VA Scandal: Will it bring down the Obama Administration?

Obama claims he just found out from the media even though the White House was notified in 2008

If ever there was a scandal to bring down the Obama Administration, the VA fiasco is it.  Truly, the numerous and unnecessary deaths of American veterans, while in the care of the Veterans Administration, represents the very worst example of criminal neglect of duty, shocking incompetence of a US institution, and violation of the public trust by the White House.

How can it get any more appalling than letting veterans die who just came back from war zones from around the world?

Just when you thought the scandals which have plagued this Administration couldn’t get any worse, the VA debacle explodes in Phoenix, a city where many vets relocate to acquire desperately needed health care, as well as to retire.

“Pointing out it’s been a month since allegations surfaced in Arizona that 40 vets died waiting for care at a Phoenix VA facility, McCain said the administration has yet to take action.

McCain decried that “hundreds, if not thousands” of vets have suffered “or even passed away” because of the “egregious mismanagement and scheduling delays at the VA.”

Senator McCain said it best when he was quoted as follows:

“To date, the Obama administration has failed to respond in an effective manner,” McCain charged. “This has created in our veterans’ community a crisis of confidence toward the VA – the very agency that was established to care for them.”

This quote sums up what many feel about the past and present performance of the entire Obama Administration. It appears from the literal epidemic of scandals, which has plagued this government since 2008, that Obama has assembled a group of individuals who are not about serving the people as much as they are about serving Obama’s political agenda.  This sole dynamic has created a veritable “crisis of confidence” throughout the nation.

This president is one who appears to never takes responsibility for his failings. He has never been held accountable by his party or the media. In fact, he has been cut more slack than any other president in US history. Such a pattern of governmental ineptitude and malfeasance would have never been tolerated from previous administrations by the American people. Why do they give Obama et al. so much opportunity to conduct themselves in such an unprofessional and amateur manner?  WHY?

Clearly, there are reasons for a record number of scandals occurring on the watch of this one president. With the mainstream media covering for Obama at every turn, one would think that these scandals would never see the light of day; therefore, one wonders what other unseemly behavior has been occurring throughout the US Federal Government — 24/7?


VA Debacle: Yet Another Scandal Engulfs The Obama Administration

These are just a few of the extraordinary headlines which have recently appeared … in the mainstream media which is overwhelmingly sympathetic to President Obama.

Fournier: VA Scandal ‘One of the Lowest Points’ of Obama’s Presidency

VA Supervisor: Older Veterans Should be “Shot in the Head” to Save Money

VA scandal: Why hasn’t anyone been fired yet?

Krauthammer: President Obama ‘can’t run away’ from VA scandal

Why the VA scandal is the real outrage

Obama Let the VA Scandal Become a Political Circus

ABC, National Journal: White House fumbling VA scandal

Obama Faces Feeding Frenzy Over VA Scandal

Each of the preceding stories underscores the same ongoing issues with the White House.  That there has been a cavalier and casual attitude toward each scandal that engulfs Obama has become as incredible as it is inscrutable.  Not only does this Administration attempt to blame the Republicans for every major problem; they go out of their way to NOT fix the problems … and do so with a vengeance.  Of course, their now patented response is now the stuff of legend, and would not be believed were it not for the digital records strewn all over the internet.

What follows are two quite telling headlines, which must be reconciled, if this Administration is to make it through the rest of its term.  If ever there was concrete evidence for obvious failure to prevent a train wreck, this is it!

Jay Carney: Obama First Learned About VA Scandal in the Media

Obama warned about VA wait-time problems during 2008 transition – Washington Times

Clearly, these two stories reflect the political MO that Obama has utilized with great dexterity since his very first day in the White House.  It’s called plausible deniability, and he uses it whenever he thinks the electorate is obtuse enough to believe his prevarication (fancy word for lying).  Below is a MUST SEE video montage in which Obama declares he has found out from the media about how his government has fallen down on the job.

Montage: Obama Discovers Every Scandal Through the Media


Obama’s refusal to fire his VA Chief is a glowing example of his unwillingness to admit the egregious errors and omissions which have taken place on his watch.  It used to be that Obama would throw anybody under the bus as a political expedient — A N Y B O D Y — friend, family member, political ally, donor, family preacher, etc.  Now he keeps them close when there is a full blown crisis, because of the transparent need for a political buffer between himself and the scene of the crime.  Just how cynical will this Administration become before they lose all credibility?!

The VA Secretary should have resigned ten times by now.  First, because of the completely unacceptable and disgraceful performance which occurred under his stewardship. Secondly, if he claims not to have known about the alleged transgressions committed against America’s bravest, why is he even being paid to oversee the Veterans Administration.  Secretaries are compensated generously to monitor performance, not ignore it.

Ditto that appraisal for Barack Obama, perhaps the most disengaged president in the last century.  How many more times will he hang his hat on the canard that he didn’t know.  We pay him to know.  Any corprorate CEO and/or President would have been fired 100x by now.

Michael Thomas
May 13, 2014

Author’s Note:

Author’s Note:

VAgate is just the latest of so many scandals to embroil the Obama Administration. It appears that these folks in the White House thrive on this sort of governance by crisis. Perhaps they would rather the relentless fiascos tell them where the problem areas are so that they can ignore them for the rest of the term.

That the current VA Secretary is still in his position is quite shocking. That President Obama is still in his position is even more surprising. It’s as though the more he screws up, the more his devotees swoon over his epic fails. Who has ever seen such reward for failure in US Presidential history?

Unprecedented, unparalleled, unheard of! When do the impeachment proceedings begin?

Author’s Reference:



Boehner on Veterans Healthcare Scandal: ‘We’ve Let Them Die’

McCain: Obama’s Inaction in VA Scandal Violates ‘Solemn Obligation’

Rep. Paul Broun: VA Scandal Shows Obama’s ‘Disdain’ for Military

McCain: ‘People Should be Going to Jail’ in VA Scandal

Obama Feeling Heat Over Veterans Healthcare Scandal

Harvard Law Prof: Administration Chose Not to Act on VA Scandal

Veterans Group CEO: VA Scandal Is ‘Political Poison’

Sen. Thune: No Sign Obama Understands Depth of VA Scandal

Veterans Administration: The Most Serious Scandal

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