Is US War Of Aggression In Syria On The Way?

Windsor, CA
October 4, 2016

by Rich Scheck

It was bad enough that the US “accidentally” bombed Syrian
government troops recently killing and wounding up to 200 men.

No one who is objectively looking at the event accepts our
explanation of the tragedy, especially the Russians.

Blaming Russia seems the predominant policy for the current
Administration as a way of avoiding responsibility for its repeated
violations of international law and failed interventionist approach.

As Ray McGovern and others point out, all this saber rattling could
lead to nuclear war:

With Obama virtually out the door, the Neocons and hawks led by his likely successor, Hillary Clinton, are drooling for the chance for another regime change regarding President Assad.

We may learn soon enough whether Obama will finally relent and release the dogs of war in Syria as many have wanted him to do for a long time:

The West has again embraced terrorism against a small nation
and is guilty of exactly the kind of barbarism it projects onto Assad
and Putin:

As Andre Vltchek asserts, it is difficult to imagine a more resilient
nation than the people of Syria:

How they have managed to survive in the face of unrelenting attack
for nearly six years is beyond impressive. How much longer they
can do so is quite problematic as events escalate and the risks of
a far wider war rise.

Putin is clearly accepting the challenge and doing his best to repudiate
Western hypocrisy while attempting to limit the bloodshed. Anyone
doubting his resolve and how seriously he takes this threat to Russia
need merely peruse this:

The disparaging headline from the British Sun is typical of Western
media which reflects the arrogance and duplicity of its leaders.

Adding to the surreal quality of these events is the 2016 presidential
campaign in which the two major party candidate are vying for who is
the lesser of two evils. Trump continues to say stupid things while
Clinton’s scandal revelations increase every day:

It would be nice to believe saner heads might prevail. But the way events
are going, it appears that a US war of aggression is on the way.

May God have mercy on us all!

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