Alternative Media Disseminates False Info Re: United States Corporation Company

The following link has been posted on several alternative news and conspiracy websites as evidence that the United States of America is actually an incorporated entity known as United States of America, Inc.  The United States Corporation Company found in the link below is the company in question; however, it is not the correct name of the USA, INC., nor do any of the corporate filing indicate that it is the USA, INC.


The articles of incorporation for United States Corporation Company were first filed with the Office of the Secretary of State of Florida on July 15, 1925.  The official name shown in the articles of incorporation is United States Corporation Company doing business as a domestic, for profit corporation.  The same company has filed similar paperwork in California, Texas and Delaware during the same time frame.

The primary business of the United States Corporation Company is to function as a Registered Agent.  Exactly what is a Registered Agent?  The following answer comes from

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In other words the United States Corporation Company (USCC) is a company currently doing business in Florida, Texas, California and Delaware as a Registered Agent. The screenshot that follows clearly indicates that the USCC is one of eight Registered Agent companies doing business in Tallahassee, the state capital of Florida.  The first company listed below in the right column clearly indicates the same United States Corporation Company that was incorporated on 7-15-25.

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A review of the official state records found at the Division of Corporations, Florida Department of State indicates that annual reports have been filed yearly by the United States Corporation Company going back to the original filing in 1925.  The following link to the State of Florida’s confirms their legitimacy as a Registered Agent company consistently doing business in Florida since that time.

The internet is now rife with cyber-legends which purport to show one thing or disprove another which have absolutely NO basis in fact.  In their zeal to demonstrate that the United States of America is actually a corporation — which it is — the original poster of this misleading material has done a great disservice to the movement that has formed to reveal the truth about this important matter.

The first link in this post shows the United States Corporation Company articles of incorporation as seen below.  The name that they chose is perfectly in line with the business of acting as a Registered Agent company for US corporations.  That’s what they do, and that’s what the company name reflects.

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The United States Corporation Company is clearly not the corporate entity by which the United States of America’s Federal Government is doing business around the world. The original corporate documents of USA, INC have purportedly been found by various researchers, but we will take up that investigation in another post.




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