AMORICA: Alternative American History Containing Lost Truths?

To President Trump and UN Inspector General on Easter Sunday 2018

April 1, 2018

President Donald J. Trump
c/o Office of the Chief of Protocol
2201 C Street NW, Room 1238
Washington, DC 20520

Office of the United Nations Inspector General
Attention: UNIG
94 rue de Montbrillant
CP 2500 1211 Geneva

Dear Sirs,

My wife and I both come from the ancient race of the Coriosolites of Amorica, our homeland is in Northwestern France and our presence there was recorded by Julius Caesar prior to the Roman Conquest of England. Many artifacts and coins and records of our people still survive. Our ancestors, the Kings–both Bors and Ban of Gaul and Benoic (Benwick)– held large portions of both France and England for many generations— it it because of these facts that William the Conqueror had a valid claim which Edward the Confessor recognized.

That is the hidden history of the claim of William the Conqueror—hidden only because the British Government has hidden it in hopes of profiting themselves by chicanery and unjust enrichment then as now

We have been free sovereigns in our own right in England since 1087 A.D. Our kinsmen wrote and enforced the Magna Carta a little more than a hundred years later.

In 1609 we came to America and by 1630 our direct progenitors were here, building Boston. It takes no great understanding of the world to grasp the fact that “America” is not a namesake of Amerigo Vespucci. It is the namesake of our ancient homeland, Amorica.

Nor does it take any sophistication to see the blazon of the Belle Chers (anglicized to Belcher) firmly established as The Great Seal of The United States of America and The Great Seal of The United States.

Take a look at those seals and comprehend what they mean. The Great Seal of The United States of America is open. No border. No limit. Not a dependent sovereignty. The Great Seal of the United States is closed. Always encircled. Dependent on delegated power.

Nor does it require any great grasp of history to recognize that the British Empire has been the source of all the lies and misery that has infested the world for many generations. The present despots of the world think we have forgotten and that they are free to make whatever ridiculous lies and claims they please, but we are here and we know who we are and we do remember.

I am Hereditary Head of State of The United States of America (Unincorporated) standing on the land and soil of this country in full sovereign capacity. I am not now and have not acted in any foreign Territorial or Municipal capacity since I left the USAF in 1964 and gave full Notice of the same in 1998. Again. I have deliberately seized upon my own lawful Trade Name which was unconscionably presumed to be a derelict and abandoned “vessel” and have returned it to the land and soil of my native country. From there, I have seized back all derivative ACCOUNTS and re-flagged the VESSELS.

There can be no doubt who I am and in what capacity I am acting.

Let the record show that The United States of America (Unincorporated) was formed on September 9, 1776 and has never ceased functioning, never been at war since the signing of the Treaty of Peace in Paris, 1783, and has never been bankrupt, in abeyance, or otherwise entangled in the commercial feudalism of the United Kingdom by any official act of ours or our States.

The Territorial United States Government which has been organized as a commercial corporation in the business of providing governmental services since 1868 has grossly and unconscionably abused our delegated powers and worked a thoroughly reprehensible fraud scheme on our shores in contravention of both the Geneva and Hague Conventions. This foreign corporation has outrageously usurped upon us and our lawful government and other lawful governments around the world.

Unfortunately, as they have been (mis)representing us to the United Nations and have unjust enrichment as a motive for doing so, they have basically fed upon their loyal employers and attempted to displace them in Gross Breach of Trust via means of fraud and deceit and secretive substitution of their Territorial offices for our National offices.

The British Government and the British Crown is most accountable for this, along with the former Pontifical Office of the Holy See. These great wrongs have been fully admitted and then tossed into the air without responsibility being taken for the return of the property and assets and private belongings of the people worldwide.

Instead of an orderly and just settlement, too many parties have been trying to maintain The Lie and continue the abuse, most notably certain members of the British Parliament, the US Territorial Congress, the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, INC., and various mercenary agencies including the US District and Territorial Court Systems.

Mr. Trump is not responsible for nor guilty of any of this deplorable criminality; rather, he has inherited it from a long line of predecessors. We have the utmost sympathy for the position this places him in and support his efforts to clean up this Mess; however, we also realize that he has come into this office as a complete neophyte and that he is being lied to by experts who are anxious to cover their own tracks. So we are observing these matters for those with eyes to see.

The continued fraud and attempted identify theft of entire countries by these commercial “service” corporations has even extended down to the level of individual people who have had their persons deliberately mis-characterized as “citizens” of the Territorial and Municipal United States and even as corporate franchises of their commercial “fleet”.

With the entry of the parent corporations of both the Territorial and Municipal United States into different levels of bankruptcy, it has been necessary for us to re-assert our dominion, recall our delegated powers, establish contracts with other federal service providers, serve Notice on all the Principals and Principle Parties (which we have done), report these crimes to the appropriate international authorities and bring forward our claims to assert our trust interests and recoup our assets, which the so-called service providers were holding– and profiting from — without our knowledge or consent.

The essence of the fraud lies in semantic deceits and mistaken identities and resulting falsification of public records. We have many, many millions of innocent Americans who have been defrauded and purposefully entrapped and misidentified as Territorial United States and Municipal United States citizens.

We do not propose that the current situation of confusion and dereliction of duty persist at the hands of internationally appointed bankruptcy trustees chosen by Secondary Creditors of our Hired Help.

Their bankruptcy does not imply our bankruptcy, nor the bankruptcy of our States nor our people. It does not provide any excuse for seizing upon our assets or mis-addressing us in any presumed foreign capacity whatsoever.

This is your Due Notice of these facts.

All Americans coming forward to reclaim their Good Names and Estates must be recognized as innocent Third Parties and as internationally Protected Persons.

