Sedition: U.S. Intelligence Community Prepping For Soft Coup

Freedom Outpost

Sadly, because of how dishonest the mainstream media is, most Americans do not realize the severity of the divide that presently exists within this country and the lengths to which the far-left is willing to go to remove President Trump from office. For that reason, anyone in the alternative media who attempts to warn people of the potential for “civil war,” or for “martial law” is regarded as “conspiracy theorist.”

There are, however, a very small and select few in the mainstream media that recognize the gravity of the situation, and realize how dangerous the situation is becoming. Monica Crowley recognized the far-left’s agenda for what it was right from the start. She’s often said:

“There is a very dangerous and very effective destabilization campaign underway against this president, his administration and his agenda…. these forces are not just looking to delegitimize him.. they want to personally destroy himdestroy his presidency and they would like to see the man in prison!”

Sean Hannity has been one of the only other figures in the mainstream media who actually recognizes the movement by the far-left for what it is: Prelude to revolution. Referring to the massive amount of censorship taking place in this country right now, and the all out assault on free speech against anyone trying to spread the truth by warning the American people about what’s coming, Sean said:

“There is now a coordinated attempt to silence the voice of every outspoken conservative in this country. If we don’t stop it right now, there won’t be any conservative voices on radio or television left. 

Liberal fascism is alive lie and well in America todayTheir goal is simple. They want to shut up and shut down, completely silence all conservative voices by any means necessary. Here’s the difference. Unlike the left, I don’t have any problem with what the other side says. If you want to listen to liberals on radio or TV, read their articles, follow them on social media, go for it…

So let me be clear tonight. Everyone who publicly supported President Trump is a target. This is very political. We have seen repeatedly that the left knows no limits in these efforts. They have gone after and attacked the first lady; they have attacked members of the president’s family, every White House advisor. They’ve even attacked his daughter and his 10-year-old son. 

Right now, the United States is a giant powder-keg that could blow at any moment, and that is precisely what global agitators like George Soros and his lackeys within the deep state would love to see happen. In the following video Right Wing News reviews recent developments, and explains why now more than ever is the time for people to be preparing for when things inevitably go sideways…

State of the Nation writes:

Deep State will not stop their stealthy Purple Revolution until Trump is gone

C.I.A. using Mainstream Media to run propaganda campaign against Trump Administration—24/7

“The C.I.A. always softens up the citizenry of a targeted country before a soft coup.  If that doesn’t work, they simply execute a covert but violent overthrow via assassination like they did with JFK.  Lastly, they will resort to an outright attack on the key organs of government authority and/or military power, but only when absolutely necessary.”

— Veteran Intelligence Analyst

Do you get it yet?

The NWO globalist entity known as Deep State, along with the Democratic Party, will — under no conditions — accept Donald Trump as the legitimate President of the United States of America.  For that matter, neither will the many RINOs within the Republican Party.

Because of this unrelenting predicament, there is no stopping the USS Donald Trump from hitting the iceberg.  You cannot thwart destiny when it’s preordained in such a profound and fundamental way.  After all, the welfare and continuity of the American Republic is at stake.

By the way, no one said that Trump is at the helm of a 21st century Titanic.  He may just be the captain of a humongous icebreaker.   Only time will tell, however, and that time is fast approaching.

RUSSIA SCARE: C.I.A. Running PsyOp On The American People

For the uninitiated, ever since Election Day on November 8, 2016, The Company (aka the C.I.A.) has been very busy implementing “Plan B”, often referred to as the Purple Revolution. Understanding the true purpose and key players behind this highly organized plot is crucial if it to be averted.  As follows: BEWARE: The Purple Revolution Comes To America…

This seditious revolution has several pillars that define both its strategy and MO.  The whole world is watching daily the “Russia scare” strategy.  Deep State knows that the Russian boogeyman was effective during the Cold War so why should they reinvent the wheel?

The following exposé details some of the subterfuge by Deep State and their agents within the Democratic Party which gave rise to the bogus “Russian hacking claim”.  In the face of so much MSM fake news about Russia, who will now believe the obvious truth in this post?

C.I.A. and MSM: Fric & Frac of Deep State

Truly, no one has ever seen anything like it.  The C.I.A. uses their primary organs of propaganda — CNN, NBC, ABC and CBS — to run an unprecedented propaganda war against a sitting POTUS.  Likewise, the spook agency uses every major newspaper of record — especially The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, Los Angeles Times — to float patently false accusations and deliberately misleading headlines on their front pages.

