You never really know what caused the massive explosions occurring in neighborhoods more frequently across the nation.
This website has published various articles regarding the unlawful legislation which permits the U.S. Federal Government to stage false flag terror operations on US soil. What follows is one of those exposés.
“FALSE FLAGS” are LEGAL PROPAGANDA PRODUCED by the Department of Defense
The state of Florida has experienced an inordinate number of small aircraft crashes over the past many years. Some of these ‘private’ airplanes go done in the middle of nowhere; some crash right into a house located in a subdivision. How often was the jet or turboprop deliberately flown into the home of a targeted individual?
Bear in mind that whenever these very real (and illegal) attacks on American citizens or foreign visitors are carried out, the response team of police officers, firemen and other investigators are put into place well in advance. These high-paid crisis actors are typically on contract with the C.I.A. and trained well within their assigned specialties. They come and go from the government-created crimes scenes as though they are the real thing.
The critical point here is that anyone can be taken out this way and the excuse that is usually offered is a massive gas explosion. That’s even when the home has no gas hookup; only electric. The whole story must be fabricated in order for the authorities to place a somewhat plausible narrative in the local media.
There are many other ways by which the C.I.A. can take out ‘enemy combatants’ who are deemed to be undesirables by Deep State. As a matter of fact, the special op teams that coordinate these attacks are now using whatever it takes to get the job done quickly and dependable.
The discussion by a former NSA employee posted below the broken line delineates various homegrown terror events which fit this pattern. However, it’s the photos that really tell the story. For every explosion leaves all the telltale signs of the actual bomb or device that was used. Just like an airplane does which happens to crash and burn in a fancy subdivision. The plane wreckage is there for all to see; not like 9/11 when there was no evidence whatsoever of a Boeing 757 jet airliner hitting the Pentagon.
Actually, 9/11 is another perfect example of where the CIA teamed up with the Armed Forces, like they do in every war zone, and fired a cruise missile at the Pentagon. Not only was the missile from the US military arsenal, it was probably launched out at sea by the U.S. Navy. (See 9/11 FACT: The Pentagon Was Hit By A Cruise Missile From The US Military Arsenal)
It’s also important to note that, since the false flag terrorists attacks on September 11, 2001, the number of unexplained explosions across America has increased considerably. Now why might that be?!
State of the Nation
June 5, 2017
Something has been eating at me, for me to post this again.
So since all we have is another (possibly but not likely) credible Muslim attack story in Londonistan in the news, it is time to wake people up with this again:
Drone strike on American soil PROVEN
Blast effects from Indianapolis explosion prove it was a military bombing.
Jim Stone, freelance journalist, updated May 15 2014
Initial report:
Indianapolis blast caused by high velocity explosive
There is little information coming out of Indianapolis, but all of what is coming out indicates that it was a high velocity detonation which occured a few feet off the ground.
There is little concrete foundation remaining at the house the explosion happened at, which totally rules out gas. The lack of high definition photos is damning, we are getting nothing of the blast epicenter and only the debris in the streets. I managed to find a super high quality photo of the neighborhood that does not focus on the house where it originated, but it is clear enough overall to seem to show that the foundation is gone and there is only dirt. But there is so much rubble that it is really hard to tell what is there without a better photo. I am working on this now, and will update it later.
I have received requests to explain the following photo better. When I mention the decompression damage, this is what I am trying to say. If you have a detonation from a military grade explosive, rather than a natural gas explosion, the shock wave that goes out from the blast is supersonic and forms a wall of bunched up compressed air as it moves outward. This creates a vacuum cavity in the heart of the detonation, which can go outward for several hundred feet. Air needs to rush backwards to fill that void after the blast wave has passed, and this creates an enormous suction after the intital blast that can cause significant damage in addition to the initial blast damage. So the arrows are pointing at windows, garage doors, and exterior walls of houses that got sucked off by this negative pressure wave. The fact that the houses I refer to had the external sheathing ripped outward, instead of being blown inward, proves that this was no gas explosion, which is subsonic, it was a detonation of military grade ordinance. Explosions are subsonic, detonations are supersonic, and detonations will cause the reverse pressure wave following the blast. Subsonic explosions will not. This is what I am referring to in the high res photo.
