Trump UN Speech A Goldmine Of Hypocrisy, Propaganda And Outrageous Lies
by Patrick J McShay
“If Iran were to acquire nuclear weapons, this could presage catastrophic consequences, not only for my country, and the Middle East, but for all mankind”, adding that “the deadline for attaining this goal is extremely close”. – Israeli Prime Minister-Bibi Netanyahu -1996
“If the United States is forced to defend itself or its allies we will have no choice but to destroy North Korea” – President Donald J. Trump
“Trump is hostage to hawkish generals running his administration’s geopolitical agenda. Instead of being a peace and stability President, he’s another in a long line of US warrior presidents- At war in multiple theaters, threatening more conflicts, risking possible nuclear confrontation with North Korea, Russia, and China”. – Stephen Lendman, Journalist
Was Donald Trump’s speech to the UN optimistic realism, Trumpian populism or a just a goldmine of hypocrisy, propaganda and outrageous lies? Trump’s meeting with Bibi Netanyahu yesterday no doubt influenced this jingoistic and threatening speech. It sounded like Bibi wrote it for him. Bibi has been crying wolf about Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons program for over 20 years. This kind of speech always worked really well before the advent of the internet. In the past, the mainstream media effectively kept us in the dark about what was really going on in the rest of the world so this kind of speech was readily accepted by the ignorant proles.
Now, with a few clicks of the mouse on a computer, just about everything he said is quickly exposed as no more than ludicrous propaganda and the raving of a clueless madman pushing another country’s agenda. I’m sure this was obvious to everyone in that room. This speech was for the dimwitted Fox News crowd, the NeoCons, and Israeli firsters behind the new $700 billion defense spending bill and the defense contractors who will benefit the most. It was not for a room full of serious foreign diplomats. Rocketman indeed. Republicans will, no doubt, praise the speech. The Democrats can’t be too critical because they are complicit and willing partners in most of these big lies, especially if a war for Israel is the end result. Think 911.
Trump proclaimed, “Terrorists and extremists have spread to every corner of the world and rogue regimes in this body support these networks.” What the President fails to mention is that The US and many of our allies including England, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other NATO countries have been arming and funding a number of terrorist organizations in the Middle East including Al Queda, the Al Nusra Front, and ISIS. You can’t talk seriously about stamping out purveyors of terror while holding hands with Israel and Saudi Arabia, Mr. President. You can’t preach to Syria about being a good neighbor when everyone in the room knows that Israel just bombed Syria again last week.
Trump laughably referred to Israel as a “peaceful neighbor”. This no doubt elicited some big laughs from those in attendance. No doubt more laughs were heard when he said, “In America, we don’t impose our way of life on anyone.” Isn’t that precisely what America does? You can’t pretend that Iran is the biggest threat to the Middle East when everyone in the room knows that the US provided weapons and continue to support the Saudis’ ongoing war and abhorrent bombing campaign against a largely defenseless Yemen. So why would Trump choose to back out of the nuclear deal with Iran now? Because Iran is the next war our Israeli controllers want the American military to fight for them. Especially since their terrorist army has been soundly defeated in Syria.
Iran stands in the way of the “Greater Israel Project”, Israel’s scheme to attain full spectrum dominance over the region. Nothing the US does in the Middle East is done without approval from Tel Aviv. According to US grand strategy, as defined by Admiral Arthur Cebrowski in 2001, all of the greater Middle East must be destroyed except for Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon. This is what has been playing out in the region ever since. The always excellent journalist Stephen Lendman pointed out that “North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela are sovereign independent states threatening no one. America’s geopolitical strategy needs enemies to justify unprecedented militarism and war-making. None exist, so they’re invented.”
The US isn’t so much down on terrorists. They just have a problem with the terrorists that aren’t working for them. It’s like how the government only goes after the drug cartels who don’t work for the CIA. Does anyone really believe that we are really fighting terror in Afghanistan after 16 long years in that country? Prior to the invasion, the Taliban was in the process of stamping out Opium production in Afghanistan. FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds reported that In 2001, prior to the invasion, there were 189,000 heroin users in the US. By 2016 there were estimated to be 4.5 million addicts in our country. So when our government announced that they would eradicate Afghani poppy production, they neglected to tell us that US poppy production would flourish.
