Overwhelming irrefutable video and documentary evidence: Sandy Hook another false flag CRIMINAL hoax requiring arrests
by Carl Herman
As I wrote in 2014 (and here), Wolfgang Halbig has the perfect combination of expertise to evaluate what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School:
▪ law enforcement: Florida State Trooper, US Customs Agent.
▪ education: teacher, assistant principal, principal.
▪ current school safety expert: trained key personnel at over 4,000 US school districts, and over 3,500 school safety officers.
His conclusion after almost three years of motivated investigation:
“In my professional opinion, [Sandy Hook was] a scripted event… in planning for maybe two, two and a half years.”
Mr. Halbig’s response is demand for criminal arrests of “leaders” involved in Sandy Hook based on rational embrace of the public evidence. Among ~30 areas of game-changing objective facts:
- Thirteen different Sandy Hook memorial websites were captured in dated screenshots proving they were created before the alleged shootings. This means either criminal complicit foreknowledge of mass murders or criminal complicity in a hoax. Either way, this evidence is damning and requires arrests with criminal investigation.
- The Lanza home’s alleged police photographs were staged because the same rooms were photographed in up to four different arrangements of furniture and items (pgs. 117 to 138). These differences are major and obvious, as the photos show. This evidence means that this is NOT a crime scene, but a criminal hoax. It is not possible to have different and obvious versions of what the rooms look like.
- Sandy Hook Elementary School was not an active school because its Internet site had zero activity from 2008 to 2012 according to the Wayback Machine’s digital archive (pg. 34). With city demographics of average family income over $100,000/year, this lack of website data is powerful evidence that the school was not open the four years prior to the alleged massacre. In addition, this 7-minute video shows cars in all other elementary schools in the area, but NOT at Sandy Hook. The school was also non-ADA compliant and in disrepair (pg. 31), with all photo evidence that it is was used by the district for storage.
- The Social Security Death Index and FBI show zero deaths of alleged victims (pgs. 161 to 167). This means that these alleged people either did not have Social Security numbers or did not exist; the FBI report confirms that they did not exist. This also demands criminal investigation.
- The one and only released death certificate of an alleged victim, Noah Pozner, is a crude forgery (pgs. 181 to 183). This is yet another crime, of course.
- All of the 20 alleged victims’ families moved to Newtown between 2007 and 2011, and almost all from 2009 to 2011 (pgs. 239 to 244), with 14 receiving their ~$500,000 homes for a recorded sales price of $0. (ten on Christmas Day, 2009), according to official government records. This means someone paid a likely illegally-large gift to these families, which given all other evidence demands criminal investigation.
- A manual for Sandy Hook being a FEMA exercise was delivered to researchers (pgs. 219 to 238). This should be investigated whether it’s authentic, of course, by sworn depositions.
- The fire station up the street as the alleged destination of children shows random people walking in circles through the fire house: out one door, walking around the building, then circling through again. The people are not interacting, but acting as if in a drill to mimic activity. 3-minute video:
Why the false flags?
As I previously wrote, put yourself in the shoes of the evil .01% for a few moments. How you roll is withEmperor’s New Clothes obvious crimes:
- Unlawful and lie-began wars.
- Crimes Against Humanity for ongoing policy of poverty that’s killed over 400 million human beings just since 1995 (~75% children; more deaths than from all wars in Earth’s recorded history).
- So-called “money” that is actually debt that creates accelerating and unpayable total debt. The .01% hide ~$30 trillion in tax havens.
- Destruction of nearly all rights lawfully guaranteed in the US Bill of Rights within the US Constitution, and in Orwellian inversion of limited government.
- “Covering the crimes” with lies by corporate media.
- These crimes annually cost millions killed, billions harmed, and trillions looted, with recent history continuing literal centuries of US lie-began Wars of Aggression that involved nearly all families in two horrific global wars for colonial empire.
Got the picture of how the .01% roll?
Ok, now embrace the present that corporate media no longer can “cover” your crimes:
- According to a 2007 poll by the Pew Research Center, the majority of the American public see the US major media news organizations as politically biased, inaccurate, and uncaring. Among those who use the Internet, two-thirds report that major media news do not care about the people they report on, 59% say the news is inaccurate, 64% see bias, and 53% summarize their view on major media news as, “failing to stand up for America.”