Click the image to enlarge it.
This is the only decent photo which will allow a study of the scene, It can tell us a few things, but not everything. More detail of the epicenter is needed. I hunted for that and cannot find it anywhere.
In the arab world, where the homes are made of solid concrete and have no wood at all, even inside, the negative pressure wave has a negligible effect. But in America, the homes are wood even if they have a brick face, and this will drastically increase the damage potential of the negative pressure wave. When our government decides to make such attacks commonplace, our homes will not offer any protection at all. In fact we are sitting ducks.
This was a much bigger blast than is being stated in the press, with eyewitnesses saying that 8 miles away it sounded like lightning hitting their homes, a recording being made at the time six miles away clearly recorded the blast, and it is not an explosion, it sounds like a detonation. Military veterans are saying it sounded exactly like military ordinance, and people two miles away from the blast say it was so loud they thought a bomb went off within their own yards. The blast effects in the high resolution photo indicate that not only was there a strong compression wave, but there was also a very strong subsequent decompression wave, with homes not badly damaged having their windows sucked out and not blown in, even while facing the direction of the blast. This effect is also visible on several garage doors.
Injuries from the scene exactly match those of battlefield blast wave injuries, which include lung damage, pulmonary damage, ear damage and psychosis/disorientation. This was NOT a gas explosion, meth lab explosion or anything else, it was a detonation of high grade explosives.
Since I do not have a better explanation I am going to tentatively state that the black helicopter and missile plume story could be possible, we all knew this was coming. But I have absolutely no confirmation of this or any other evidence other than blast effects. It appears that it was a smart guided bomb or missile with an ability to detonate after impact, (there are many bombs now that can be set to go off after they have entered a structure to a pre set depth.) This is what we are looking at, they did not want a crater forming ground burst but it appears to have stripped away the foundation. It sure would be nice to get a few REAL photos out of there.
I have also heard now from many writers that Fema and the DHS were on scene within three minutes. If true, this would be proof positive that it was a government hit, and as you know, Obama wrote himself some nice little tyrant powers that allow him to kill anyone he wants. I am not going to take the time to link it, if you don’t already know this, you need to study your way to it. Welcome to the U.S.S.A, and in fact, it has been at least partially this way for a few years now.
I would like to know what the people who owned that house were doing. I would like to know if they had the goods on election fraud. I would like to know if they were in a position to be whistleblowers. I would like to know why on earth they were targeted like this, and I am not going along with a Sorcha explanation. The bottom line is I just don’t have the answers here, the only thing I can affirmitively state is that this was a military hit of some sort.
The following contains credibile testimony of eyewitnesses
— admin comment – An Air Force colonel familiar with bombing runs said that this damage was equal to 4, 000 pounds of military grade explosive. How do you get that much blast from a BBQ with at a max 20 pounds of fuel? Answer – Get educated in a modern public school that graduates people who can’t think.
Absent a barbecue, you would then need a gas connection. ERROR, the utility company confirmed these houses do not have one. –
Question – How did a barbecue get Fema and the DHS on scene within three minutes of the blast? I know! THE SAME WAY CNN AND OTHER NEWS AGENCIES WERE AT THE MURRAH FEDERAL BUILDING BROADCASTING LIVE, ALL SET UP, THREE MINUTES AFTER IT BLEW UP!!!
A comment from a police officer “It turns out that I am just over four miles in a straight line from the explosion near Sherman and Stop 11. I didnt even put on my uniform as I climbed in my crusier to go to the scene. What I saw was total devistation to four houses and secondary damage to surounding houses. Some houses moved 3 feet off of their foundation!
Initial speculation was that it was a gas explosion. The fire side stated that it didnt look like the normal gas explosion where a house is lifted up and set back down. This had a massive debris field that looks much more like a bomb. The blast was higher than a normal gas explosion. The tree limbs were sheared off at an upward trajectory, not straight out from the house that exploded.
