President Obama referred to himself 75 times in his farewell address Tuesday night, according to a review of his prepared remarks by The Daily Caller.
Obama heavily promoted the speech, penning a blog post about it and appearing in a promotional video in the days leading up to the address. (RELATED: Obama Mentions Himself 45 Times During Memorial Speech For Dallas Officers)
Obama said “I” 33 times during the speech, “my” 20 times, “me” 10 times, and “I’m” or “I’ve” 12 times.
The president made a habit of focusing large chunks of his speeches on himself during his eight years in office.
Last July, for example, he mentioned himself 45 times over the course of a speech given at a speech for the slain Dallas police officers.
In his blog post promoting the speech, Obama encouraged Americans to tune in “because, for me, it’s always been about you.”