FAKE NEWS: “The Underground Report” on Obama running pedophile ring from White House


by Dr. Eowyn
Fellowship of the Minds

A post today by trollsmasher5388 on The Underground Report blog made a bombshell of a claim — that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said that Obama had run a pedophile ring out of the White House. The post begins with this paragraph:

Julian Assange unveiled another bombshell Sunday evening, alleging that wikileaks now has hard proof that former President, Barack Hussein Obama, operated and participated in a pedophile ring based in the white house.

But trollsmasher5388 does not say on what medium or on what date Assange “unveiled” that bombshell “Sunday evening”. Since an image of Sean Hannity and Julian Assange on Fox News is above the paragraph that begins “Julian Assange unveiled . . . ,” the reader is left with the impression that Assange had “unveiled” that bombshell  on the Hannity Show last night (“Sunday evening”), except trollsmasher5388 doesn’t actually say that.

Trollsmasher5388 then proceeds to assert that:

A leaked email released today read,

“A young boy the age of 5. He will make the perfect catamite for the president. He will arrive from Romania on Tuesday. I’m sure the president will be pleased.”

But trollsmasher5388 does not say where that email was “leaked,” nor does he identify his source, nor does he provide readers with a link to the email. In fact, in trollsmasher5388’s entire post, there is not even one source link, embedded or otherwise. All of which means the reader cannot verify any of the sensational claims made by trollsmasher5388, which is irresponsible journalism at best, and just plain “fake news” at worst.

The Underground Report‘s readers swallowed trollsmasher5388’s fake news hook, line and sinker. The post has 8K+ links on Facebook, and readers posted 105 comments and counting. Curiously, The Underground Report has chosen not to publish a comment I had written 6 hours ago this morning, politely asking what trollsmaser5388’s source(s) are and where the video of Assange’s interview with Hannity is.

I also failed to find trollsmasher5388’s claims on the following sites, which you can verify for yourself:

  • WikiLeaks’ Twitter feed @wikileaks: No mention of Julian Assange saying that Obama ran a pedophile network
  • Sean Hannity’s TV show, Hannity, on Fox News: The most recent interview Hannity conducted was not yesterday, Feb. 19, but Friday, Feb. 17, with Jay Sekulowe on Trump administration’s leaks.
  • Sean Hannity’s radio talk show, The Sean Hannity Show: Nothing on Julian Assange
  • Sean Hannity’s Twitter feed @seanhannity: Nothing, nada, zilch.
  • YouTube: The most recent video of a Julian Assange interview on Hannity is the one more than a month ago on January 3, 2017.

Conclusion: trollsmasher5388’s post on The Underground Post blog is rank fake news.

It’s fake stuff like this that provides ammunition to the MSM and the Left to discredit the Alternative Media.

Shame on The Underground Post!

And shame on the indiscriminate readers of The Underground Post who swallowed and further propagate its lies via Facebook links and email, which is how I found out about it, from an email. The sender of the email knows who she is.


*Now here’s what the alternative fake news from The Underground Report looks like below:



The Underground Report

Julian Assange unveiled another bombshell Sunday evening, alleging that wikileaks now has hard proof that former President, Barack Hussein Obama, operated and participated in a pedophile ring based in the white house.

A leaked email released today read,

“A young boy the age of 5. He will make the perfect catamite for the president. He will arrive from Romania on Tuesday. I’m sure the president will be pleased.”

“The leak is bound to start a massive investigation”, Assange said. “That is if we can get the word out before the news is swallowed up by the Obama shadow government.”


Obama has not yet responded for comment.

Other notables named in the report as being involved in the ring are the following:

Bill Clinton

Hillary Clinton

Tim Kaine

Elizabeth Warren

Jimmy Carter

Harry Reid

Ben Affleck

Cory Booker

Al Franken

Nancy Pelosi


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