Use Of Toxic Dispersant COREXIT Must Be Stopped In Gulf

The Name – COREXIT – is supposed to make you think it “Corrects It!”

Did you ever wonder how they came up with the name COREXIT?  We did … and it was recently brought to our attention that COREXIT is most probably based on the meme*, “Corrects It!”

We are sure that BP, Halliburton, Transocean, Anadarko, US Coast Guard, EPA, et al. had very high hopes that COREXIT would correct it in the minds of the broad public by making them think that the oil is gone.  And, that for those who rely on the mainstream media for their information concerning the status of the BP Gulf oil spill, they probably believe that COREXIT has corrected it, all right.

We might also surmise that BP et al. never anticipated that COREXIT would only correct it for a limited period of time before people would start to catch on.  That limited period of time has now expired.

The people who live, work and play on and near the Gulf of Mexico coasline now demand the following:  

I.   That the US Federal Government issue a cease and desist order to BP concerning the use of the highly toxic dispersant, COREXIT, anywhere in, on or near the Gulf of Mexico. This non-negotiable demand is based on the extraordinary harm/injury to human, animal and plant life, which COREXIT has been scientifically shown to cause. Non-compliance with this demand will eventually result in formal criminal charges being filed against each and every decision-maker responsible for knowingly poisoning the Gulf and the human population that resides there.

II.  That the US Federal Government commence the utilization of non-toxic, bio-remediation products on the EPA’s National Contingency Plan list which do not introduce new micro-organisms into the waters. Especially in those coastal areas of LA, AL, MS, FL and TX, which have been determined to require immediate oil spill intervention, and which have been despoiled through the use of unprecedented volumes of COREXIT, the use of these EPA-approved and proven products (one bio-remediation agent has been used successfully 14 times on this spill) must be implemented immediately.

III.  That Nalco Holding Company, the producer and distributor of COREXIT, be barred from doing business within the United States of America.  That a restraining order will be enforced so as to lawfully preclude COREXIT from being dispensed into any and all USA territorial waters, as well as all water bodies which are contiguous to or flow into those of the USA. The US Attorney’s office will also proceed with revoking the corporate charter of the incorporated entity known as Nalco Holding Company.

The following informative video offers a compelling and irrefutable case for these three demands to be acted on with all deliberate speed.  This documentary also provides an objective and authoritative assessment supporting our official recommendation from the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference (GOSRC).  The GOSRC is at the hub of a growing number of  environmental health advocacies, citizens’ groups and political activist organizations involved with the BP Gulf oil spill, all of which have demanded the immediate discontinuation of COREXIT in the Gulf of Mexico.

We sincerely invite anyone who views this video to join the ever-increasing and urgent demand that a safe, healthy and effective alternative to COREXIT be co-instituted by the US Coast Guard, the EPA and BP.  The very life of the Gulf of Mexico greatly depends upon it.

Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference (International Citizens’ Initiative)
Tallahassee, FL
[email protected]
SKYPE: Gulf_Advocate

*COREXIT does not equal “Corrects it.” – Subliminal advertising has been a standard operating technique of Madison Avenue as long as there has been a Madison Ave.  Subtly and surreptitiously implanting memes, ideas, and emotions is what marketing manipulation is all about.  Using subtle word plays is a very clever and purposeful way of moving a lot of people in a pre-determined direction with ease and efficiency.

GOSRC Note: We think it is time to re-label the dispersant known as COREXIT in light of what we now know, and in view of what the EPA, Coast Guard and BP knew when they unlawfully dispensed it throughout the Gulf (See EPA test results below).

National Contingency Plan Product Schedule Toxicity and Effectiveness Summaries



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