For instance, in 2001, poppy fields went from 7600 hectares (2.5 acres per) to 224,000 hectares in 2016. How is it possible for poppy production to increase so substantially after George Bush the Dumber said we would eradicate these crops? Heroin deaths shot from 1779 in 2001 to just under 11,000 in 2016. Heroin is a trillion dollar a year business and the US controls it. Most of the world’s major banks have been caught laundering drug money and it won’t stop anytime soon. Sadly the US so-called Heroin Eradication Program has cost the American taxpayers $8.5 billion. Not long ago most Americans thought that accusations of government-sponsored cocaine smuggling were a conspiracy theory. Today, they are making movies and TV shows about the very real history of American sponsored drug smuggling.
Barack Obama’s former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, who was caught lying to Congress not long ago, has been caught lying again. A few months ago Donald Trump accused the Obama Administration of wiretapping he and members of his team at Trump Tower and the mainstream media had a field day ridiculing him over his accusations. Clapper went on Meet The Press and told Chuck Todd that “there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the President or his campaign before or after the election”. Well, it looks like Trump was right again.
The bigger question is what else has this traitor lied about? Clapper is a smug globalist who never thought Trump would win. Were the Russian collusion lies used by Obama’s henchmen to order FISA warrants on Trump’s team that would have otherwise been illegal? Jeff Sessions is surrounded by criminals with enough evidence to indict a half dozen people right away. This should be a special prosecutor’s dream. Prosecuting Obama’s minions are what most Americans want to see. It’s what this country needs, not globalist shill Robert Mueller’s Russian witch hunt. We should be hearing about multiple investigations. Where are the grand juries, Jeff? Sessions is an embarrassment who spent 9 months attempting to expand the unconstitutional and terribly flawed asset forfeiture program to steal American’s assets and is still fantasizing about imprisoning Medical Marijuana patients. If he won’t resign Trump needs to fire him immediately!
Will Trump take steps to ensure that these agencies don’t go rogue in the future? Has he identified Obama holdovers who may be in a position to harm his presidency? We were told that these Intelligence Agencies were nonpartisan and this sort of thing couldn’t happen. Juan Williams was still insisting today, with a straight face, that the Intelligence Agencies are non-political. Right now, what the Trump Administration needs is an Attorney General that is a Pit Bull, not a lap dog. That’s why Sessions needs to be given his walking papers. It seems clear that Comey is dirty. So is Susan Rice, and Samantha Powers. And what about Obama? Did he order illegal wiretaps? I believe he did. The American people deserve to know the truth. Trump’s win had the globalist rats scurrying but any attack on Iran helps put their agenda back on track. Any plan that has John McCain and Lindsey Graham’s approval is guaranteed to be bad for America.
When talking about Iran Trump said, “we can not let a murderous regime continue these destabilizing activities while building dangerous missiles. And we cannot abide by an agreement if it provides cover for the eventual construction of a nuclear program”. This murderous regime? Really Mr.President? OK, now I’m sure Bibi wrote this speech! He has been making this same speech since 1996. Iran hasn’t invaded another country in 216 years. IAEA Inspections have turned up no violations of the nuclear agreement and Trump knows it. He now appears to have made up his mind to blow up the nuclear deal with Iran for some reason, and that reason is without any doubt Israeli-influenced. I certainly didn’t see the strong leader the Fox pundits are gushing about. I saw another American President putting Israel’s interests and the “Greater Israel Project” ahead of American interests.
In a recent article for the Jerusalem Post titled “Why Israel needs to prepare America for the upcoming conflict in Syria”, Zionist Eric Mandel proposes that the US Government and the American people must be made war willing partners of Israel in the event of any future attack by the Israeli Defense Forces against Syrian, Russian, or Iranian military targets. This is typical Israeli chutzpah. With Israel currently bombing Syria, (an ally of both Russia and Iran)and routinely threatening everyone in the region, this is like a lion tamer demanding to be given life insurance. This is just more evidence that the Zionists control US foreign policy.
Sorry folks, but anyone who still believes Netanyahu or Israel care one bit about America needs to wake up. Another captured ISIS commander turned out to be an Israeli Mossad Agent. Thierry Meyssan reported that on August 26th helicopters of the American Special Forces evacuated nearly 2 dozen ISIS officers on the outskirts of Deiz-EZ-Zor before they could be taken prisoner. Add that to the mountain of lies we have been fed about this manufactured “War on Terror”. Iran wasn’t arming and paying ISIS. Iran wasn’t arming and paying terrorists in Syria. Nor were they behind 911.