Computer Vote Rigging and the Coming Chaos in the Streets of the USA

Lot’s of talk about vote rigging this year but the investigation into the rigging at a Master Computer Tabulator Level pretty much proves that your vote, my vote, EVERYONE’S vote does not matter…. 

Fraction Magic

Knowing that the Bad Guys don’t really care who wins the election as long as there’s massive chaos should reinforce your efforts to prepare for anything over the next few days, weeks and months. 

It’s gonna get really ugly out in the streets of my home country…the United States of America. They are deliberately pitting one side of America against the other so we won’t even know who the real enemy is! 

Decades of massive gun sales to We The People give us a fighting chance but WHO will we be shooting at? …someone who has been just as fooled as we were?

If you are prone to pray in times of trouble…it’s time to get down on your knees.

May the Road you choose be the Right Road. 

Bix Weir


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