(N.Morgan) In a stomach-turning new “comedy” on FOX, it presents a show that features a 6-year-old boy wearing a bondage gag.
The child on the show is portraying a transgender and is seen wearing the gag after burning his tongue licking a hot grill at a Benihana style restaurant in exchange for $1,000 from his older teenage brother.
“The Mick” show premiered on FOX and aired on January 1st, 2017.
It was created by Dave Chernin and John Chernin, both sons of top Hollywood executive Peter Chernin.
There are other scenes in which the child actor is dressed like a girl and comments how the dress he’s wearing “kind of breezes on my vagina.”
Another disturbing scene shows the boy celebrate after a man’s eye is impaled in front of him by a woman’s high-heeled shoe.
As blood is shooting on the boy’s face and clothes, he exclaims, “cool!”
Another forced scene highlighted by Newsbusters shows one of the characters awkwardly praising Planned Parenthood, plugging how they provide “health care to over three million women in this country.”
Sam Hyde’s show was canceled from Adult Swim for jokes vaguely referencing the alt-right, utter filth like this is aired during prime time on FOX.
There have been several updates to this story, mainly many websites and other forums have censored it from being seen.
One has to wonder what FOX and the creators of this show were actually thinking..
This sort of bizarre humor is tastless and children should’t be allowed to be involved in the making of such a show.