By John Barnwell
Hillary Clinton, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, Bill Clinton, Lynn Forester de Rothschild
In light of recent events, could it be that the greatest opponent of president-elect Donald Trump is the British trillionaire Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild? This is revealed through a series of emails between Hillary Clinton and noted globalist oligarchess Lady de Rothschild; wherein, the normally curt and acerbic Hillary demonstrates an uncharacteristic groveling obeisance to a private British peer while serving as US Secretary of State. Just what influence is Madame Secretary peddling here, I wonder?
This video is by the brave journalist David Seaman, who, if you recall, was dropped from Huffington Post for even mentioning Hillary Clinton’s health. By the way, in the video Seaman also mentions his being threatened, and makes a point of stating his general happiness and mental health to rule out his being “suicided” by some “sheep-dipped” mercenary, or soldier-of-fortune. Solvitur ambulando, as they say.
VIDEO: Rothschilds Own Hillary Clinton: Isn’t That Nice?
Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton/Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild emails:
P.S. It’s not over ’till the woman in the pantsuit is behind bars… Perhaps Donald Trump should be concerned about MI-6, as to his personal safety and well-being?