Trump: I Never Mentioned Israel to the Russians

(Getty Images)

By Bill Hoffmann

President Donald Trump insisted he never mentioned Israel to Russian officials during a conversation in Washington in which he reportedly revealed classified information believed to have come from the Middle East ally.

“Just so you understand, I never mentioned the word or the name Israel,” Trump told reporters ahead of a bilateral session with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, CNN reports.

The commander in chief, who is on his first foreign trip as president, then scolded journalists, telling them, “You have another story wrong.”

However, news reports on the revelations never claimed Trump revealed Israel as the source,  just that he shared the information with the Russians.

Trump has been under fire for allegedly telling Russian officials during their Oval Office meeting earlier this month that ISIS had stolen airport security equipment to test a bomb that could be hidden in electronic devices as well as the origin of that intel in Syria.

U.S. intelligence then asked NBC not to report specifics about the equipment that ISIS stole, where it stole it, and the name of the Syrian city where the intel was gathered.

The New York Times reported that classified intelligence Trump  disclosed was provided by Israel, which the newspaper said “adds a potential diplomatic complication to an episode that has renewed questions about how the White House handles sensitive intelligence.”


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