Blaseygate: A Rogue Faction of the CIA Coordinates a Psyop Against the Trump Administration

“As far as the Judiciary Committee knows,
Christine Blasey Ford doesn’t even exist?”

State of the Nation

There’s only one way to look at the Deep State scandal that is now known as Blaseygate.

It must be looked at through the lens of a rogue CIA-directed black operation.

Not only is this burgeoning scandal a highly sophisticated psyop designed to stall the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh, it’s also meant to further tar Trump with the brush of sexism and smear him with sexual abuse by association.  Moreover, this carefully constructed charade was fabricated to achieve multiple objectives particularly regarding the ongoing soft coup.

Enter stage Left one Christine Blasey Ford

This is where things have gotten extremely interesting.  And totally out of control for the real perps.

It looks like the accuser —  Christine Blasey Ford — was the product of a CIA MKUltra mind control program.  Her employer — Stanford University — has always been a beehive  of recruitment and one of her professors was prominently configured in the CIA’s MKUltra mind-control experiments conducted on campus.  Furthermore, Ford’s father was a CIA money launderer going back to his bank in Washington, D.C. not far from the White House

“This Stanford professor has “Property of CIA” stamped all over her. Christine Blasey Ford studied under Professor Frederick Melges at Stanford, who was one of the leading practitioners of CIA’s MKUltra mind-control, and her father was a CIA ‘money  launderer’ who owned a bank just blocks from the White House.”
(Source: Blaseygate Blown Wide Open)

What is clear is that Blasey Ford was recruited to be the hatchet woman in this contrived teenage fatal attraction.  She only agreed to chop off Kavanaugh’s head if she could remain anonymous, however.

As fate would have it, because there are so many liars lawyers involved in this psyop, her controllers demanded that she go public after she sent the letter to Feinstein (another Deep State agent).  Now it appears that Ford is really not yet ready for prime time.  This explains all the ‘she testifying; she’s not testifying’ waffling by her high-powered feminazi team of attorneys.  Blasey Ford is truly in a quandary, but why?

Because her fictional story simply doesn’t add up.  She doesn’t remember where the so-called attempted rape took place.  She doesn’t remember who was there.  She doesn’t remember when it occurred.  She won’t even talk to the so-called witnesses.

It’s no wonder that the FBI won’t touch this teenage accusation with a 10 foot pole.  The only witness in the world is totally clueless … and Dr. Ford a psych professor deep in shrink stats so she ought to be the sharpest pencil in the drawer.  Who picked her for this difficult role anyway, her CIA-affiliated father?

As it stands today, this obvious tall tale is falling apart under the least amount of scrutiny.  And, yet, congressional Democrats are screaming for another FBI investigation; they’re demanding more time before the vote; they’re making requests of the Committee that no citizen or member has ever made before in U.S. history.  The Left leadership has literally gone off the rails like never before.  Even a cursory reading of the following headline reveals that this psyop has backfired—BIG TIME!

Even in light of so many screw-ups by Deep State, it’s still quite hard to believe that this black operation doesn’t have several layers of intrigue and intent.  With each passing day the perps only reveal more about the multifarious plot; hence, there must be a HUGE distraction factor associated with it.  We are, after all, in the thick of the 2018 campaign season and the Democrats need all the cover they can get as they attempt to steal elections left and right, but mostly from the Right.

Back to Blasey Ford: the poor lady was clearly sacrificed by her CIA handlers and there’s nothing she can do about it because of the enormity of the deceit and the profundity of the outcome.  The Right, especially the patriot movement, has had it with so much political duplicity and so many governmental deceptions.  This fiasco has pushed many Trumpsters over the edge it’s so darn transparent.

It now appears that Ford really did not realize that her Deep State operatives would land her in such deep doo-doo.  And it’s becoming more evident that this whole ruse began with MAYBE a case of deliberate mistaken identity; that is, if the alleged incident even took place 36 friggin’ years ago at a drunken bash attended by smashed and horny teenagers.

