The People’s response to the ongoing soft coup being run by rogue elements within the U.S. Intelligence Community – Military Tribunals
The American Intelligence Media news platform consists of hundreds of independent news platforms that connect to one another in a decentralized manner that can scale designated messaging globally in minutes. From contributors like Americans for Innovation who have constructed a comprehensive CRIMELINE to indie Steemit, Reddit, and WordPress bloggers and Dtubers who push out truth news every day, we have something for anyone who is addicted to truth.
The truth community is now engaged in educating and preparing its readers and viewers about military tribunals. State of the Nation and the Millennium Report offer these excellent articles below to fan out to your network of truth seekers. Please feel free to post this full article compilation or select articles that resonate with your community.
Be creative in expressing your message about military tribunals. Use your special talents in creating messages for your audience that speaks to them, whether they are videos, reblogs, tweets, memes.
We are in an information war. We the People are the front line truth warriors. We need to keep our target in site and our information weapons loaded with truth bombs and bullets.
Each headline hyperlinks to the original article. An excerpt from each article is provided just below the headline.
Your job is to pummel the internet with two words – MILITARY TRIBUNALS
Everyone is invited to join the movement to restore the Republic, even if all you can do is save this URL link in a handy place and leave it in comment boxes where appropriate in comment boxes under videos and articles. You are leaving a breadcrumb behind for someone to find… we call that amazing good karma.
Trump has only ONE response to the ongoing soft coup being run by rogue elements within the U.S. Intelligence Community
Most of the leaders of this stealthy insurrection are unknown and working deep within the U.S. Intelligence Community. Others, such as former CIA Director John Brennan, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former Director of the National Security Agency, Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence, and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Michael Hayden, as well as former CIA Deputy Director and Acting Director Michael Morell are highly visible leaders of the coup faction.
However, it is the countless agents of Deep State who populate the Zio-Anglo-American Intelligence Community that pose the real problem. In this regard, it’s virtually impossible to determine who is really serving the POTUS, and who is working against him. Because the U.S. intelligence agencies have been systematically ponerized since day one by the C.I.A., who and what is not effectively owned and operated by The Company, as it’s known by spooks everywhere.
Everyone ought to realize by now that a large group of high-level government officials and political appointees throughout the Obama administration and Clinton Campaign got together to commit treason with the ultimate purpose of fomenting open rebellion.
Their initial goal was to somehow overturn the 2016 electoral college vote. When that failed dismally, the white-collar rebels sought to overthrow the President of the United States of America once Donald Trump took office.
In order to carry out these seditious schemes, the perps brazenly contrived a baseless accusation about Trump’s collusion with Russia to win the presidential election. This highly organized and criminal plot translates to a number of exceedingly serious violations of the nation’s laws. For example, the assorted crimes that constitute treason, which have thus far been committed against the POTUS and the American Republic, breach the U.S. Constitution as they do various federal statutes.
President Trump Has No Choice: A Countercoup Must Be Mounted Before It’s Too Late
“President Trump is facing a full-blown coup d’état, sooner or later. The treasonous co-conspirators are setting up the country so as to spring into action on several fronts. When they execute the final putsch will be determined more by sheer desperation than anything else. They really don’t want to overthrow Trump violently, but will eventually feel the absolute necessity to do so. This will be their only way to stay out of prison. Here’s the real problem for the POTUS: He can only trigger a military solution when all of his ducks are in a row. Should Trump act prematurely, his success will be put in jeopardy. Should he act too late, his administration will be in grave danger.”
— Former U.S. Military Officer and Intelligence Analyst
Military Tribunals: The Time Has Come
Major Development: The case for MILITARY TRIBUNALS
Let’s win the Revolutionary War this time…once and for all. Dismantle the globalists by taking down their spying apparatus – from Google to Facebook. We the People can use the Miller Act Notice to shut them all down.
Endgame Is Military Tribunal For Clinton And Obama — Jerome Corsi (Video)
TREASON: Irrefutable Evidence Reveals Obama Era Officials To Be Traitors
The Anonymous Patriots have written extensively about Comey and Mueller’s crimes, but this is the first time we are listing crimes they have committed under the protection of “National Security” which were, in fact, crimes against America. With this internet posting, We the People are officially charging them with these crimes and we demand that military tribunals be set up to prosecute these traitors.
After you read this, please make your own official charge to the appropriate authorities for those listed in this citizen intelligence report. Make sure to send a copy to the Department of Justice and the White House. Please forward this link through your social media networks to wake up other patriots.
Two Alternative Media Powerhouses Join Forces to Rewrite American History
When you finally grow weary of playing distracting games of internet mystery posters and gamers, roll up your sleeves and sharpen your thinking with the content of these sites.
Read the deeply researched reports by AFI and AIM that will give you the indictable evidence needed to arrest the criminal cabal….not just in America, but around the world. Keep your elected representatives honest by using these two sites as your ultimate truth weapon.
Time to stop playing internet spy and puzzle games and start doing the work that needs to be done – arming yourself with real truth that will get the treasonous swamp creatures locked up in FEMA camps, waiting for their military tribunals.
After we win the Second American Revolution, we will want to restructure our entire educational system and teach real American history, civics, and government to our children, not some Saul Alinsky – Luciferic version of communism in America. These two sites, digitally preserved as Open Source content, would be available free and online to anyone, anywhere in the world, in perpetuity. The merged timelines and information on these two sites – Americans for Innovation and the American Intelligence Media – is the best timeline of American History and Government on the internet…period.
We have created this article as an easy PDF link so that you can push it around places where censorship is rampant. These fliers tend to make it through the enemy’s censorship gates.