Trump and the JFK Files: FULL Disclosure Please, Mr. President!

Windsor, CA
Octobver 22, 2017

by Rich Scheck

President Trump announced that he will comply with the 1992 law mandating the release of the JFK assassination files. The spirit of the law and the seriousness of the matter demands that the public knows what the government knows.

That is the only way to heal the deep wounds of distrust surrounding this tragedy that transformed our nation’s relationship with its government.

After the JFK was dispatched in what can readily be described as a public execution, the United States embarked on a series of imperial wars, first in Southeast Asia and ultimately in Southwest Asia, that have continued into the present tense.

This distrust manifested itself profoundly in last year’s ugly election. The two main candidates spent it attempting to convince the electorate whom they should vote for based on which one was more corrupt rather than focusing on the many troubling issues besetting the nation.

Trump prevailed and pledged to Make America Great Again! To do so he needs to restore confidence in official narratives that are presented to explain tragic events like the Gulf of Tonkin attack in 1964 that was used to justify launching the Viet Nam War or 9/11—the New Pearl Harbor—that was used as a pretext to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.

More than 15 years and $6 Trillion later, countless millions have been killed wounded or displaced in the “War On Terror” including many American casualties while our domestic needs for better schools, roads, health care and a just society have been neglected.

The last time a secret report was released, those apparently implicated were rewarded instead of being held accountable: rather than punishing Saudi Arabia for what the Senate Intelligence Committee said was their complicity in the 9/11 attack, Trump provided them with hundreds of billions of dollars worth of weapons in the arms deal he negotiated in May.

Instead of following through on the suggestion of his pal, Roger Stone, to conduct a new investigation of the 2001 tragedy that millions doubt was caused by Osama bin Laden, the President has continued the failed policies of his predecessors by sending more troops to Afghanistan and the Middle East.

If what happened after the release of the 28 pages of the 9/11 Report is a precedent for the JFK files, there is reason to be concerned that we will not be provided with the whole truth. Stone has been joined by Gerald Posner and other researchers in their call for full disclosure and has personally lobbied Trump to do so…..with apparent success.

But, with the CIA pushing back and the past history of secrecy as an example, it is far more likely that a “limited hang-out” position will be adopted. One scenario is to blame the whole thing on someone like Lyndon Johnson, the target of Stone’s JFK book and an acceptable villain for many. That will merely complicate the matter and add to the already high level of cynicism extant among the populace.

What we need is the Truth: the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth! That is the only acceptable course of action. If former high level officials (can you say Allen Dulles?) or erstwhile allies (like Israel?) are implicated as some suspect, failure to disclose and keep their role hidden will be its own form of reward like the dubious Saudi arms deal.

It would also be an enormous disservice to “we the people!” That is why only full disclosure will satisfy the criteria of an informed electorate being capable of making decisions based on what really happened.

The Deep State must be exposed so we can drain the swamp. It’s government corruption, lies and secrecy that people hate and what causes them to distrust official narratives like the muddled account of what recently transpired in Las Vegas. Those in power are pushing back and will attempt to keep hiding behind the veil of secrecy that has protected them for decades.

Donald Trump captured the White House by describing the Main Stream Media as “fake news!” A limited hangout would be equal to fake news and a form of mind control that allows government to manipulate the public through fear, deception and propaganda.

Hopefully the release will help Trump restore the decency and greatness many Americans long for.  With corruption of government officials the top fear of its citizens, the first step in healing old wounds and empowering us to have confidence again can begin this week with the FULL disclosure required by respect for We The People and the rule of law.

References: 0/21/us/politics/trump-jfk-ass assination-classified.html

http://www.infowars. com/live-now-we-were-first-to-break-the-trumpjfk-file-news- now-get-the-rest-of-the-story/ 2017/10/21/neo-the-big-brother-bombshell-set-to-blow/

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