Was Kavanaugh Accuser Almost Raped By His Doppelgänger? A New Theory Emerges

Just how inebriated and loose were the girls at that little soirée?  Let’s take a closer look at Blasey’s all girls high school back in 1982, shall we?

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Blaseygate Exposes Shocking Environment at Christine Blasey Ford’s High School

CIA psyop

There’s only one way the liberals were going to take down Kavanaugh before the final confirmation vote: by sufficiently smearing him with a suitable #MeToo sex crime.  This has always been the MO of Democrats looking to remove a righteous leader from power or to prevent a good individual from being elected and/or appointed to high office.

In order to accomplish this goal, the Democrat decision-makers needed all the help they could get from the U.S. Intelligence Community and especially from the DOJ.   That’s where Deep State operative and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein came in.  You talk about an over-the-top vetting process; it was more like: let’s find anything we can that will torpedo Kavanaugh.

FLASHBACK: Why did Rosenstein really enlist hundreds of attorneys in the Kavanaugh vetting process?

It’s now abundantly clear that this whole affair is nothing but an elaborate hoax staged to achieve various goals.  There are so many willing accomplices in this psyop that it’s practically impossible to tease out the integral co-conspirators who were paid by George Soros to implement it.  We do know that Ford’s primary attorney — Debra Katz — is on the Soros payroll.

Then there is the very curious case as follows: Brett Kavanaugh’s mother was presiding judge for a foreclosure hearing of Christine Blasey Ford’s father

Was that radioactive factoid used to convince Blasey to do the dirty deed?  Surely this little data point is not for naught.  And that her CIA handlers used it to corral the accuser into a pen of MKUltra compliance.

George Soros

Where there’s smoke there’s fire; where there’s scandal, there’s international criminal George Soros.

This guy just won’t quit!  Soros even gave $18 billion of his own fortune to fund this rapidly evolving Purple Revolution against Team Trump.

Not only that, but Soros has even set up Ford’s lead attorney as a vice chair of one of his NGOs. See: KAVANAUGH ACCUSER’S LAWYER IS VICE CHAIR OF SOROS FUNDED ORG OPPOSING KAVANAUGH

How does that happen except by purposeful design?

This Soros-backed scheme stinks so much that it just may have originated with the Rothschild crime syndicate and banking cartel who wants Trump overthrown yesterday.  They are globalists at heart and do not like Trump stacking the SCOTUS with conservative justices who will thwart the vital Cultural Marxist agenda.  This is why Soros was ordered by his Rothschild masters to put $18bil in trust to pay for La Revolución that began the day Trump won.

For this and many other reasons: Soros Must Be Arrested, Prosecuted and Imprisoned to Prevent Civil War

Special Note: Sen. Diane Feinstein has played a critical role in this criminal scheme to character assassinate a SCOTUS nominee.  She was recently abandoned by the Left because of he age and certain convictions.  What better way to ingratiate herself with the leaders of the La Revolución than to play the villain in this scurrilous saga.  Not only did Feinstein wait forever to present the flimsy evidence, she won’t even hand over the original accusation letter to the Committee.  Her conduct warrants serious disciplinary action if not outright removal from the Senate.


If the intel community really did botch this up, they were told to do so.  Blasey Ford is just an expendable pawn to them as every Monarch alter ultimately is, until they break their programming.  Whether the accuser was coerced into taking this defective initiative will never be known.  However, it’s quite possible by her reaction that she may not have wanted to do this.  God only knows.

In the meantime, nothing short of divine intervention will be necessary to wind down the entire misbegotten enterprise.  Kavanaugh has been forced to run through a gauntlet of Deep State’s choosing; so has his family.  The Senate Committee also direly needs support to somehow deal with the rabid leftists who are making this a once-in-a-decade social justice warrior moment.

It’s as though many Obamabot, Clintonista and Berniacs everywhere will be triggered by this engineered scandal so as to further galvanize the coup d’état inside the Beltway.  In other words, it’s gonna get very ugly before this thing is fixed, if the DEMs have their way.  Which means that the adults in the room must step up and put the Left in its proper place, once and for all.

Let’s get busy!

State of the Nation
September 20, 2018


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