We have had a police presence since Saturday. Today NTSB Haz Mat members arrived at the scene. WTF, for a gas leak? I am begining to subscribe to the notion that something fell from the sky. A couple that lives north of us was outside and said that they heard a sonic boom”
My comment:
A sonic boom? From the sky? Bombs dropped from airplanes go supersonic in freefall. Bombs dropped from high altitude can make a sonic boom on their way down. Looks like we are inching closer to the story here.
“INSTABILITY AT HOME” A retired Air Force colonel speaks up on the Indianapolis bombing
A reasonable analysis of what is being seen in the US is clear. America faces an insurrection driven by extremist groups within the financial community who are actively working with religious cults that have penetrated the officer corps through America’s discredited service academies. (those cults would be the Jewish community, pretty brazen statement)
Many American military, some retired but some actively serving, have displayed clear signs of treasonous disloyalty and the willingness to, not only overthrow the civilian government but to stage terror attacks inside the United States in concert with foreign intelligence agencies. (Israeli Mossad)
This is not conjecture. One such potential attack may well have happened yesterday, perhaps a “test run.†The report of this wild conspiracy theory came to me from a retired Air Force pilot who flew nuclear-armed F-111’s for a living.
He indicated that the mysterious explosions that took place in Indiana yesterday do not pass the “sniff test.†The retired Air Force colonel responds below, one with top security clearances and a career of special operations behind him.
This is his assessment:
There are two people dead and they will not release their names so far.
The damage area looks like about 4-6 500 pounders, MK-82 Low Drag hard bombs or two 2, 000 pounders.
The wife also said that there is a Russian neighborhood and the Arab neighborhood earlier mentioned very near to the explosion. If the Feds release a bombshell, I will email you back. (Redacted)
Has the long warned of “drone war†inside America actually begun? One legitimate expert thinks so.”
My response: Solving this mystery explosion is going to require assembling bits and pieces like this. A Colonel is a high rank and that carries credibility. There is no doubt that the government has gone fully rogue and we should expect to be seeing more of these mysterious explosions. The fact that Fema and the DHS were on scene within 3 minutes pretty much says it all. Those types of agencies do not respond while the dust is still in the air unless they did it themselves.
Springfield “gas explosion” likely a psy op
Bomb arrived AFTER the gas stink wore off
LET ME REPEAT: They smelled natural gas, evacuated the area, and 45 minutes after the smell of gas was gone, an explosion happened that could have only been caused by a huge ordinance blast
There are serious problems with the story, and I now believe the new method is going to now be to set off “gas explosions” where the gas company shows up for a reported smell and then the bomb gets dropped
The first problem is the color of the explosion. Look up the “shock and awe” footage from the Iraq war and compare those blasts to this blast. It’s a perfect match for “shock and awe.” The biggest problem however, is the amount of devastation, and the story line. The story line is: There was a smell of gas prior to the blast, and the place got evacuated. Firefighters and the gas company showed up for the smell of gas. The gas company looked all over that club for a gas leak, and found no leak. The smell of gas had dissipated and was no longer there, so they figured wtf, and were packing up to leave when the place blew up
Extrapolation, what probably happened
U.N. GI blue hat “New World Orders” Joe was sent to the strip club with a can of natural gas stink. Gas has no odor, they add that smell to it so people know when it is leaking. But it’s just an aftermarket stink they add, and a little can of it goes a long way. GI U.N. NWO Joe hates America and had no qualms about setting off a little stink bomb, especially if he knows that everyone will leave because of it before there is a smart bomb on the way, and THIS TIME, after that Indianapolis blast, he knows that to run his little psy op, people need to start believing that natural gas is a military grade weapon because it’s not yet socially acceptable in America to just kill dissidents at will, and speed is needed for the next step in the NWO plan. It’s just too difficult to send assassins now that people know the gig, people know about “boston brakes” anonymous detention, suicides, the whole 9 yards and they need to now just cut to the chase and do drone strikes like in Afghanistan because the sheeple are waking up and time is wasting. So “natural gas” needs a whole new “attitude” and re-education of the populace with regard to it’s fury needs to be done post haste.
