NY Post: Hillary Speech May Have Leaked bin Laden Capture Details

(AP Images)

(AP Images)

By Greg Richter

Hillary Clinton talked about details of the capture and killing of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden in a paid speech before a Toronto business group, the New York Post reports.

The quotes come from hacked emails released by WikiLeaks on Friday which claim to contain partial transcripts of Clinton’s speeches to Wall Street groups that she has declined to release publicly.

“I was in the small group that recommended to the president that he go after bin Laden,” Clinton is quoted as saying.

“The amount of work that was required to get a strong-enough basis of information on which to plan took more than a decade . . . and then all of a sudden putting this matrix together and saying, ‘This guy used to protect bin Laden — he has just made a phone call. He said this in the phone call. We need to figure out where he is. Then we need to follow him.’

“And that is how we found this compound in Abbottabad,” Pakistan where bin Laden was found and killed in a raid in May 2011.

The Post notes that it is not clear if Clinton revealed classified information in the speech, but said that her account does differ from official statements on how bin Laden was located.

Some reports say a Pakistani intelligence officer gave the United States a tip, while others say he was found using “extensive surveillance,” according to the Post.


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