CIA COLOR REVOLUTION: Hong Kong Protests Coordinated by Anglo-American Intelligence Agencies

Hong Kong protest leaders secretly meeting US State Department protest liaison and foreign service agent Julie Eadeh
“Don’t the people of Hong Kong know they’re being used by CIA/MI6 to carry out a color revolution that does not serve their interest?”
The most consequential geopolitical event in the world today is the CIA/MI6-directed protests in Hong Kong. Of course, the U.S. State Department always plays a big part in these insurrections as evidenced by the following Chinese media investigation:
C.I.A. COLOR REVOLUTION: Chinese Proves US State Dept. Running Violent Protest in Hong Kong
That the Trump administration would attempt to carry out a full-blown color revolution — IN BROAD DAYLIGHT — in Hong Kong right in the middle of the most serious trade negotiations ever speaks volumes.
CHUTZPAH: Trump Administration Attempts a Color Revolution in Hong Kong in the Midst of Trade Negotiations
This particular CIA-directed black operation in Hong Kong gives new meaning to gunboat diplomacy, especially after the several U.S. Navy warships have sailed through the Taiwan Straits over the past many months.
Very few geopolitical analysts understand that there is nothing spontaneous or organic about the unparalleled protests being staged in Hong Kong by the C.I.A., MI6, US State Dept., Gladio, etc.
In point of fact, the people of Hong Kong have been somehow goaded into this catastrophe-in-the-making through the typical blackmailing and bribery that occurs with every CIA color revolution. There’s so much stealthy coercion and extortion going on in the background across the district it boggles the mind.
What’s particularly incredible about this massive series of black ops is that it will not end well at all for the Hong Kongese. How they don’t know this, and are quite willing to be cynically used by the United States and United Kingdom, is as inexplicable as it is inscrutable.
Just look at the war zone that the normally peaceful residents of Hong Kong have permitted to develop in their once well-ordered and clean city. CIA COLOR REVOLUTION IN PROGRESS: Western Powers Turning Hong Kong Into A War Zone (Photos)
2019 Hong Kong extradition bill
The most absurd aspect of this CIA-caused train wreck is that the pretext was initially identified as the 2019 Hong Kong extradition bill.
For the uninitiated, this bill was a perfectly reasonable and rational attempt by the Hong Kong Government to put into place normal extradition laws that should have been in effect for decades. Why they weren’t ever legislated in 1997 is the real question; not why are these necessary laws being enacted now through a perfectly lawful process.
Nevertheless, the CIA/MI6 used this opportunity to sow seeds of extreme discontent across the entire Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.
Once they pushed enough of the populace into sheer anti-extradition fever, the residents have become easily manipulated by the unseen Western masters who are pulling the strings.
However, the rest of the world knows exactly what’s gong on, so why don’t the unusually intelligent and informed Hong Kongese? See: The whole world knows the unprecedented Hong Kong protest is yet another CIA color revolution.
What the hidden Western organizers of this uprising have perpetrated behind the scenes is the making of many false promises of a completely independent Hong Kong. The British (Yes, it’s always the bloody Brits behind so much divide and conquer, isn’t it?!) together with their American co-conspirators, have given assurances backed up with serious bribe money to all of the key movers and shakers throughout Hong Kong society.
Once this crucial piece of the op was accomplished, those Hong Kong leaders who committed are in for the long haul and cannot get out of their CIA-enforced contracts. No one ever gets out of the ironclad contracts, by the way.
KEY POINT: The British were exceedingly resistant to giving up their prized colony in the first place. In fact, the British Empire has never been the same since China took over what was rightfully theirs. .
Hong Kong psyop
Perhaps the biggest surprise about these staged protests is how weak the response has been from the Hong Kong and Beijing authorities. They have been so flat-footed it strains credulity, even after they have had months to formulate a game plan.
From any angle, the protesters have been driving the narrative … even though they are clearly in the wrong. Not only in the wrong, but they are acting like anarchic terrorists. The seasoned execution of their various protest tactics reveals a force behind them that can only be the notorious C.I.A.-MI6 tag team.
