U.S. Air Force “Chemtrail” Publication and Chemistry Manual Found at a Major University Library
What follows further below is a letter sent by longtime anti-chemtrail advocate to the local government officials of the City of Gainesville, Florida.
Full credit goes to this environmental advocate for unearthing this highly incriminating evidence of ongoing geoengineering programs run under the rubric of the U.S. Air Force. If ever there was a damning piece of hard evidence, this is it. See INDIGO SKYFOLD: U.S. Air Force Pilot Exposes Top Secret Chemtrail Program—an Ongoing Deep State Operation
For anyone who doubts the existence of geoengineering operations — which spray toxic aerosols primarily in the troposphere — being conducted in the skies across America, please consider the following three articles:
OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD: The Most Secret Covert Black Operation In World History
CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering (UPDATED)
Geoengineering Is The Primary Cause Of Global Climate Change, Not CO2
The Evidence
As you will see below, the official document is titled: “CHEMTRAILS MANUAL: Chemistry 131, Dept. of Chemistry, U.S. Air Force Academy”. A screenshot of the title page posted below is dated “October 30, 1990” and has “CHEMTRAILS” shown in large bold print at the top.
Dear Commissioners and City staff
The Chemtrails “Conspiracy Theory” Began as a Department of Defense Publication.
Simple research will reveal the term CHEMTRAILS was published by the department of defense in 1990 as title to a chemistry manual for the USAF Air Force Academy.
For nearly 30 years the Mainstream media has associated the term “chemtrails” with “conspiracy theory” without informing their readers it was the American taxpayer who funded the printing of the media maligned term, “CHEMTRAILS”.
I was able to re-construct a 1990 CHEMTRAILS MANUAL using the microfilm resources of the Library system.
More than chemistry – Beginning at page 64 the manual departs from pure science to discuss the political science of strategic oil and gas reserves including alternative energy development and timelines.
Take a look:
The complete CHEMTRAILS MANUAL found at the William T. Young Library at the University of Kentucky can also be accessed at this link in case the previous one gets deleted: https://stateofthenation2012.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Chemtrails-Manual-Chemistry-131-Manual-USAF-Academy-Fall-1990-1.pdf
Screenshot of Manual Cover
Those of us who have been monitoring chemtrails know that they have been regularly sprayed far earlier than 1990. In fact, the SOTN author of this article was first alerted to them by his mother in the 1970s in upstate New York.
That a full-blown chemtrail chemistry course was designed, and up and going, in 1990 indicates just how well established these devastating operations were at that time. (See the CHEMTRAILS “Table of Contents” posted below.)
“Table of Contents” for the Chemtrails Manual
The screenshot below provides the hard evidence, which can be verified by chemtrail investigators, that this document was officially filed in the “U.S. Government Fiche” with the “Young Library Periodicals Desk” at the “University of Kentucky”. And, that it was originally filmed on “08-14-92”.
Chemtrail Syndrome: The health consequences
For those who suspect that they may suffer from Chemtrail syndrome, please read the following exposé. A thorough reading of this article is imperative for every family in America.
CHEMTRAIL SYNDROME: A Global Pandemic Of Epic Proportions
The preceding paper is truly a “Must Read” as it is the most definitive treatment of Chemtrail syndrome on the Internet today.
Of course, many of us already know that the U.S.Federal Government has been lying about this massive air-polluting enterprise of chemtrail operations nationwide. We have also known that chemtrails are only one component of a much broader and more sophisticated regime of weather modification, climate engineering and weather warfare. For example:
OPERATION CLOVERLEAF: The Most Dangerous Weapons Testing Program In World History
It’s important to point out that all of the reference articles included in this article are relatively dated, so one can only imagine how much more advanced these highly destructive and deadly covert programs have become. We do know that the catastrophic superstorm — Hurricane Michael — was a weaponized weather system from the get-go before it destroyed large swaths of the Florida Panhandle this past October of 2018. HURRICANE MICHAEL: A Geoengineered Superstorm Targeting Tallahassee and Florida Panhandle—Why!
Given that the New World Order globalist cabal is routinely using cataclysmic weather warfare to attack every region of the country, it’s well past the time to shut these calamitous black operations down. Hence, the following Bottom Line:

Featured photo at ChemtrailsMustStop.com
State of the Nation
December 23, 2018
Recommended Reading
U.S. Government Spraying Tons Of Toxic Coal Fly Ash Into Atmosphere Via Chemtrails
EPA Permits Unlimited Use of Toxic Coal Fly Ash in Chemical Geoengineering Operations
Coal Fly Ash Used In Chemtrail Aerosols: Geophysicist Produces Conclusive Evidence