WashPo’s Carl Bernstein Utters the Ridiculous!

MSM reporters never fail to stun with such ignorance … or is it pure propaganda?

SOTN Editor’s Note:
The following article posted in its entirety below has to be read in order to believe the juvenile propaganda now spewed by the major MSM outlets.

Carl Bernstein of Watergate fame has really blown his reputation by writing such obvious nonsense.  That Watergate — a two-bit burglary that Nixon did not even know about in advance because he was being set up by his NWO enemies — is somehow more serious that Emailgate, Servergate and Benghazigate.  Surely Bernstein knows by now that all three scandals are a cover-up for the greatest global crime spree of the modern era.

Here, Carl, have a look at his piece on the Obama-Clinton Crime Syndicate that includes nothing short of high treason, war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity and a vast assortment of other extremely serious felonies.

Why is the Clinton Emailgate Scandal so HUGE?

State of the Nation
October 30, 32016


Carl Bernstein: ‘No Way’ Hillary’s Email Probe Bigger Than Watergate

Image: Carl Bernstein: 'No Way' Hillary's Email Probe Bigger Than Watergate

By Todd Beamon

Journalist Carl Bernstein Saturday beat back assertions by Donald Trump that the FBI’s renewal of its probe into Hillary Clinton’s private email server use was larger than the Watergate scandal that toppled President Richard Nixon, 48 aides and other officials.

Bernstein said on Twitter:

FBI Director James Comey told Congress on Friday that he was reviewing additional e-mails relating to the agency’s investigation into Clinton’s use of a private server after agents discovered them on a laptop shared by longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin and her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner.

The move followed the FBI’s probe into another of Weiner’s “sexting” scandals, revealed in late August when The New York Post published photos of his online exchange with several women, including a 15-year-old girl.

Since Comey’s disclosure by House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz of Utah, Trump has said the probe outsized Watergate.

“This is the biggest political scandal since Watergate — and it’s everybody’s deepest hope that justice at last will be beautifully delivered,” the Republican nominee told a rally at the Phoenix Convention Center in Arizona. “Hillary has no one but herself to blame for her mounting legal difficulties.

“Her criminal action was willful, deliberate, intentional and purposeful,” he added. “Hillary set up an illegal server for the obvious purpose of shielding her criminal conduct from public disclosure.

Bernstein, 72, with Bob Woodward, were reporters at The Washington Post who were assigned to cover the break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate Hotel in June 1972.

Their reporting eventually led to Nixon’s resignation in August 1974.

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