Trump, The Deep State and US Escalation in Syria

Custer, WA
June 21, 2017

by Rich Scheck

A brief review of what General Wesley Clark had to say in this video from 2007 about US foreign policy in the Middle East makes it perfectly clear that President Trump is no different from his predecessors.

Those of his apologists who think he has been somehow “captured” by Deep State operatives must ask themselves how that happened. Keep in mind that Trump picked the people responsible for implementing the policy of escalation towards Syria, Iran and ultimately Russia associated with the recent shoot-down of a Syrian plane.

This dangerous escalation and act of aggression by the US against the armed forces of a sovereign nation is an act of war under international law. Surely, someone as vocal as our new leader would be tweeting his objections to this approach or holding a news conference to demand his generals conform to his stated goal of combating ISIS and cooperating with the Russians if he objected to these events.

That is not the case because Trump fully supports what is happening and
endorses the Bush/Obama/Clinton policy of intervention for regime change.
That is what General Clark described was the Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz/Bush plan from 2001…………..and that is the current plan as well.

Can there be any doubt that we support the terrorists we claim to oppose?
Can anyone deny Trump is on board and that he has been from the start as evidenced by his strong support for Israel’s goals in the region?

And with an (almost) fully complicit Congress behind him that passively
accepts this breach of its constitutionally mandated war powers, how can
anyone be confused what the real intent of our government is in this matter?

If you are looking for a clue about the big picture, please ask yourself how is it that only 13 Members of Congress had the courage to cosponsor Tulsi Gabbard’s bill “to stop funding terrorists?”

That’s 13 people out of 435 who agree their government should do something as fundamental as “stop funding terrorists!” I find that amazing and am guessing that despite the enormous expenditure of funds on the election in Georgia that was decided last night, the issue was not discussed by either candidate.

The current escalation in Syria means the US is now even closer to open warfare with Russia than it has been up to now. Our presence in Syria is both illegal and unwelcome. Russia has done an impressive job of pushing ISIS out of key cities like Aleppo and Palmyra despite our support for those fighting Assad.

Whether consciously or through his ignorance, Trump has embraced the Deep State. His failure to openly reject the actions of our military means he is on board for their agenda. This is not a bashful man. His silence speaks volumes as to what his true intention is in addition to his bragging about isolating Qatar after agreeing to sell the Saudis a huge quantity of weapons.

The Deep State remains ascendant under Trump. The escalating war in Syria portends direct confrontation with Russia. This is not what those who supported him voted for. The abandonment of his stated policy must be seen for what it is: complicity with the wars of aggression of the Deep State!

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