Burlington, WA
August 1, 2016
by Rich Scheck
Your endorsement of Stein and what you wrote in the rest of
your piece is all right on………except it is too little, too late.
Hillary is likely to steal the election. If Trump somehow wins
he will be co-opted by his aides and the Israeli lobby.
Sanders blew it big time or was in on the deal from the start
to serve as a vacuum-cleaner to suck up support for his agenda
and then cave to Hillary rather than leading a third-party effort
like I and many others (including Stein herself) urged him to do.
The big clue for those who didn’t anticipate this like I did was
his comment in the first debate that he was tired of hearing
about Clinton’s e-mail problems.
But you and all the other Berniacs let that slide and went along
for the ride while Clinton, Debbie and the DNC stole the election.
Just like with Obama, wishful thinking got us into a mess because
folks wanted to believe but were fooled…….big time!
Now we are close to war with Russia and China as Turkey and the
EU prepare to bail on us to join with BRICS and The New Silk Road.
I’ve written over a 100 articles addressing these matters in the last
year alone so what you wrote is accurate…………..but “old news!”
We are truly and totally screwed, dear Allen!
May love somehow prevail, Rich