140 Obama Crimes
Fred Dardick
Ever since Obama took office we have witnessed the dismantling of our nation by a man who takes his golf game more seriously than his daily intelligence briefing. The sheer volume of his illicit actions is in many ways overwhelming. You might be able to come up with a few examples during a conversation, but who could possibly keep track of them all? So I have been keeping a list of every dastardly deed Obama has pulled since he made it into the public eye. From using massive voter fraud to steal the 2008 Democratic primary to his sponsoring of a Marxist inspired Kenyan constitution that is guaranteed to lead that country to ruin, they’re all here for your consideration.
For this post and others like it check out my blog Conservative Spotlight.
- Obama and Bill Ayers waste over $300 million in educational grants meant to improve minority academic outcomes on radicalizing school children.
- Obama didn’t write Dreams from My Father, Bill Ayers did.
- Directing tens of millions in Illinois state dollars to corrupt Chicago slumlords.
- Opposing legislation that required medical care for late-term abortion babies born with a “reasonable likelihood of sustained survival”.
- Michelle Obama’s patient dumping scheme at The University of Chicago Hospitals.
- Obama’s 2005 home purchase with the assistance of convicted felon Tony Rezko.
- Obama’s 2006 trip to Kenya to campaign for his “cousin” and mass murderer Raila Odinga.
- As the son of a foreign national Obama is not constitutionally eligible to be President of the United States.
- Obama’s theft of the 2008 Democratic primary.
- Providing up to date campaign donor lists to ACORN that were more complete than the ones he gave the FEC.
- Accepting millions in illegal foreign and domestic campaign contributions.
- The trillion dollar Obama stimulus program that was little more than a handout to public sector unions and down payment on the fictional “green energy” economy.
- Millions in stimulus funds spent on Democratic Party propaganda.
- The 40 plus White House czars who are not accountable to Congress or the American people.
- Reassigning control of the Census Bureau from the Commerce Department directly to the White House.
- Protecting union interests and defrauding bondholders during GM bankruptcy proceedings.
- Discriminatory practices against white and rural owned dealerships during the reorganization of GM and Chrysler.
- Interior Secretary Ken Salazar canceling 77 properly filed oil field development contracts approved by the Bush administration.
- First of many gold plated vacations on the taxpayer dime.
- Abandoning the War on Terror.
- “Felony Stupid” Operation Fast and Furious.
- Race based voter fraud policies and dismissal of voter intimidation charges against the New Black Panther Party.
- Refusing to purge voter lists of dead and ineligible voters as required by law.
- Disenfranchising military voters by refusing to enforce the MOVE Act.
- Politically biased hiring practices in the Civil Rights Division that favors liberal candidates over attorneys with a conservative background.
- Unfounded criminal prosecution of CIA officers for torture.
- Unlawful dismissal of the CAIR terrorist cases.
- Trying to prosecute foreign caught terrorists in US civilian courts.
- Using the FACE Act to curb the free speech rights of abortion protestors.
- Suing an Illinois school district for not granting leave to a first year Muslim teacher who demanded three weeks off in middle of the semester for pilgrimage to Mecca.
- Persecuting Christians in Michigan in violation of the principles separating church and state.
- Attempting to intimidate the Gallop Organization from releasing unemployment data that was critical of the Obama administration.
- Firing Inspector General Gerald Walpin for investigating sexual predator and Obama friend Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson.
- Politicization of the FOIA process by the Department of Homeland Security.
- Selective processing of FOIA requests based on political affiliation by the Department of Justice.
- Proposed FOIA regulation that would allow the government to lie about the existence of documentation.
- Obstruction of a Congressional investigation by the National Labor Relations Board.
- Blocking GAO investigations into fraud and abuse in the federal government.
State Department/Foreign Policy
- Failing to secure a US military presence in Iraq following the war.
- Massively escalating the war in Afghanistan.
- Obama’s shadow war in East Africa.
- The lopsided START agreement with Russia.
- Empowering Iran to stomp out the Green Revolution and pursue an industrial sized nuclear weapons program.
- Siding against the people and constitution of Honduras by demanding the reinstatement of legally deposed Honduran President Manuel Zelaya.
- Arming Israel’s enemies in the Middle East and endangering its military superiority in the region.
- Publicly revealing Israel’s involvement in the killing of Iranian nuclear scientists to NBC News.
- Making anti-Semitism cool again.
- Betraying Great Britain over the Falkland Islands.
- Spending $18 million to help produce a Marxist inspired Kenyan constitution that legalizes abortion, promotes Sharia Law and stamps out freedom of speech.
- Throwing Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood wolves.
- Lying about not having prior knowledge on release of the Lockerbie Bomber and then trying to pin the blame on BP.
- Promising to support the establishment of an independent Palestinian state and then going back on his word.
- Unsanctioned by the US Senate war in Libya.
