“Facing tremendous pressure …”.
by Jack Davis
According to online polls scoring the second presidential debate Sunday night, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump had a landslide win over Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
With about 659,000 votes in, Trump led Clinton 58.64 percent to 41.36 percent in the Drudge Report Poll.
The Right Scoop’s poll scored 75.77 percent for Trump to 19.92 percent for Clinton.
Breitbart’s poll showed Trump with 93.25 percent while Clinton was at 6.75 percent.
The poll on Mediaite showed Trump ahead 53.21 percent to 46.79 percent.
Variety magazine’s instant poll showed Trump winning 58.61 percent to 41.39 percent.
At BuzzFeed, 63 percent said Trump won against 8 percent for Clinton.
Online polls, in which one respondent can vote multiple times, are not scientific. A post-debate CNN/ORCpoll showed Clinton winning the debate 57 percent to 34 percent. CNN noted that among those being polled, 58 percent said before the debate they supported Clinton. A YouGov poll showed Clinton winning 47 percent to 42 percent.
Voices across Twitter agreed that Trump performed well against Clinton.
Bottom line: he changed the narrative from the #trumptape, was stronger than 1st debate, got under her skin, maybe stopped freefall #debate
— Michael Smerconish (@smerconish) October 10, 2016
If the biggest critique of Trump is ‘I don’t like how he walked,’ that means he won the night & even the Clinton camp knows it… #debate
— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) October 10, 2016
Pundits likewise weighed in on Trump’s side.
“I give this debate to Trump,” wrote William Whalen on Fox News. “Unlike the first debate, when he started strong but fell apart, Trump improved as the night went on. Add to that his decision to bring along the Bill Clinton accusers – the equivalent of Hillary dropping Alicia Machado on Trump at the end of the previous debate – and Trump had good night in terms of strategy and surpassing expectations.”
“Facing tremendous pressure to appear contrite and offer a genuine apology for his comments about taking advantage of women some 11 years ago, Donald Trump did something better: he pivoted,” commentedDouglas E. Schoen on Fox News.
He continued, “Trump emphasized over and over again that Clinton has spent the last 30 years in public service and has little to show for it. He went at her foreign policy record and cited failures in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Iran. After missing opportunities to hit Clinton on her emails and Benghazi, he didn’t let that happen again, bringing up both several times,” he added.