Deep State’s Soft Coup Against Trump Enters Critical Phase

Would you believe these two Deep State snake oil salesmen about anything?

Watergate Dynamic Duo Gaslights Trump, Pompously Calls for Congressional Hearings

SOTN Editor’s Note: As seen in the hyper-ventilating HUFFPOST article linked below, Deep State is getting awfully desperate.

The same Dynamic Duo of Watergate fame — Woodward and Bernstein — is being used to take down yet another Republican president.  How ‘courageous’ of these two obvious agents of Deep State—Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein.

KEY POINTS: “While at Yale, Bob Woodward joined the
Phi Gamma Delta fraternity and was a member of the prestigious
secret society Book and Snake.”
[1] Their privately-owned meeting
place is the windowless “Book and Snake Tomb” adjacent to the
Yale Law School.
As for Carl Bernstein, his personal relationships with so many
famous female VIP luminaries clearly reflect an Illuminati association
enjoyed by very few journalists who operate at his level.  “While single,
in the 1980s, Bernstein became known for dating Bianca Jagger,
Martha Stewart and Elizabeth Taylor, among others.  During his
marriage to Nora Ephron, Bernstein met Margaret Jay, daughter
of British Prime Minister James Callaghan and wife of Peter Jay,
then UK ambassador to the United States.”[2]
The essential point is that these two ultra-loyal Deep State puppets
were quite purposefully put together to fictionalize and sensationalize
Watergate while at The Washington Post, just as they are fabricating
a ‘Trumpgate’ today.  Where wacky Woodward is the “smoke, batty
Bernstein is the mirrors”.

For the uninitiated, the so-called Watergate scandal was not about a two-bit political burglary by the White House Plumbers; rather, it was about a massive pedo-crime coverup by the Democratic Party.  As follows:

DEEP STATE BOMBSHELL: Watergate was really about Pedogate

It’s crucial to understand that Deep State launched a soft coup against Donald Trump the very day he was elected.  They immediately began the process of gaslighting the President, as they have done each and every day since then.  A quick scan of MSM news reports published by the CIA’s Mockingbird Media will confirm this ever-intensifying psyop.  The deluge of so much fake news about the Trump administration also proves that: THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!

Gaslighting the POTUS!

Deep State knows that Trump cannot be JFKed as the massive patriot movement is totally on to their incessant false flag attacks and assassinations.  They’re also aware that an impeachment process will lead to a civil war.  Hence, their only way to ‘safely’ remove Trump from office is to engineer a ‘psychiatric discharge’.  So many fake media reports have been issued toward this end that the whole world now knows that mainstream media news is mostly false reporting with a highly purposeful and overtly political agenda—to effectuate a coup d’état.

Because Deep State is extremely desperate, particularly in view of the irreparable damage Trump’s wrecking ball has done thus far, they know their viable options are being limited by the week.  Gaslighting has always been a safe way for the rogue C.I.A. to claim plausible deniability after their coups are executed since such psyop evidence is tenuous at best and easily covered up…by their Mockingbird Media.

JFK psyop

It’s equally vital to comprehend that this very same gaslighting technique was use against President John F. Kennedy in November of 1963 just prior to his assassination by the C.I.A.  The realm of law enforcement at every level throughout the city of Dallas was barraged with bulletins presenting JFK as a ‘traitor’ to the country.  This psyop turned many key authorities against President Kennedy in his moment of greatest need.  Not only was his violent assassination made easier to carry out in broad daylight, the ensuing cover-up was greatly facilitated.

“What follows is a copy of that seditious bulletin that was tactically used to bone up the traitors citywide who were about to participate in a massive conspiracy to publicly execute JFK and then cover it up.” (See original  bulletin at link below)
(Source: Deep State’s Intensifying Coup Against Trump, Traitors Boldly Expose Themselves)


A close reading of the ridiculous HUFFPOST article linked below reveals just how frantic Deep State has become.  What’s really noteworthy about this naked coup-in-progress, however, is that it exposes all the main organs of MSM political propaganda as insurrectionists.  The New York Times has already outed itself as a central co-conspirator to treason with the transparently fake Op-ed they just published.  See: TREASON: The New York Times Conspires with Deep State to Galvanize the Coup Against Trump

The most recent phase of gaslighting of the President by the “Watergate Dynamic Duo”  has occurred according the following timeline.

First, the entire MSM trumpeted Woodward’s utterly fictitious book;
Secondly, the NYT published the fake Op-ed written by a phony official;
This was quickly followed by the HUFFPOST hit-piece written by
Bernstein that’s posted below.

Bottom Line: The Alt Media must unify around exposing this seditious charade before Deep State takes this CIA-coordinated black operation to the next level.  Their stealthy gaslighting MO especially needs to be disclosed.  Remember, the treasonous perps only need to successfully gaslight a critical mass of citizens in order to acquire the necessary support to remove Trump without suffering too much blowback.

State of the Nation
September 7, 2018

Reference article:

HuffPo link: Carl Bernstein Calls For Congressional Hearings To Determine Trump’s Fitness


[1] Bob Woodward

[2] Carl Bernstein


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