Rudy Giuliani says US diplomats were doing the bidding of George Soros in Ukraine, in interview with Glenn Beck
Giuliani also says he knows Ukrainian prosecutors who can back his claims.
The Blaze
Rudy Giuliani told Glenn Beck during an exclusive interview that U.S. diplomats were doing the bidding of billionaire philanthropist George Soros in Ukraine in a “massive pay-for-play” scheme that included falsifying evidence against President Donald Trump.
Giuliani, the president’s personal attorney, spoke to Beck on his program Wednesday about the claims being made against him by Democrats in their ongoing impeachment inquiry.
“The anti-corruption bureau is a contradiction,” said Giuliani about the bureau set up in Ukraine to root out corruption.
“They took all the corruption cases away from the prosecutor general, they gave it to the anti-corruption bureau, and they got rid of all the cases that offended Soros, and they included all the cases against Soros’ enemies,” he explained.
“One of the first cases they dismissed was a case in which his NGO, AntAC, was supposed to have embezzled a lot of money, but not only that, collected dirty information on Republicans to be transmitted, gotten by Ukrainians, to be transmitted to this woman Alexandra Chalupa and other people who worked for the Democratic National Committee,” Giuliani continued.
“The first case that [former prosecutor Yuri] Lutsenko tanked was that case at the request of the ambassador,” he added.
Elsewhere in the interview, Giuliani described his reaction when he discovered the Ukrainian collusion that undermined the accusations of the Democrats made against the president.
“Hallelujah! I now have what a defense lawyer always wants: I can go prove somebody else committed this crime!” Giuliani said.
Giuliani explained to Beck that he had gone to Ukraine seeking exculpatory evidence, that which would exonerate his client, the president, in the special counsel Robert Mueller investigation.
When Giuliani was asked directly about the identity of the whistleblower, he said that he could not speak about the matter publicly, and could not indicate if he knew the identity or not.
He also claimed that there were several prosecutors in Ukraine currently who were willing to testify about the collusion, but they were being blocked by the U.S. State Department. When prompted by Beck, he said he would provide for him the names of those individuals off air.
“The case is a massive pay-for-play multimillion-dollar scheme, and it is an absolute travesty of justice,” Giuliani said.
Here’s the video of the interview with Rudy Giuliani: