Why was FBI Agent Jim Clemente assigned to the Vince Foster death investigation?

Clemente’s website states, “He is an internationally recognized expert in the fields of Child Sexual Victimization, Sexual Homicide, and Child Abduction.”

Below is a copy of a document from the Office of Independent Counsel investigation of Vince Foster’s death.  The document was found at the National Archives.   Take note of the name of FBI agent Jim Clemente at the top of this memo sent to Associate Independent Counsel Brett Kavanaugh. Why was this FBI agent who specialized in child sexual victimization part of the Vince Foster death investigation?

Was Vince Foster’s murder cover-up related to the Comet Ping Pong PIZZAGATE scandal?

For more information on the Vince Foster murder cover-up, please visit the following website: http://www.fbicover-up.com/index.html





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