KEY POINT: Even Nixon was not subjected to such a daily barrage of fake news during the height of Watergate.  And, “Yes!”, much of that media hysteria was also contrived fake news, produced to facilitate his premeditated removal which was in actuality a soft coup.

The CIA knows full well how to execute a color revolution.  They’ve carried out many around the globe over several decades.  Their trademark MO is to sufficiently frighten the citizenry about dangers of their current government or leader.   This is why the American people are now treated to a nonstop campaign of Trump-bashing by the MSM.  The CIA is aware that eventually, a critical mass of citizens will actively participate in an overthrow. And that many who don’t will at least lend their moral support to it.

The false story about ‘Russia election hacking’, of course, was the perfect pretext for the U.S. Intelligence Community to rally around.  Agents in all 17 agencies could be compelled to go with the flow — seditious flow — because the POTUS was said to be working with America’s historical enemy — R U S S I A!  Throw in a Democratic Party that is still beside itself with rage and madness about Hillary’s defeat and you have a full-blown Purple Revolution in the works. See the following link for valuable perspective: Former Democrat Insider Goes Rogue—Exposes Plot To Falsely Blame Russia

This total scam being run on the American people is not unprecedented.  Both World Wars of the last century saw similar war propaganda being thrown about here, there, and everywhere.  That’s just how it’s always done.  They did it against Germany prior to World War II after they demonized the Kaiser prior to World War I.

The salient point here is that it is now Putin who is being vilified and Russia that is being represented as a mortal enemy of the West.  Nothing could be further from the truth, and yet a vast majority of Americans believe the lies. Whenever a really big lie is repeated frequently, it starts to sink in.  That’s what CNN and NBC are all about today.  So are the NYT and WaPo.  Their CIA masters in Deep State know all of the best mind-control programs, as well as the magic formulas for effective war propaganda.

The MSM and C.I.A. are guilty of sedition

There’s one major advantage that the President has at this pivotal stage of the Purple Revolution. The MSM now commits sedition on a weekly basis.  The C.I.A. likewise openly perpetrates treason against the nation.  These traitors to the American Republic expose themselves regularly because they think they can act with impunity.  This public display of arrogance and hubris has never happened before in the USA.

As a consequence, the MSM can legally be shut down with one executive order.  The C.I.A. can be dissolved with one stroke of the presidential pen.  Even the FCC can close down various MSM organs of propaganda for blatantly violating various rules and regulations. The law is squarely on the side of the FCC in this regard.

Hence, the longer that Trump permits the traitors to out themselves for all to see, the more of them he can get rid of when the time is right.  That moment is fast approaching as Deep State is getting closer to pressing the button on stage 2 of the 2017 revolution.  Their implementation plan has been designed according to a set schedule which sees this Fall as a crucial phase of the Purple Revolution.

What began with a clandestine partnership between George Soros and Hillary Clinton back in 2016 has evolved into a full-blown conspiracy to bring down the U.S. Federal Government under President Trump.

DO NOT MISS: Soros: Western Society Must Fall Before One World Govt Can Be Established 

Clearly, the growing insurrection against Trump has many disparate liberal organizations and powerful progressives supporting them.  As always, George Soros is front and center in this treasonous plot.  

Therefore, he should be arrested post haste for contributing to so much personal injury, including numerous deaths, as well as extensive property damage. The Clintons And Soros Launch America’s Purple Revolution


Where is this all going?

God only knows.

If the American people do not soon demand an end to the violence and brash lawbreaking, the perps will only become more emboldened.  The leftwing Bolsheviks will intensify their insurgency nationwide.  They will inevitably increase the number of rioters and protesters — from the ranks of so many disillusioned illegal aliens — who are quite willing to disrupt civil society.

The Bolshevik Left now demonstrates an unparalleled willingness to harm people and destroy property never seen within the body politic.  Their use of agents provocateur has become transparent to even the most naive and uninformed.  Hence, President Trump is completely within his power to immediately prosecute all of those culpable agents of Deep State.

These reckless subversives are cut from the same RED bolt of cloth as those who incited the Bolshevik Revolution.  In fact, the Left is becoming more vicious and violent by the event.  Just as their ilk terrorized the major cities throughout Russia in 1917, they use the same savage tactics in 2017 across the USA.

Exactly 100 Years After the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917→Comes the Percolating Purple Revolution of 2017

One thing is for sure: the C.I.A. will not stop this uprising until Trump is frogmarched out of the White House.  The question then remains: What will the patriots and nationalists do?


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