SGT Report
From The Muslim Issue:
The London Times reports:
“Executions in Saudi Arabia are prescribed for murder, rape, drug smuggling and child abuse, and carried out in public outside a mosque after prayers on Fridays.” If the Saud family abided by its own laws there would be many Saudi princes who would meet the fate of beheading. Hypocrisy is rampant in Saudi Arabia.”
Human slavery, in various formats, is widespread in Saudi society even today. Saudi Arabia was among the last nations who, under pressure from United Nations, outlawed slavery in 1962. However, only 10,000 slaves were freed in 1962 and remaining large number was kept captive. In 1965 the Saudis were reported to have kept hundreds of slaves for each member of the Royal family.

With respect to human trafficking, Saudi Arabia was designated, together with Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and some other countries as a Tier 3 country by the US State Department in its 2005 ‘Trafficking in Persons Report’ required by the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000. Tier 3 countries are “countries whose governments do not fully comply with the maximum standards and are not making significant efforts to do so.” In 2006, 2007 and 2008 Reports, the US State Department continues to designate Saudi Arabia as a Tier 3 country. Read more …
“In actuality, young women from Third World countries are purchased to serve in aristocratic households throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They come from the Sudan, Thailand, Ethiopia, India, Philippines, and many other countries and are frequently bought and sold in the Kingdom“. Wrote Mary Doreen, who worked as registered Nurse at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
State Department Sensitivities towards the Saudi Arabian International Slave Trade
Saudi Arabia’s participation in international slavery has long been known by American State Department careerists who are powerless to react for fear they will be destroyed professionally or will lose the deferred payments promised by Prince Bandar upon their retirement. One has mentioned off the record the widespread knowledge within the State Department of Saudi child theft within the US.

Many of the kidnappings in the United States are easily masked within the larger number of runaways each year. The breakdown of the US family has enabled the Saudi princes and their procurers to “special order” kidnap without much concern for law enforcement who are usually looking for someone within the local area. One should often wonder when seeing girls and boys faces in the post office or milk carton wanted ads how many have been “disappeared” to Saudi Arabia.
It has been an open secret in Washington that the State Department has been extremely sensitive to criticism of its actions regarding Saud Arabia and its princes. There has been an unusual amount of personnel turnover at the Saudi Arabian desk where officials showing the slightest tendency towards ethics and morality are either transferred or terminated to make an example to others. Why the State Department sensitivity?
There are things going on in Saudi Arabia which are so embarrassing to Washington that if the United States citizenry knew, their worst fears about Washington would be corroborated. We will deal with one of these sensitivities in this issue, child abduction by Saudi princes. This is one of several issues we have been reluctant to publish because of the emotional ramifications to families of children who have been abducted around the world in general and the United States in particular.
Arab News, Saudi Arabian English daily reported on Friday, September 1, 2006 ~
“Homaidan Al-Turki, a 37-year-old Saudi was convicted in Colorado, US for sexually assaulting his Indonesian housekeeper and keeping her as a sex slave and was sentenced to 27 years to life in prison. Read full Report …
Homaidan Al-Turki is not an isolated case. It is reported that thousands of young women are lured to Saudi Arabia every year from all parts of the world for better life, but they end up as sex slaves.