- Trying to hand over control of international arms sales to the UN.
- Making it illegal to go to war without UN permission and placing US military personnel at risk to international prosecution.
- Redistributing US income to the international community on a never before seen scale.
- Supporting international efforts to criminalize free speech criticism of Islam.
- UN supported slaughter of farmers in Honduras and Uganda to make land available for carbon credits and biofuel production.
- Increase in discretionary spending that began when Democrats took Congress in 2006 and accelerated under Obama to record levels that now make up the lion’s share of our current annual deficit.
- Expanding health care expenditures that according to the CBO will exceed all other federal discretionary spending by 2016.
- Overseeing a 46% increase in food stamp use that increases government dependence and creates millions of new loyal Democratic voters.
- Keeping his campaign promise to cause electricity (and gas) prices to “necessarily skyrocket”.
- Massive increase in federal regulations under Obama that will cost up to 3 million jobs and $488 billion.
- New IRS licensing regulation that could put up to 350,000 tax return preparers out of work.
- Doing absolutely nothing to address the biggest potential catastrophe facing our nation: the debt crisis.
- Preventing the extraction of up to 3 trillion gallons of oil buried under federal land in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, more than enough to end US dependence on foreign oil and supply our energy needs for a couple hundred years.
- Falsely indicating that a panel of experts had agreed with the Energy Department’s Gulf Coast drilling moratorium when in actuality none of them supported the measure.
- Implementing a third oil-drilling moratorium after the first two were thrown out of court creating a de facto Gulf Coast offshore drilling ban in opposition to two judicial rulings.
- Energy Department wasting billions on guaranteed to fail green energy companies and then lying about it to Congress.
- Putting off a decision on the Keystone XL pipeline that could bring affordable energy to the US and create thousands of jobs.
- Banking America’s financial future on a green energy economy that creates no jobs, is prohibitively expensive and will cause whatever manufacturing we have left to move overseas where energy is cheaper.
- Preventing US industries from taking full advantage of our rich oil, coal, natural-gas, and timber natural resources with expensive and unnecessary regulations.
- EPA implementing multi-billion dollar cap and trade regulations even though they failed in Congress and will have almost no effect on global carbon emissions.
- Using disproven science to support EPA plans to regulate hydraulic fracturing.
- “Sue and Settle” fraud in which the EPA pays environmental groups to sue for regulations and then immediately settle out of court to implement green agenda they would not otherwise pursue on their own.
- Department of Interior attempt to grab control of millions of acres of public and private land in Western states by designating them national monuments.
- Implementing “green energy” regulations that will cost the US 1.44 million jobs.
- EPA cross-state air pollution rule that was struck down in federal court because it went far beyond the agency’s powers as granted by Congress.
- Shutting down the $30 billion national nuclear waste disposal site at Yucca Mountain for political reasons.
- Using fake data to make electric vehicles seem more fuel efficient than they really are.
- Handing over control of the oceans to the federal government via executive order.
National Security
- Obama’s pledge to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that he will have “more flexibility” after the election to cave on contentious issues like missile defense.
- Diverting money away from a critically needed ballistic missile defense system due in 2013 for one that won’t be ready until 2020 at best.
- Ordering the FBI to read foreign caught terrorists their Miranda rights thus encouraging them to keep silent.
- UN Ambassador Susan Rice and the White House lying about the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens in Libya, insisting it was a spontaneous mob action when in reality it was a well designed terrorist attack.
- Trying to give the federal government the right to detain American citizens for an indefinite period of time without due process.
- Declaring a drawdown date for Afghanistan before the surge was even implemented.
- Multiple national security leaks from the White House including details on cyberattacks against the Iranian nuclear weapons program and the Osama bin Laden raid.
- Disclosing the death of Osama bin Laden before reviewing information gathered at the Abbottabad compound for actionable intelligence.
- Catch and release policy for terrorists since the administration won’t lock them up at Guantanamo Bay.
- Department of Homeland Security spending millions on monitoring the web for critics of its policies.
- Trying to strip provisions out of the Iran Sanctions Bill that provides compensation to victims of the 1983 Hezbollah bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut.
- Obama skipping out on more than half of his daily intelligence briefings instead relying on written reports distributed on his iPad.
- Forcing 157 Air Force Majors near retirement to retire early without full benefits in opposition to longstanding Department of Defense policy.
- Proposed nuclear scientist exchange program with China that was a golden invitation for espionage and would compromise our nuclear secrets.
- Halting the deportation of young illegal immigrants via executive order after the DREAM Act stalled in Congress.
- ICE Director John Morton prohibiting officers from enforcing US immigration laws outside the institutional setting leading the ICE union to vote “no confidence” in his leadership.
- Providing false data that made it seem illegal immigrant deportations were at an all time high under Obama.
- Failure to secure our borders and holding border states and residents politically hostage during a time they are being overrun by a narco-paramilitary invasion.