There is too much public record of what natural gas is capable of. We all know it does not level neighboring buildings or blow windows out and knock homes off foundations a block away. But to do a good job militarily, that type of power is needed and to get a blast big enough to kill someone with certainty, the neighbor’s house has to go too. So now they have the fire department saying there was a gas smell, the gas company saying there was a gas smell, and then BOOM, the big boy goes off.
The major underlying problem with all of this is that the bomb arrived too late for some reason.
Either Joe played with the stink and used some for fun, or our illiterates the schools are now graduating did not get the calculations right and the stink was gone before the blast happened. Or maybe they could not get the drone started on cue. The firefighters and gas company came, they saw, they found no gas, the smell was gone, they were leaving, and BOOM. And it was a BIG boom. Totally erased that club, And I call BULLSHIT. And I mean ERASED. Glass thrown for blocks. Speaker magnets laying in rubble. Bricks everywhere, totally stripped of the concrete mortar, All from a “gas leak” that was looked for, not found, SMELL GONE, WITH PROFESSIONALS ON SCENE SAYING, WELL, THERE IS NOTHING HERE, TIME TO GO, AND THEN BOOM!
And when you see the picture of the buildings ACROSS THE STREET, HARDENED BRICK AND MORTAR, NOT WOOD BUILDINGS ACROSS THE STREET, THIS WAS OBVIOUSLY A BOMB. Watch the shock and awe videos from the Iraq war, and watch the video of this blast. Notice the color spectrum IN THE VIDEOS. Don’t use the photographs of this blast because “they” are playing with the contrast/saturation in the pictures, to hide the real light spectrum (a tell all) but the video is still original color.
They killed the newscast video which had all of this minutes after I linked it. It’s gone. But it was the local WWLP covering it, and had all of the info, about how the gas company and firefighters were packing up and leaving after finding nothing in an inspection, and there was no smell because it had gone away and THEN it blew up. With the video removed I can’t prove it with their own video anymore but I do have some quotes I transcribed while doing this article.
These are quotes from the newscast
“This is where the scores gentlemans club once stood we can tell here that it is destroyed, in addition there is glass all over the neighborhood, Buildings being evacuated, windows blown out of other buildings”
“This is right near fire department headquarters in springfield, we understand firefighters came into this area after a very strong smell of gas. This is near Northington and Chester streets in Springfield, right in their entertainment district.”
“People felt this as far as West Springfield and Wilberham, they heard that huge explosion and felt the ground vibrating.”
“We understand there were gas company workers there addressing this gas leak, they had been there for about an hour, felt that they had wrapped up their work and were just getting ready to leave when this happened.”
My comments, on the obvious ramifications of these quotes
Gas company workers and firefighters are NOT GOING TO LEAVE A SCENE WHERE THEY ARE SMELLING GAS UNTIL IT IS SOLVED. “in the hour prior to this blast” does not mean “at the time of blast”.
Ok, so the gas workers were there for an hour and found NOTHING. WTF is up with that? They found NOTHING and were “packing up to leave” and then BOOM. And it was an EPIC boom, a 2, 000+ pound bomb blast type boom, throwing bricks and breaking windows for blocks. Once again, how much energy can be present with a given amount of oxygen and a certain amount of gas? Not enough to do this, especially if people were walking around the building looking for a gas leak prior to this, even if it was as bad as the max possible which is certainly not enough for this, they would not have been able to even go in without getting poisoned by the gas. And if the smell was still there, they would not have been “packing up to leave”, firefighters and gas workers just don’t do that.
The “gas leak” might have just been a can of old fashioned fart spray for all we know, but it is obvious from this report that whatever caused this blast could not possibly have been gas if you apply an ounce of thought to just the fact that the firefighters and gas workers had decided to leave when things went boom. Then there is the damaged area, which is totally out of character for gas, and TOTALLY on par with a heavy bombing during a war.
So you can forget about your guns, your bow and arrow, or whatever else you have, just bring your propane stove and throw it at “them” when they come for you, the following blast will level everything for at least a block. for $45 spent at Wal Mart, you can have what it takes to do Rambo proud.