Here’s what one commenter had to say about the suspicious level of preparation and organization demonstrated by the protesters:
What follows is a photo of a couple of these protesters, who are representative of the whole gang, that are literally terrorizing the Hong Kong airport. Notice the black t-shirts, yellow construction helmet and black face mask which most of them are wearing.
Video footage of the protesters in the thick of it show a remarkable degree of communication via smartphones with fellow protesters and their handlers at headquarters, wherever that may be.
The bottom line is that it’s quite likely most of these anarchists have been bussed and flown into Hong Kong after being trained abroad to stage this meticulously planned black operation. They are so aggressive and act with such impunity that it’s clear they feel they have nothing to lose. That’s quite different from how the locals would act out.
On the other hand, the real residents of Hong Kong have publicly expressed a deep dismay with the whole affair. They wonder why anyone would sabotage the relatively good relationship they once enjoyed with the government in Beijing. That relationship may be irreparably altered for the worse. And, the people of Hong Kong will rue the day they allowed themselves to be so abused by an utterly fake protest movement that was foisted on them by a joint US-UK conspiracy.

Photo posted at: Hong Kong protesters wave American flag, sing national anthem
The Bigger Picture
As always, there’s a much bigger picture than just the Trump administration looking to bully China into a trade agreement that will not benefit but only hurt the Chinese.
Neither is the obvious major distraction across all of Asia the primary purpose behind this brazen psyop. Although distraction is always a piece of the NWO agenda.
Truly, the intensifying war between East and West at this critical point in modern history has never been so hot. And it will only get hotter since north Korea is also playing a big part in the hostilities, as are South Korea and Japan.
The North Korean Ruse and Hong Kong Psyop—Why now and for what hidden purpose(s)?
Which brings us to the central point of this exposé.
The Western powers are planning on using this catalytic event in Hong Kong as one of numerous provocations, each designed to push the world community of nations into a state of great conflict and tension.
This very same strategy was used successfully by similar instigators (read: nations) just prior to both World War I & II. Only this time their unstated goal is to trigger the hot phase of World War III whenever they so determine.
There are actually a series of global cataclysms that The Powers The Be are planning on manufacturing over the course of the next couple of years. As follows:
THEIR FINAL SOLUTION: Market Crash, Dollar Collapse & World War 3
Each of these nefarious objectives stands as a central pillar of their New World Order agenda designed to fabricate a conducive environment for the establishment of a One World Government.
Just as the League of Nations emerged from the ashes of WWI, and the United Nations was formed in the aftermath of WW2, the same Shadow Government seeks to come out into the open through their oft-utilized Ordo ab chao subterfuge.
Their ultimate goal, of course, is to transform the planet into a global slave colony where every human being becomes a corporate resource to be totally controlled and therefore not a threat to their rapidly emerging BEAST system. The NWO cabal also wants to exert total control over the Earth’s natural resources and weather as well. See: NWO Cabal Pursues Total Dominion Over The Earth’s Weather And Natural Resources
There can only be one conclusion to this treacherous attempt to subvert China’s legal control of Hong Kong.
The current Government of China led by President Xi Jinping will never strike a trade deal with Trump. Any trust that existed before this audacious intervention by the USA is long gone. Consequently, there will not be a trade agreement for the foreseeable future. Surely Trump knows this … so who is he really working for?
This very sad and unnecessary state of affairs was quite predictable as it was engineered by the warmongering Neocon Zionists who Trump appointed throughout his administration.
Now the American people will suffer from all the trade disruption and supply chain interruption that this worsening predicament is causing worldwide. This country has only begun to suffer the calamitous effects of such a nakedly offensive foreign policy.
Truly, President Trump’s management of foreign affairs has been the most ruinous domestically and internationally in U.S. history.
The Millennium Report
August 13, 2019
Video Reference
Hong Kong Protesters Acting Like CIA-Paid Terrorists Shutting Down Major Airport (Video)