Why are Buzzfeed employees joking about a Trump assassination?


Ludicrously claims leaked chat doesn’t suggest bias

Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.com

BuzzFeed has responded to the revelation that its employees joked about President Trump being assassinated by ludicrously claiming that such talk doesn’t reflect “bias” at the organization.

Former BuzzFeed employee Tim Gionet dropped a bombshell when he leaked screenshots from a private chat which featured BuzzFeed’s Director of Social Media Maycie Thornton joking about someone assassinating Trump.

“Maybe someone will assassinate him,” said Thornton.

Other BuzzFeed employees responded by laughing, having previously written of how much they missed Barack Obama.

BuzzFeed responded with a statement claiming that Thornton was not an employee, despite the fact that she describes herself as BuzzFeed’s “director of social media”.

“While the remark in question is regrettable, it was made in private by someone who is not a reporter nor even an employee of BuzzFeed News. Attempting to turn a throwaway comment from an entertainment employee into evidence of bias at an affiliated news division is ludicrous,” said BuzzFeed communications director Matt Mittenthal.

A BuzzFeed employee told Infowars that Thornton is in fact an employee at BuzzFeed, just not in the company’s news division, a distinction that matters little.

The claim that BuzzFeed does not operate with a “bias” is also ridiculous given their sustained anti-Trump coverage, which culminated in the infamous fake news ‘pissgate’ dossier that was completely fraudulent.

“This was not the first time BuzzFeed employees talked openly about wishing President Trump would get assassinated, they hated conservatives so much they even held an office party when Justice Scalia died. It was a toxic environment and you were declared a heretic if you were a Trump supporter, bottom line,” Gionet told Big League Politics.

Despite BuzzFeed’s obvious bias, Ben Smith Editor-in-Chief of BuzzFeed News, claimed last night during an appearance on Tucker Carlson’s show that the organization doesn’t discriminate against conservatives.

The three BuzzFeed employees exposed as joking about President Trump’s assassination subsequently set their Twitter accounts to private after the revelations about their chat were published.




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