Facts on Storage of Fuel Rods At Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant

Cooling pools are OVER-filled at the
Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant
located 30 miles north of New York City

Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition 

High Level Radioactive Waste Storage 

 Submitted byMarilyn Elie

“People who live in the community surrounding a nuclear power plant regard

their relationship with the company as a long term marriage.  The company

regards it as a series of one night stands. As soon as they are not making

enough money they’re out of there.” 


*Arnie Gundersen, former nuclear industry and engineer with more than 44 years of industry experience and currently CEO of Fairewinds.


All of the high level radioactive waste ever created at Indian Point is

still on site. It should remain on site in dry casks to isolate it from the

environment, people and property and dry casks can be monitored. It is

undemocratic and immoral to force waste on unwilling host communities or

struggling communities that are so desperate that they will accept the

risk. The transportation of high level radioactive waste through the roads

and highways, or the water channels, or railroad tracks in our cities and

towns is inherently dangerous and must be avoided. Options to explore for

on-site storage are Hardened On Site Storage and Rolling Stewardship. See:






The original design basis for the pools at each reactor was 264 fuel

assemblies. The NRC raised that number and as of 2013 there were 1,374 fuel

assemblies in the pool at Unit 2 and 1,345 in Unit 3 – a total of 2,719;

more than 5 times the amount for which the pools were designed. The crowded

pools far exceed design capacity and are hazardous. This does not include

the additional 157 assemblies of high level radioactive fuel rods inside

each reactor. This is the “hottest” radioactive material on site and it

must remain in the spent fuel pool for at least five years. Older waste

can be moved out of the pools and into dry cask storage as rapidly as

possible where it can be isolated, better monitored and protected.


Each dry cask can accommodate 32 fuel assemblies and each cask costs over a

million dollars. The Indian Point closing agreement calls for moving these

assemblies into dry cask storage at the rate of four per year. Unless this

rate is accelerated, the process will take sixty seven years, this is over

the 60 years allowed to decommission the site, should Entergy remain in

business that long. Who pays for all of this?


There is a decommissioning fund established with money from rate payers

which the Nuclear Regulatory Commission says meets legal requirements. Rate

payers no longer pay into this fund and neither does Entergy because of

legal constraints that go back to when the reactors came on line. It is

supposed cover the reactor, control room, and fuel pool. (One pool needs to

remain for the process of moving assemblies into dry cask storage.) The

fund has proved inadequate at other reactors that have been decommissioned

and will most likely be inadequate for Indian Point. Indian Point presents

some additional challenges because of numerous leaks and groundwater flow.

It should be noted that the NRC is the lead agency only for those parts of

the site mentioned above. It is not the lead agency for decommissioning any

of the contaminated ground under the reactors or any of the other

structures that may still have to be removed. A Citizens Advisory

Committee needs to be established so that stakeholders have a voice in this

lengthy and complicated process.

*Contact the Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition: www.ipwecinfo.com

Phone: 888-474-8848
Facebook: IPSEC-Indian 
Point Safe Energy Coalition

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