- Refusing to sue sanctuary cities for violating US immigration law while proceeding with a lawsuit against the State of Arizona for enforcing US immigration law.
- Proceeding with criminal charges against Border Patrol agent Jesus Diaz, Jr. for “violating the constitutional rights of an illegal alien drug smuggler” even though he had already been twice cleared by investigators.
- Labor Department PR campaign offering legal assistance for illegal immigrants facing wage discrimination.
- Obama recess appointment of union lawyer and activist Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) which is supposed to act as an unbiased arbiter between businesses and private sector employees.
- Politically motivated NLRB lawsuit against Boeing for establishing a 787 production line in the right to work state South Carolina and then lying about it to Congress.
- NLRB micro-union decision that allows as few as two to three employees within a company to unionize based on job description alone.
- Allowing “ambush elections” that cuts the time employers have to respond to a unionizing effort from 40 days to as few as 17.
- NLRB card check decision that bans secret ballot elections and opens up unionizing efforts to abuse.
- Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis overturning regulations that required unions to disclose financial information on executive compensation and data on “no-show” jobs.
- Appointment of former SEIU official John Lund to the Office of Labor-Management Standards where he proceeded to cut the number of labor union investigators by half and advise unions how to circumvent reporting requirements.
- Requiring replacement workers during a union strike to file their personal information with the Department of Labor making them vulnerable to retribution by union officials.
- Using the reconciliation process meant for taxes, spending and debt legislation to pass ObamaCare in the Senate after Scott Brown won the special election in Massachusetts.
- Buying votes for ObamaCare including the “Cornhusker Kickback”, “Louisiana Purchase” and “Gator Aid” and spending $2.8 billion to secure the support of the AARP.
- Vastly underestimating the financial burden of ObamaCare that at will cost American taxpayers and businesses up to $1.8 trillion annually.
- Spending $8.3 billion on a phony “demonstration project” that puts off devastating cuts to Medicare Advantage until after the 2012 elections.
- DHS issuing over 1,200 waivers to politically connected businesses and unions making them exempt from expensive ObamaCare requirements while sticking the rest of America with the bill.
- Establishing a 15 member Independent Payment Advisory Board that will have nearly unchecked power to set prices, implement rationing and make whatever healthcare decisions they want without any meaningful oversight from Congress or input from the American people.
- Obama’s false promise that “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it” when in reality millions will lose their current coverage within 3 years according to the administration’s own estimates.
- Hiding the fact that ObamaCare is the largest tax increase in American history with 75% of the costs falling on those who make less than $120K a year.
- Legalizing taxpayer funding for abortion in violation of the Hyde Amendment.
- Making Catholic organizations pay for contraception in violation of their beliefs and the First Amendment which guarantees freedom of religion.
- The Community Living Assistance Services and Support provision of ObamaCare that is so prohibitively expensive that even HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius admits it is unworkable.
- HHS gutting of work requirements for able bodied adults receiving welfare as mandated by 1996 welfare reform law.
- Recess appointment of healthcare radical Donald Berwick as head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) without even a token attempt to put him through the Senate nomination process.
- CMS threatening Texas and Indiana with loss of Medicare grants should they stop handing money over to Planned Parenthood.
Crony Capitalism
- White House pressuring a 4 star Air Force general to change his testimony when he was set to testify against Democratic donor owned LightSquared.
- Pressuring the OMB to approve $535 million loan for Obama donor owned Solyndra even though there wasn’t enough time for a proper risk assessment.
- Directing almost 80% of EPA green energy loans to Obama donors.
- $443 million purchase of an experimental, exceedingly expensive and totally unneeded smallpox vaccine from longtime Democratic donor Ronald O. Perelman.
- Publicly calling out private citizens who oppose Obama’s reelection campaign as “betting against America”.
- New national education standards that call for sexual education to begin in kindergarten.
- Using No Child Left Behind waivers to cement control of public school education by the federal government.
- FCC second try at net neutrality regulations after their first attempt was thrown out of court.
- FCC abusing its power to approve telecom mergers to implement new regulations.
- Setting a new record for nominating unqualified judges to the federal courts.
- Rewriting the Export-Import Bank charter allowing it to compete in the domestic loan business even though Obama had no statutory power to do so.
- White House job offer to Rep. Joe Sestak to encourage him to drop out of the 2010 Pennsylvania Democratic Senate primary.
- Unlawful recess appointments in January 2012 while Congress was still in session.
- Desecrating 9/11 by renaming it National Day of Service to deflect attention away from pro-national defense conservatives towards anti-military community organizers.
- Making the Dalai Lama exit the White House through a service entrance past piles of garbage in an effort to appease China.
- Awarding the Medal of Freedom to Marxist Dolores Huerta while at the same time banning Polish anti-communist hero Lech Walesa from attending the ceremony.