- In their 2009 poll, “just 29% of Americans say that news organizations generally get the facts straight, while 63% say that news stories are often inaccurate.”
- Gallup’s 2014 poll recorded the lowest ever US public confidence in accurate news reporting from corporate media’s television news: 18%.
- A June 2010 Rasmussen poll found 66% of voters “angry” at the media, with 33% “very angry.” Rasmussen also found 70% “angry” at current federal government policies.
- The most current Gallup poll in 2012 shows Americans’ distrust at an all-time high in the reporting from “mass media — such as newspapers, TV, and radio”: 60% have either “not very much” trust and confidence or “none at all” to “reporting the news fully, accurately, and fairly.”
Got that picture, along with how you .01%-ers roll?
So you ask your advisors what to do. You receive something like this:
“Your masterships: the downfall of corporate media and uprise of independent media reporting comprehensive facts means that your Emperor’s New Clothes deception is certain to end. Trending media data that your propaganda is being replaced with truth makes this outcome absolutely certain. What is not certain, my lords, is when the tipping-point will occur; but when it does, your reign of lovely evil will end as quickly as anything else slamming to the ground when tipped-over. In respectful summary, my masters, you are fucked. The only way to avoid your demise is to win a rapid endgame of multiple false flag terror attacks to implement the martial law you’ve always dreamed of to rightly control your sheeple. This opening might win enough support among the ignorant to demonize “truthers” (no offense to your demonic magnificence with that term, my lords), throw their asses into FEMA camps, and end their lives at your sadistic pleasure. Hail Hydra. Hail Satan.”
You go with the advice and accelerate false flag attacks. They seem to have particular interest in gun confiscation (here, here). As I wrote, our .01% “leaders” will work to fire people like Professor Jim Tracy who raise the points in this article. Jim is one of six Ph.Ds who created the outstanding free book I cite,Nobody died at Sandy Hook.
What is a solution?
I continue to assert a proven, obvious, and legal method:
▪ Arrests of .01% “leaders” for obvious crimes centering in war, money and lies (4-part series on arrests with videos).
▪ Leveraging a reclaimed media, continue arrests with generous plea bargains and Truth & Reconciliation for testimony, documentary evidence, and physical evidence to best put the “Big Picture” together in preparation to build the brighter future for all Earth’s inhabitants’ success.
▪ SOLUTIONS: the .01% with corporate media have suppressed solutions documented beginning with Benjamin Franklin how government can abundantly operate without taxes: monetary and credit reform allow the public to have near-instant prosperity: full-employment, zero public deficits and debt, the best infrastructure we can imagine, falling prices, and release of public TRILLIONS held in “rainy day” accounts. Full documentation here.
Excellent comprehensive Sandy Hook videos:
Wolfgang Halbig’s 2-hour expert training in school safety versus what the evidence shows at Sandy Hook:
Independent Media Solidarity’s outstanding documentary, We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook:
Sofia Smallstorm’s outstanding 92-minute video, Unraveling Sandy Hook:
Note: I make all factual assertions as a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History, with all economics factual claims receiving zero refutation since I began writing in 2008among Advanced Placement Macroeconomics teachers on our discussion board, public audiences of these articles, and international conferences. I invite readers to empower their civic voices with the strongest comprehensive facts most important to building a brighter future. I challenge professionals, academics, and citizens to add their voices for the benefit of all Earth’s inhabitants.
Carl Herman is a National Board Certified Teacher of US Government, Economics, and History; also credentialed in Mathematics. He worked with both US political parties over 18 years and two UN Summits with the citizen’s lobby, RESULTS, for US domestic and foreign policy to end poverty. He can be reached at [email protected]
Note: Examiner.com has blocked public access to my articles on their site (and from other whistleblowers), so some links in my previous work are blocked. If you’d like to search for those articles other sites may have republished, use words from the article title within the blocked link. Or, go to http://archive.org/web/, paste the expired link into the box, click “Browse history,” then click onto the screenshots of that page for each time it was screen-shot and uploaded to webarchive. I’ll update as “hobby time” allows; including my earliest work from 2009 to 2011 (blocked author pages: here, here).