Bottom line? IF GAS COULD DO THIS, IT WOULD BE CONSIDERED A WEAPON AND BANNED. People would be buying scuba tanks, and pressurizing them with a perfect gas/oxygen mixture and making bombs that way. In fact, that would be the ONLY way to do things if gas really was THAT BAD.
The following picture was taken at the center of the blast, looking out at the surrounding buildings. Look at the concrete dust in the debris, which will only happen from a high intensity explosion, not natural gas. Look at all the perfectly separated bricks. That does not happen easily. Look at the surrounding buildings. This was at least a 2, 000 pound bomb, something really big. We have a nation to save if our government is going to get violent and peddle bullshit like this.
Shock and awe anyone? Yes, yes indeed.
How big was that bomb?
As I looked over the pictures from the night club blast and the damage to buildings blocks away, natural gas was the last thing on my mind. Unlike the Indianapolis neighborhood which had wooden structures that are easy to destroy, this particular blast happened in a business district with solid brick and mortar. Natural gas should have done little other than blow the windows out of the building the explosion happened in.
I have already looked at many war time photos, photos taken in the Arab world where pretty much everything is built as strongly as the night club and surrounding area was, and I never saw any type of single blast bomb damage that even approached what happened there. Go through the photos of Israel’s recent attack on Gaza and look at the type of damage the bombs did there. You can at least recognized a structure existed. Not so for the night club, it was completely erased and neighboring buildings look as badly damaged as the directly hit buildings in Gaza.
This field of bricks is where the night club once stood. Typically in warfare you won’t get this level of devastation from a single bomb blast, this would be expected of a carpet bombing with normal bomb sizes yet it happened in one big boom. This was something big, 10, 000 pounds perhaps?
There are different levels of ordnance and typically in warfare you will have 100, 200, 500, 1000, and 2, 000 pound bombs. Most typically used sizes are below 500 pounds. Any bomb size, even the little ones, will totally out perform any natural gas blast. So how big was that bomb, and WHAT was the reason for it?
Obviously, for some political reason, “natural gas” needs an image upgrade
I would like to know the reason. They had their scenario ready to go. They got their smell of gas at the scene, witnessed by firefighters and the gas company, and there is no doubt that the official story will call this gas and drive it home with 9 inch nails. But have you ever tried to trick a two year old? One famous trick is when the two year old eats something like a cookie, to pretend you pulled it out of their tummy simply by hiding a different cookie in your hand, and then rubbing the child’s tummy for a second or two and then show the child the other cookie. Any two year old will think you stole their cookie right out of their tummy. To an adult the trick is obvious, after all the cookie was chewed and there is no way it is anything but gone. But a trusting two year old who has not yet learned to think about what is possible, will fall for the ruse every time. And people will probably fall for this “gas explosion”, where a little gas stink (which had already vanished before the blast) was traded for military ordinance.
So the question is not “was it a gas explosion, ” the question is, instead, WHY are they suddenly souping up the image of what natural gas is capable of? This bomb blast was easily a 2, 000 pounder if not more. There are bombs up to 40, 000 pounds now, and I really don’t know what they thought the limit was this time. But it was something big, really big, much bigger than Indianapolis.
Perhaps they want to set a precedent for drone strikes so they can false flag dissidents to death under the guise of natural gas. Perhaps they want an excuse to go into homes and perform inspections for anything but natural gas, using gas as the excuse, because gas is really dangerous you know, and we have to go into your home and check things out several times a year to make sure you do not blow the neighborhood up, and if you don’t let us in you are a jerk who belongs in a detention camp because you really don’t care about anyone. You are just a dink who would sooner see the neighbors die on behalf of your furnace than give up a little privacy. What a jerk you are.
I had a reader send me a mail saying that it might even be probable that now that they have false flagged nuclear to the fringe, that they are going after other clean and reliable sources of energy. After all, enough of these blasts will certainly scare the public. What a victory it would be for the NWO crowd if they managed to get us to give up natural gas – we use it just about everywhere.
Knowing the real reason for this psy op is not as important as one simple thing which can stop it in it’s tracks, and it is for the public to stop being a bunch of non thinking two year olds and simply pop the question – Gas can’t do that, how big was that bomb?
Click on the following photo from above to enlarge: