Pelosi, Nadler, Schumer, Newsom, DeBlasio, etc. in charge of their insane asylum at this pivotal point during their historic collapse. These bad actors (very bad by the looks of Shifty Schiff in every interview) were specifically chosen because of how profoundly compromised each of them is.
Just how compromised?
This compromised: PEDOGATE: Pandora’s Box Has Been Opened for Deep State and the C.I.A.
Let’s also take a much closer look at Nasty Nancy’s well-hidden history here: COUP-IN-PROGRESS: Pelosi, the Mafia and the Black Nobility.
Lastly, it crucial to understand that CROWDSTRIKEgate was undertaken as an extremely brazen last-ditch effort to overthrow Trump and/or preclude his second term. To engage in such a highly consequential outright fraud reflects the extraordinary recklessness of despair of Deep State. And, every colluding Democrat will crash and burn because of the unprecedented CrowdStrike crime spree.
State of the Nation
October 17, 2019
Editor’s Note
Bottom Line: This rapidly intensifying 3rd Millennium “War of the Titans” is gonna get hot—hotter, in fact, than either the Civil War or American Revolution. Instead of guns and bullets, however, this fight is using YouTube videos and tweets.
Therefore, the best thing the Patriot Movement can do is to disseminate this incriminating information so that the body politic is totally saturated with it. The more folks who are informed, the greater the likelihood that the collective consciousness will expand sufficiently to prevent a national cataclysm. Wide circulation of this critical material can de-escalate this decisive conflict as much as anything.
A LOT of prayer for the protection and focused intention for the continuity of the American Republic would greatly help as well.