Dear President Donald J. Trump:
Please know how proud millions of us are to address you as President Donald J. Trump. We also know that now the hard work begins. And we are letting you know we are here to assist you in draining all the political swamps, including those in each and every state, but especially in Washington, DC.
The division among the American people is more clear than ever since the beginnings of this election cycle. More and more people are asking, “What’s it going to take to bring us together?”
Mr. President, many of us believe the answer is quite simple. Just tell the TRUTH, and all the truth as you know it. We must force our government representatives to begin to tell the truth. And, We the People must feel free to openly expose those truths regarding the criminal behavior of those who were elected or appointed to represent us.
In many states there is an ongoing effort to drain the swamps and many have paid dearly for exposing their state’s justice systems frauds in which the “Rule of Law” has been profoundly violated. This includes instances where both the state’s constitution and the U.S. constitution have been ignored or contravened.
Based on your statements during the campaign, as well as your inaugural address, we feel you intend to be our voice. You represent the bandwidth from the bully pulpit to express our reasonable wishes and legal demands. We the People are the employers of our government servants, and that FACT must be known to them.
There are two issues presently to which we respectfully request your attention. Both are full of documented discoveries of indisputable facts. We firmly believe that these two issues will speed up your efforts to right all the wrongs committed against We the People.
1.) Some of these truths start with the events of 9/11, which are still fresh in the memory of the American populace. We strongly believe that the complete exposure of what did, and what did not, happen on 9/11 is the key for exposing the wide breadth of domestic and international crimes. Your contact for receiving these proven facts should be Field McConnell at (715) 307-8222, @fieldmcc, [email protected]. His USMC# is 011653 and he is a constructively discharged NWA-Delta B747-400 Captain.
2.) We also believe there is a more recent event on July 24, 2015 that you ought to review, known to many as the “Thomas Deegan Affair” in West Virginia. You will find it exposes some of the more egregious criminal actions perpetrated on the people of WV by those who fraudulently occupy the Charleston, West Virginia Capitol Building.
The good news is that this case has been proven with documentation for the default and dishonor of those who are elected or appointed to represent the good people of West Virginia. All the hard work is done. However, Thomas Deegan and the people are left without justice for neither a fair judgment or just remedy have been rendered. The “Rule of Law” was simply ignored or trampled on.
Your contact for these truths should be Thomas Deegan, located at Stevens Correctional Center, 304 463 5424 and his Assistance of Counsel, Leonard Harview, [email protected] 310 721 4867. The following video provides the cause that The Powers That Be in WV named Thomas Deegan as the “Most Dangerous Man In The Country” as per sources. (Please view: The legal template for proper redress, then, for all other states similarly afflicted with the systematic ignorance of the “Rule of Law” has been written thusly.
Thomas Deegan can be contacted at the following address:
Stevens Correctional Center
Attn: Thomas David Deegan, OID #3559707
795 Virginia Avenue
Welch, West Virginia [24801]
Mr. President, the people must be told the truth. The people have been abused, deceived and outright lied to by their elected representatives, and those whom they have appointed. The truth that elected officials everywhere are “bought and paid for” must be explained to them. The truth that The Powers That Be rig all our ‘free markets’ must be disclosed. The truth about all the false flag operations since 9/11 must be openly spoken about. The truth that over 1/3 of those in power are corrupt beyond all comprehension (think treason, gross malfeasance, pedophilia and murder) must be revealed.
Will you please tell the people it is safe to come forward with these truths and proven facts of criminal behavior? Will you please tell them it is their duty to share these truths and reveal those responsible for these crimes? Do we have your protection as we expose so much government crime so that enforcement of the “Rule of Law” prevails across the land once again?
President Trump, the TRUTH is the only thing that will wake up the masses. Only the hard and ugly truths about their government will break the mental entrainment that currently entrances many throughout both the Left and the Right.
The TRUTH will serve to unite the people, and destroy our enemies—the enemies of the American Republic.
It’s time for the TRUTH, as you so often intimated during the 2016 campaign season.
May God’s blessings and protection be bestowed upon you.
Patriots for the Rule of Law