This is your Due Notice that there is no such thing as a “sovereign citizen” nor is there any such thing as a “private citizen”. It is impossible to be a sovereign and a citizen at the same time. It also impossible to be acting in a private capacity and a public capacity at the same time. We do not understand why the members of the Territorial Bar Associations and the Press Corps and the so-called “US Bankruptcy” Courts are still being ALLOWED to apply these oxymorons and label people “sovereign citizens” or dare to address their employers in this manner.

We object strongly to any presumption of the existence of any such frivolous and imaginary political status and we require the assistance of all international courts to stop this fraud upon the courts worldwide.

We call upon the United Nations Inspector General to clamp down on all UN Employees to be sure that none of them are mindlessly perpetuating these abuses and that you are enforcing proper recognition of American Vessels active in both International Trade and Commerce as operating in their private capacity, and upon President Trump to similarly put an end to these abuses.

I have been informed of several cases this week where law enforcement officers and petty officers in federated state and county courts have seized upon Americans and leveled these ridiculous “charges” of them being “sovereign citizens” and also attempting to pretend that these people who were going about their business and not bothering anyone were “obstructing” their operations.

Let us be perfectly blunt. These Territorial minions have no permission to be here addressing American people on their own shores and any commercial liability they create, they are accountable for. Any violence they perpetuate, they are accountable for. They have no right of presumption against their employers– we, sirs, are their ultimate employers

We are thoroughly sick of this “bully boy” attitude and abuse of the law, both international and commercial. This country functions under the American Common Law, not British Equity Law, not Territorial Statutory Law, and not under Municipal Code. Until the American Bar Association gets that drilled through their heads and forced to recognize the American people as lawful persons who are naturally outside the jurisdiction of their courts, there will continue to be despicable ignorance and abuse.

I believe that Mr. Trump is still holding the Office of Commander-in-Chief and it is his responsibility to inform these courts and the responsibility of the US Army to enforce discipline upon them and to properly administer the Law of Peace, FM 27-161-1, and that all Americans must be presumed to be the victims of this vast institutionalized fraud.

If there is any doubt in your mind that we have indeed corrected our standing which was impaired by deliberate fraud and falsification of the public records, I suggest that you look in the public records to see exactly where, when, and how we have removed ourselves and our “Vessels” from both Municipal and Territorial jurisdiction and have established our permanent domicile on our land and soil and have furthermore brought these issues before the various international bodies and courts.

Our standing in this matter is iron-clad and all your members and all their courts have been given Notice and have date-stamped and filed and returned closure on these exemptions and these claims. Any idea that we are ignorant little bumpkins to be rolled by the press gangs and abused by commercial mercenaries need to end right here and right now. The Sleeping Giant has awakened and is exercising its reversionary trust interest. The “presumed” donors have returned from “over the sea” and there are now thousands of us awake and taking action, including eligible fiduciaries for all fifty states —- people who have demonstrated their genealogy in this country prior to the so-called Civil War, which was not a war, but a cat-fight among our governmental service providers and wannabe providers.

Our National Trust Interest includes the estates of all Americans who are not “voluntarily” and “knowingly” subjecting themselves under full disclosure to the Queen and the Crown, despite whatever False Witness there deliberately concocted and whatever misinformation deceitful public records may bear, and none of the people coming forward to reclaim their Good Names and Estates may be hampered, arrested, accused of any disloyalty or wrong-doing, mis-addressed, mis-characterized, or abused in any way, shape, or form by any incorporated entity dry-docked on our shores. It also includes all State land trusts and assets.

Our States are being summoned into session to address long-overdue business and to put an end to any speculation that our country or its National Government is now or has ever been “in abeyance”. The state land trusts, both public and private, belong to The United States of America (Unincorporated) and their administration must now be returned to us without further chicanery or obfuscation.

Our sovereignty and our exercise of our sovereignty is not dependent on public opinion or on any time clock set in Rome, London, or anywhere else. It’s our sovereignty and we are now choosing to exercise it.

We wish the return of all our land patents, titles, and interests, all our property real and imaginary, our Good Names and ESTATES, businesses, currency, notes, gold that was confiscated under conditions of deceit, all intellectual and natural property owed to America and to Americans must be exempted from any claims of “citizenship” or bankruptcy and returned to us and our sovereign safe-keeping, free and clear, without encumbrance of any kind.

All mercenary agencies and “courts” operating on our shores need to be converted to lawful service or deported.

We have secured the exact records of how this gigantic fraud was accomplished via diligent search of the US Patent and Trademark Office and US Copyright Office. We have the proof on the public record, written in their own words, signed by their own hands. There is no point in arguing it or trying to destroy the evidence, which will simply make it all look even worse.

It is now the responsibility of the United Nations Inspector General to object to these abuses by the bankruptcy trustees and insist upon their removal and the reinstatement of bankruptcy trustees chosen by the actual Priority Creditors and Holders in Due Course: The United States of America (Unincorporated), their member-states known as Florida, Georgia, Maine, Vermont, et alia., and their people.

It is the responsibility of the UN Inspector General and Mr. Trump, both, to diligently object to the practice of seizing upon American children and their dishonest and deliberate mis-identification and mis-characterization as Territorial Wards or Municipal Franchises.

We object to the process of “registering” people as if they were things and placing war flags on their PERSONS as an excuse to prosecute them in foreign jurisdictions and under false presumptions—-crimes known as personage and barratry resulting in genocide on paper, and still being practiced and allowed by the UN Bankruptcy Trustees, the Territorial United States Courts and their federated State of State Franchise “Court Systems” and their subsidiary federated County Courts.

This is not the service we are owed and which we have paid for and we most strenuously object to any continuance of these false presumptions being held against our lawful government, our states, and our people.


James Clinton Belcher

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