Famous Holistic Doctor & Wife Allegedly Jump to Death off Manhattan Office Highrise

Leave Typed Suicide Notes

By Erin Elizabeth

Update: According to authorities and eyewitnesses, a neighbor swears they heard screaming just before the fatalities. You can also find a GoFundMe link for the children at the bottom of the page along with the 200+ comments..

On Friday, July 28, at around 5:45 a.m., a well known holistic Manhattan doctor (who loved his family and was a regular volunteer including a first responder at 9/11) and his wife allegedly jumped to their deaths leaving separate and typed suicide notes, in securely sealed ziplock baggies, in their pockets. (You get to decide how you feel about that. Also, can you think of the last time the news published a picture of a suicide note? Me either but you can see it below.)

Glenn and Patty Scarpelli in happier times – credit FACEBOOK

They were found on the street shortly before 6 a.m. by a shocked woman who worked at a nearby store.


We find it interesting (if not absurd), that the few mainstream outlets who reported the news initially stated they killed themselves over Obamacare which was not repealed a few hours before they died. Then, we watched some of the headlines change (ours never did) as they switched the narrative to say it was because of financial woes as described in the typed notes.

A misleading title on mainstream:

Another article with a misleading article, as later it was reported authorities misspoke when they initially said it was because of “health care bills” (It was not).

From the NY POST: (one of the few mainstream sources to even report the tragedy)

A suicide note recovered by police Seth Gottfried

“The bodies of 53-year-old famed chiropractor Dr. Glenn Scarpelli and his wife, 50-year-old Patricia Colant, were found in the middle of the street on 33rd Street between Park and Madison avenues in Murray Hill after the pair jumped from the ninth-floor window of a 17-story corner office building on Madison Avenue at about 5:45 a.m., police said.

Glenn, whose office was on the same floor of the building where the couple jumped, titled the suicide note found in his pocket, “WE HAD A WONDERFUL LIFE.” It was typed on a piece of white paper.”1

Dr Scarpelli’s wife, Patty,  also had a suicide note in her pocket asking that someone take care of their children who were upstairs. (And why were the children upstairs when they didn’t jump from their apartment building and from their holistic clinic which was on Madison Avenue? Does that mean their sweet kids saw them jump?)

And speaking of their children, what – do you suppose- was the reason they would leave their children and jump to their deaths? Debt. They were in debt. Allegedly. And not even $250,000 according to experts.

We don’t know much else at this time but we have many friends in common with Dr. Scarpelli and his wife. Our heart goes out to their family. We understand from neighbors and these mutual friends (not to mention patients!) who are telling us directly that they  that they were incredibly kind, loving, happy, generous and “full of life”.  They state that this “doesn’t add up” and is “hard to believe to say the least”.

We will update you as soon as more information becomes available.


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